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Published 2023
Con las Alas Abiertas para Volar. Un camino de Vida Artístico en Construcción desde el estudio de la creación escénica y audiovisual
“…In these pages, I want to reconstruct my artistic life story through a qualitative-focused narrative, where I seek to give testimony of my acquired experiences and knowledge through description and documentation. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1041 -
Published 2023
Mujer Decolonial. Puesta en escena con memoria escrita
“…The following written memory comes after the staging of “Mujer Decolonial”, where the creative lab turns into the main methodology for the development of the staging and, at the same time, it allows me to discover new points of view to carry on with my role as a teacher and artist. I divide the process in 4 chapters, distributed as follows: 1. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1042 -
Published 2023
Informe de Pasantía en la Clínica Veterinaria Mascotas Club en la Ciudad de con Énfasis en Control y Prevención en Contagio de Micoplasmosis en Felinos
“…In this internship report I will talk about the role of the veterinary doctor of small species in pets in the daily life of Bogota families and as a student presenting my internship at the veterinary clinic pets club we must train ourselves day by day and constantly to offer effective and concise solutions regarding the health of our patients always offering accurate and timely solutions to also offer a better service.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1043 -
Published 2023
Inmersión cultural Historia de una profesora de danzas
“…Cultural immersion "History of a dance teacher" is an autobiographical research project that collects my personal and social experiences as a teacher and artist, known in my artistic environment as the teacher Helena Patricia Alvarado Prada. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1044 -
Published 2023
Estimación de curvas de costo de abatimiento de emisiones de co2 para una empresa del sector de producción de alimentos en frío en Colombia que produce 3mm de kg de producto anual
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1045 -
Published 2023
Construyendo una carroza carnavalesca: transmisión de saberes tradicionales en el proceso de elaboración de carrozas en el carnaval de negros y blancos de pasto, Nariño, Colombia...
“…“Burlesque”, “Blanco Carnaval”, “Mil Colores”, “Soberbia”, “Survivir”, “Principio y Fin”, “Despojos”, “King de Carnavales”, “Qué raraca reyes”, “Spirit of the jungle” , "Nature is my house", "The Carnival King", "Extinction, crying of the earth", "The bad hour", "Yucuruna and the four elements", "Dream", "The Golden Jaguar", "Abya Yala” and “El Colorado”. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1046 -
Published 2023
Diseño y construcción de un prototipo para la clasificación pitahaya amarilla por tamaño en la finca La Perdomo de la Plata (Huila)
“…The production of yellow pitahaya is increasingly gaining ground as an exotic fruit for export in Colombia; here the target markets have as a criterion the size of the fruit, which is why in the field days this activity is done manually leading to errors in the classification processes, which are evidenced by the rates of return by size, which in the Finca La Perdomo is 4.7% of the total production; to adjust this deviation, the construction of a yellow pitahaya sorting machine by size was proposed; For its development, this project was planned in stages, starting with the criteria defined by the producer, design of the prototype, construction and evaluation of the machine; The results showed that the sizes to be classified are larger and smaller than 8 cm, which are selected from a circular device or hopper which by slow centrifugal movement allows the selection inside the prototype, this operates with a motor of 0.25 Hp and its payload is 80 kg including the weight of the reducer, it is concluded that at design level the conditions of maximum force are met, since this value is 16.59 Mpa and the maximum displacement is a maximum of 0.36 mm. 36mm; according to the safety factor, the machine does not represent a risk of shearing in any of the components.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1047 -
Published 2023
Diseño de un prototipo de sistema de arado mecánico (Tipo Cincel) para terrenos franco-arenosos en la finca Las Flores de Villavieja (Huila)
“…The evaluation of prototypes is based on a morphological matrix with two design alternatives, which focused on increasing the number of plow lines to increase the furrowing of the soil for subsequent planting, according to the above, the prototype plow system composed of 11 lines with a star chisel configuration is the most suitable and convenient option for the farm; when analyzing the chisel using the Von Mises method, it was concluded that the maximum effort supported by it is 83.86 Mpa, which generates a maximum displacement of 0.2282 mm with a design factor of 0. 2282 mm with a design factor of 3.74; the study concludes that in order to achieve a highly efficient design, the client's requirements must be considered conceptually.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1048 -
Published 2023
Efecto antibacteriano del aceite esencial de Cocos nucifera frente a Streptococcus mutans
“…From a 30% dilution, inhibition zones ≥ 15 mm were observed. Conclusion: Cocos nucifera essential oil has an antibacterial effect on S. mutans. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1049 -
Published 2024
Construcción de un cuerpo libre de pecados
“…Through various artistic mediums such as anecdotal writing, photography, installation, sculpture, video, and performance, this project seeks to demonstrate the liberation of my non-binary body and identity through art.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1050 -
Published 2024
Coreografiando Mi Vida, Una Vida de Pasos
“…Choreographing my life: A life of Steps, is the research carried out as part of the culmination of the training process of Miguel Andrés Rodríguez Murillo in the Knowledge Validation project in the Bachelor of Performing Arts at the Antonio Nariño University. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1051 -
Published 2024
Proceso De Implementación Y Mejora: Repositorio Digital De Actos Administrativos De Carácter Misional Dian Seccional Impuestos Bogotá.
“…This work is carried out by integrating the theoretical concepts learned from my teachers. UAN and its objective and purpose is to confront them with my daily activities and practices employment with degree option, carried out for the Tax and Customs Directorate DIAN Nationals.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1052 -
Published 2024
Creación de 4 obras adaptadas para la banda Pa ́SumerCé (Dos guitarras, bajo y batería). Elementos de fusión entre la cumbia, bambuco, salsa, bolero y funk, rock, jazz, disco, coun...
“…All this posed from my electric guitar emphasis.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1053 -
Published 2024
¡Vamos a exponer correctamente! material de enseñanza para la elaboración de textos expositivos orales
“…This need arose after the completion of my pedagogical practices at the Mercedes Nariño Liceo Women's School, an educational practice with students in fifth grade of primary school and sixth in high school, who were asked as an autonomous reinforcement activity to conduct an exhibition. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1054 -
Published 2024
Nivel de Motivación de Logro, Afiliación, Poder y Reconocimiento en Adolescentes entre los 12 Y 17 Años, de la Institución Educativa de la Vereda Sausagua del Municipio de Quinchía...
“…To do that, a quantitative methodology was adopted, with a descriptive method and a group of 50 students chosen through a convenience technique to whom a EM1 motivation scale was applied, based in the McClelland model (1985).…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1055 -
Published 2024
Percepción de los factores de riesgo y protección en un grupo de madres frente al embarazo adolescente: un análisis antes, durante y después del embarazo
“…The objective of the present investigation is to describe the perception of the risk factors and protection of the nursing mothers belonging to the unit My First Steps of the CDI Manos Unidas Family Modality, located in the locality Rafael Uribe with respect to their adolescent pregnancy, A qualitative study, developed in 3 stages, is initially performed with the lactating mothers of the locality who meet the criteria for this research, 8 mothers between the ages of 14 and 19 are selected to whom the semi-structured interview is applied; In stage 2 the transcription and systematization of the information is developed through the program Atlas-ti; from this, the analysis of the content matrix that is obtained from the systematization, we conclude that the risk factors and the protection factors have a significant contrast with the theory since it is a problem that has been worked In previous occasions maintaining high birth rates in pregnancies at an early age.…”
Estudio de caso1056 -
Published 2024
Diseño del plan estratégico de seguridad vial para la alcaldía local de san Cristóbal
“…The organization and procedures are detailed at each stage in such a way that the final production becomes a reference for new exercises of this type in my professional career and in the different mayor's offices of Bogotá.…” -
Published 2024
Desarrollo de un sistema de información web para la gestión y manejo de inventarios de la IPSI Outtajiapulee en Uribía la Guajira
“…The project will be carried out in 4 Sprints, using the Scrum methodology and free software tools such as Python, Django, and MySQL.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1058 -
Published 2024
Asociación entre percepción del vínculo afectivo y dificultades de aprendizaje a nivel atencional y de memoria en niños de 7 a 13 años de la Fundación Semillas de Bendición de la c...
“…The research sample consisted of 20 children, the attention and memory scale of the Neuropsi test and the People in my Life questionnaire were applied to these children. …”
Estudio exploratorio1059 -
Published 2024
Educación Económica y financiera usando el videojuego Island Saver. Desarrollo de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje con estudiantes de grado noveno
“…The research is supported by a disciplinary framework based on proportions and reasons, the financial economic education standards will be used purposed by the "Ministerio Nacional de Educación" in the pedagogical orientation "my plan, my life, and my future"…”
Estudio explicativo1060