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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Aquatic birds 3
- Aves acuáticas 3
- COVID-19 3
- Pandemia 3
- educación 3
- enseñanza 3
- espectro trófico 3
- formación docente 3
- inclusion 3
- nicho y uso de hábitat 3
- pedagogical practice 3
- primera infancia 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- rendimiento académico 3
- teaching 3
- trophic spectrum 3
- Chemistry 2
- Colombia 2
- Curriculum renewal 2
- Observer 2
- Teacher training 2
- academic performance 2
- aprendizaje 2
- basic education 2
- confinamiento 2
- creencias 2
- cultura 2
- culture 2
- ecological niche 2
- educación básica 2
Published 2015
Rango de tolerancia en la solución de las integrales generadas por el Método de los Momentos (MM) al ser aplicado a la solución de antenas de conductores rectos y finos
“…Range of the tolerance in the solution of integrals for the Moment Method (MM) during the computes of thin antennas of straight wires…”
Digital1081 -
Published 2017
Alexander Soifer. Competitions for young mathematicians: perspectives from five continents
“…Esta serie pone a disposición de la comunidad e investigadores interesados en la educación matemática (EM) las discusiones y presentaciones realizadas durante el 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 13) realizado del 24 al 31 de Julio del 2016 en Hamburgo, y que reúne cada cuatro años un gran número de especialistas en EM.…”
Digital1082 -
Published 2017
Inquietaçoes, decolonialidade e desobediência docente formação inicial de professores/as de artes visuais na América Latina
“…O centro de minhas inquietações está nos processos e ações formativas que constituem os currículos dos cursos de formação inicial docente em Artes Visuais e que legitimam uma matriz de conhecimentos eurocêntrica. …”
Digital1083 -
Published 2011
Biología alimentaria de la gallareta chica Fulica leucoptera en el valle de inundación del río Paraná medio, Argentina
“…The article describes the feeding behavior of the white-winged coot (Fulica leucoptera) by analyzing the stomach contents of 15 individuals with the stereoscopic microscope set to different degrees of taxonomic resolution: trophic spectrum was integrated by 14 taxonomical entities (4 vegetables and 10 animals); trophic diversity by stomach (H) oscillated between 0 and 1,95; accumulative trophic diversity (Hk) was 2,55; relative importance index (RII) values were Paspalum repens 253, Polygonum accuminatum 104, Belostoma 78, among others; trophic niche amplitude by season (estimated by using the Levins index) was 0,72 for summer, 0,46 for spring, 0,8 for fall and 0,86 for winter; prey percentages by size depicted 82% for organisms between 0 and 10 mm; an intestinal coefficient average (R) was 2,84. …”
Digital1084 -
Published 2019
Family Portrait
“…I have been serving among men of his Majesty Charles III. A betrayal has put my name among his enemies."…”
Digital1085 -
Published 2012
Biología alimentaría de la pollona azul Porphyrula martinica (Aves: Rallidae) en el valle de inundación del río Paraná medio, Argentina
“…Resultant spectrum was composed by 16 taxonomical entities, 2 vegetable fractions and 14 animal fractions; trophic diversity by stomach (H) ranged between 0,5 and 1,23; accumulated trophic diversity (Hk) was 2,9; IRI values were as follows: Belostoma sp. 1241, Arachnida n.i. 1134, Paspalum repens 704, Polygonum accuminatum 574; seasonal trophic niche amplitude was 0,88 (summer), 0,7 (spring), 0,76 (fall), and 0,8 (winter); alimentary efficiency was 97,6%; prey sizes percentage was 66% for organisms ranging from 0 to 10 mm; and average intestinal coefficient was 2,72. …”
Digital1087 -
Published 2021
Subjects: “…O principal objetivo deste artigo é fornecer uma nova visão do silêncio como parte fundamental da arte sonora, estabelecendo as relações e coincidências de composições de silêncio em vários contextos culturais. Eu li e aceitei a política de senha UPV * Mostrar senhas:…”
Digital1088 -
Published 2012
Biología alimentaría de la pollona pintada Porphyriops melanops (Aves: Rallidae) en el valle de inundación del río Paraná medio, Argentina
“…The resultant spectrum was composed by 10 taxonomical entities, 7 animal fractions and 3 vegetable fractions; trophic diversity by stomach (H) ranged between 0 and 1, while accumulated trophic diversity (Hk) was 2,57; main IRI values were as follows: Polygonum accuminatum 1204, Planorbidae 872 and Paspalum repens 451; alimentary efficiency was 97,5%; more frequent prey sizes oscillated between 0 and 10 mm; habitat preference was 2,4; and the average intestinal coefficient was 2,79.…”
Digital1089 -
Published 2021
Recuerdos de mi maestro de Antropología – Dr. Manuel Zapata Olivella
“…Memories of my Anthropology professor - Dr. Manuel Zapata Olivella …”