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Published 2022
Diseño e implementación de un prototipo de plataforma tipo tijera para el monte y desmonte de cajas de velocidades de cambio para vehículos de 500 kilogramos.
“…Subsequently, calculations and simulation analysis were carried out using SolidWorks software and fin was built to lift a load of up to 500 kg at a maximum height of 750 mm. ally a prototype…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1001 -
Published 2022
Pasantía en el ministerio de comercio industria y turismo
“…Therefore, this project consists of the investigative approach referring to the presentation of the entity, its historical framework, its composition, and performance, in the same way the presentation of my functions that were developed during the internship, showing the capacities and abilities that were acquired throughout the work and learning process. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1002 -
Published 2022
Productos De Gran Rentabilidad En El Banco Scotiabank Colpatria
“…The proposal to be carried out is an internship job for the company Scotiabank Colpatria and the Antonio Nariño University, in order to obtain the respective qualification in the degree option that I must present as a requirement in my economics career, which will take place from the month of August of the year 2021 until the month of November of the same year. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1003 -
Published 2022
Experiencia de vida pedagógica y de gestión de Luis Humberto Rodríguez Carvajal en la danza folclórica como eje transformador de vida en los estudiantes de las escuelas de formació...
“…This research relates my experience lived from the pedagogical and management field in the processes of growth in folk dance as a transforming axis of life in the students of the training schools of the municipality of Facatativá; understood in the years 2006 to 2019 through qualitative methodology, with a narrative writing applying as a data collection tool the interview with students, instructors and secretaries of culture who were part of the process. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1004 -
Published 2022
Caracterización De Los Hábitos Y Estilos Saludables En La Población Adulta En La Vereda Guadual Del Municipio De Supata Cundinamarca
“…Methodology: The study conducted in the village Guadual of the municipality of Supata Cundinamarca, in the adult population of the same is characterized by being in an age range of 18 to 95 years, being 13% youth, 52% adult and 35% in the course of life of old age, was a descriptive study, quantitative cut, It was a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study and an observational part that helped to make a qualitative contribution to the population, by means of the FANTASTIC instrument and the strategy of the Cundinamarca government "I love myself and they want me to be responsible for my health", identifying the healthy lifestyles and habits of each person surveyed. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1005 -
Published 2022
Aditamentos biselados en movimientos de extrusión en incisivos superiores: un análisis de elementos finitos
“…The objective of the study was to analyze variations in tension and deformation in the maxilla, periodontal ligament (LPD), bone and upper incisors during extrusion with aligners using 3, 4 and 5mm beveled abutments in a finite element model (FEM). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1006 -
Published 2022
Dentoalveolar changes caused by extraoral traction and bionator in class ii division 1. Systematic review
“…The A position with both appliances decreased significantly, this was measured differently with each approach: SNA was evaluated for the Bionator (°) and for traction, A-S´ (mm). Conclusion: Both approaches, Bionator and extra-oral traction could be used for Class II division 1 treatment, however, there is insufficient quality and up-to-date evidence in order to determine superior dentoalveolar changes between these two appliances.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1007 -
Published 2022
Una Realidad Aparte_desde el color
“…Because concerns are the ones that occupy the entire text; being this, the making-place, which I chose to reflect on. They are my wishes, and my wishes are for you PAINTWORK. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1008 -
Published 2022
Cafeina-Mateina, La presencia del café y el mate en la vid cotidiana
“…The concern of formulating CAFFEINE-MATEINE was born, as the name of my creation research project. This project idea arises from the acquired own experiences allowed thanks to the continuous integration in two cultures; in this case of Colombia as a native country and Argentina as a country of origin. new encounters of knowledge acquired from everyday life. exploring various materials such as clay, plasticine, flour, soap, photography, video, animation, performance.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1009 -
Published 2022
Pasantía con Equipo de Acompañamiento y Representación Común
“…The possibility of having completed internships in an entity such as the Commission Colombiana de Juristas gave me a lot of growth as a professional every time I I help to expand my knowledge in the topics that it covers, such as Law Humanitarian, International Human Rights Law, Special Jurisdiction for Peace, Transitional Justice and History of our internal armed conflict and how it is has developed in the country. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1010 -
Published 2022
Auxiliar de ingeniería en dirección mantenimiento y proyectos
“…A project assistant at the Acerías Paz del Rio company had to be a skilled person, a leader Civil Engineering, being one of the professions with the most work fields, gave me the opportunity to do my internship at the Acerías Paz del Rio company, being an assistant in engineering in maintenance and project management, having as main functions the support in the preparation of technical sheets, the survey of quantities on site, the support in the preparation of budgets, the support in enforcing established schedules, support to the auditing in general .…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1011 -
Published 2022
Diseño, caracterización y construcción de una celda de electrólisis alcalina para incrementar la eficiencia de producción de hidrógeno a partir de energía solar
“…To improve the results, we reduced the distance between the cell electrodes from 3 mm to 1 mm, and we used better materials for its construction. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1012 -
Published 2022
Continuación y renovación del Parque Isla Aventura, Neiva
“…My love for the city where I grew up leads me to investigate and base on the factors and possibilities that Neiva has to grow as the capital city of Huila. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1013 -
Published 2022
Identificación de Marcadores TRA-l-60, OCT-4, NANOG y S SEA-4 en Muestras de Células Madre Cancerosas de Pacientes Diagnosticados con Cáncer Oral
“…Materials and Methods: It corresponds to an experimental type research, by Immunofluorescence method, 5 μm slices will be routinely deparaffinized and then rehydrated. antigenic recovery will be performed in buffer 10 mm citrate buffer, Ph 6.0 for 15 minutes in an electric pressure cooker. the slides will be incubated in H2O2 1% for 15 minutes, to block endogenous peroxidase. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1014 -
Published 2022
Comportamiento de la fuerza de atracción y repulsión de dos tipos de imanes para movimiento ortodóntico
“…To carry out this, two groups corresponding to the two alloys were classified and each one with three samples corresponding to the thickness of the magnets 4mm, 5mm and 6mm in order to determine the effective force that these generated at a distance of 0 to 6 millimeters. , it is possible to demonstrate through the tests carried out in the universal testing machine an increase in the force generated in the compression test 89.2 g/f for both alloys; For the tension test, a loss of force of 19.2 g/f was observed with increasing distance from the devices to the magnets, with the neodymium magnet presenting the best properties.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1015 -
Published 2022
acompañamiento y asistencia de la división jurídica de la cámara de representantes.
“…As a student of this valuable institution, the Antonio Nariño University, I am proud to be the first to carry out the internship in the honorable Congress of the Republic, opening the doors to my University institution and making the first agreement so that all my colleagues have access to this wonderful experience. , enter directly to the House of Representatives and its Legal Division located in the administrative building doing my corresponding internship in the contracting area , they gave me a lot of growth as a professional since they helped me expand my knowledge on the issues it covers , as is Public Law and state contracting, this allowing me to learn more in depth how contracting is carried out in the House of Representatives, both on public and private issues and that are of great importance to each of the Colombians.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1016 -
Published 2022
Proyecto de prefactibilidad para desarrollar una nueva unidad de negocio de moda en la empresa Jukapa SAS en Bogotá
“…The research has four secondary objectives that are presented throughout the document, in which surv eys are taken from primary sources such as the population in Bogotá, for the collection of data and important information for the approach of the strategy. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1017 -
Published 2022
Diseño y montaje de un sistema de bombeo con capacidad de 0,27 Litros/s para uso agrícola (bebederos de ganado y riegos) de la Finca Villa Norma, San Vicente del Caguán
“…Allowing, to distribute the water by gravity, due to a height difference of 8000 of 3000 liters. mm in the storage area…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1018 -
Published 2022
Proyecto investigativo apropio mis raíces, ancestralidad en la memoria
“…This research monograph is made from a pedagogical research project, based on a socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative research methodology focused on home-in-house education, which is what allowed me to approach education in search of identity strengthening. of the participants, mostly Afro-descendants, since I as a person identify myself as Afro-descendants, thus in response to my identity, seeking to contribute to the search for the identity of the project participants, showing the threads that led me to find identity frameworks that colonization has tried to erase in its constant struggle to make us believe that we are all mestizos and have no identity beyond the independence wars, with this I resorted to representational shows such as poetry, music, dance, musical instruments and Afro philosophy and theoretical thought, born from the African diaspora.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1019 -
Published 2022
El sello del Maestro Winston Longa: múltiples diálogos desde la danza
“…The dialogue between the languages of dance, music and theater is the theme that I propose in this tesis, assuming that these disciplines cannot be separated from each other, and that in their essence the three share the same characteristic of having the body as the main input for its artistic work. In this way, from my experience I will relate that elements of my training allowed me to consolidate a methodology that I apply both in the creative process of a work or staging, as well as in the techniques and methodologies of training and teaching, having said that, we will understand that How these three branches of the performing arts are related, also demonstrating how interdisciplinarity is present in my stage works, allowing me to communicate the message or main idea of my creations and processes from three different approaches; in this case, dance and music of urban, folk and popular rhythms, and musical theater genres…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1020