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Published 2023
Comercio Bilateral De Productos En El Marco Del Tlc Colombia-Estados Unidos
“…Colombia es un país con un comercio exterior aún muy limitado, sus exportaciones per cápita son de USD$637 ubicándose como el quinto peor país en este indicador, comparado con otros países latinoamericanos como Chile, que exporta aproximadamente USD$3.200 por habitante. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)841 -
Published 2021
Evolución normativa de la pensión de invalidez en el régimen de prestaciones sociales del magisterio Colombiano.
“…Thus, it is necessary to ponder the rights and benefits that the normative evolution of the disability pension for the educators affiliated to the National Fund of social benefits of the Magisterium has represented for the Colombian teachers, as well as to identify the situations that may trigger an invalidity pension, whether it is a common origin disease, a professional illness, or a work accident that is framed within the panorama of occupational hazards. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)842 -
Published 2022
Factores Que Afectan El Desarrollo Embrionario Gonadal Del Tracto Reproductivo En Hembras Bovinas Freemartin Y Sus Diagnósticos- Revisión
“…Freemartin syndrome is the pathology that affects cattle in a large percentage, and may occur in other species, to a lesser extent, the literature groups extensive research works that have gone through time compiling history of factors related to poor gonadal development, Anatomical alterations present in this syndrome revealing the effects on internal genitalia such as gonadal hypoplasia, incorrect development of Müllerian duct derivatives and the presence of Wolff derivatives (Ayala et al, 2000). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)843 -
Published 2022
Asociación entre las alteraciones visuales y el retraso del desarrollo motor en niños de 0 a 12 años: revisión narrativa de literatura.
“…Conclusions: According to the literature review, there may be an association between binocularity disorders such as amblyopia and strabismus with the development of fine motor functions, while low vision and blindness can equally affect the development of fine and gross motor functions.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)844 -
Published 2023
Propuesta del registro de Sistema de Gestión Ambiental, basadas en la Norma ISO 14001, versión 2015, en las Fincas Virginia y Recuerdo, de Orihueca - Zona Bananera
“…This degree thesis consisted of a proposal for the registration of the necessary information required by the Environmental Management System, based on ISO 14001, version 2015, in the Virginia and Recuerdo Farms, in Orihueca - Banana Zone, with the purpose The main task of designing the documentation for the Environmental Management system, as stipulated in the Colombian Technical Standards ISO 14001: 2015, in the Virginia and Recuerdo farms, located in Orihueca - municipality of Zona Bananera, where preliminary analysis of the System begins. of Environmental Management (SGA) of the farms, in order to identify the processes that occur within them and the impacts that they may produce. Theoretically, it is based on the contributions of Santamaría (2002); Serrano (2008); Of the Tower (2009); Andia & Andia (2013); Child (2015); Fernandez (2003); Greeno (1985), among others. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)845 -
Published 2023
Manejo y disposición de (RCD), su incidencia en el medio ambiente, una revisión bibliográfica
“…The adverse consequences that may arise when these wastes interact with various environmental modifying substances are explored in detail. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)846 -
Published 2016
Design and implementation of the control system on-off the laser projector Lasiris Magnum II for SICAIPAV II system
“…However, depending on the category of laser may cause injury to people or animals. In Colombia, the automated system SICAIPAV 11 is developed for collecting three dimensional data of paved roads using a class IIIB laser projector. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article847 -
Published 2017
Object, experience, knowledge in the artwork
“…This context cannot be lost sight of, even though our arrival to it may be a bit slow. In any case, the road constructs the place of arrival and must provide us with the elements that allow reflection and the postulation of strategies in the field of research-creation.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article848 -
Published 2021
Modelamiento de un sistema de transmisión de potencia de dos etapas para detección de fallas a través del análisis de vibraciones
“…From this model, the vibratory behavior of a rotary system was analyzed, and the simulation of possible failures, which may happen at the time of an implementation in practice. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)849 -
Published 2021
Estudio de factibilidad para el montaje de una planta de producción de cerveza artesanal en la ciudad de Villavicencio-Meta
“…In the legal evaluation, the documentary process of administrative and regulatory processes is carried out, as well as the performance of the environmental evaluation analyzing the possible environmental impacts that may occur, therefore, the environmental impact measures are carried out for the production by of the plant. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)850 -
Published 2021
Design and implementation of the control system on-off the laser projector Lasiris Magnum II for SICAIPAV II system
“…However, depending on the category of laser may cause injury to people or animals. In Colombia, the automated system SICAIPAV 11 is developed for collecting three dimensional data of paved roads using a class IIIB laser projector. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion851 -
Published 2021
Object, experience, knowledge in the artwork
“…This context cannot be lost sight of, even though our arrival to it may be a bit slow. In any case, the road constructs the place of arrival and must provide us with the elements that allow reflection and the postulation of strategies in the field of research-creation.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion852 -
Published 2022
Factores de Riesgos que Influyen en el Desempeño Laboral de los Docentes de la Institución Educativa Virginia Gómez en Ciénaga Magdalena Andrea Carolina
“…The results of the research obtained through the hazard identification and risk assessment matrix, exposes the most latent risks within the Virginia Gómez Commercial Technical educational institution, which are biomechanical risks, psychosocial risks, physical risks, safety conditions and public risks; therefore it is necessary to take control measures to mitigate their negative impacts that may affect the development of work and the health of the worker.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)853 -
Published 2022
Rediseño de un Plan Organizacional para el Mantenimiento de Equipos Mineros.
“…Maintenance is a fundamental pillar for operations, which plays a very important role important within the processes of any company, its main objective is to have the teams involved directly and indirectly within these available activities, within these controls organizations reliability is paramount within any impact that this may cause the company. Therefore, one of the dilemmas that these have is to find a design organizational standard in their areas for our study in the area of maintenance. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)854 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de renovación hospitalaria y transformación urbana: Un enfoque integral para el mejoramiento del entorno de salud para el hospital Juan Pablo ll del municipio de Aratoca,...
“…Of these great facilities, health centers may be the ones that lack a bit of aesthetics, image, being a little gloomy in their form, rhythm, concept and proposal of finishes and design, classic or common in the region at the time of conception. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)855 -
Published 2016
Diseño e implementación del sistema de control on-off del proyector láser Lasiris Magnum II para el sistema SICAIPAV II
“…However, depending on the category of laser may cause injury to people or animals. In Colombia, the automated system SICAIPAV 11 is developed for collecting three dimensional data of paved roads using a class IIIB laser projector. …”
Digital856 -
Published 2017
Objeto, experiencia, conocimiento en la obra de arte
“…This context cannot be lost sight of, even though our arrival to it may be a bit slow. In any case, the road constructs the place of arrival and must provide us with the elements that allow reflection and the postulation of strategies in the field of research-creation.…”
Digital857 -
Published 2024
Apoyo a la estrategia de expansión de mercado en la empresa “Lexa Tecnología Positiva”
“…That is why the expansion of the international market becomes a strategy important for Lexa Positive Technology, helping to diversify the sources of income, reducing vulnerability to changes that may occur in a single market, and consequently providing long-term financial stability. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado858 -
Published 2019
The stabilized rammed earth building technique and its use in Australia
“…It aims to share design and building insights that may enrich the knowledge around the limits and needs of the SRE, and to contribute to the research of its productive chain, from the supply of raw materials to maintenance. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article859 -
Published 2020
El Problema con la anti-materia
“…Actualmente, además de inspirar historias que sirven para llevar la literatura fantástica y el cine, es un campo muy activo de investigación que apunta a la comprensión de problemas fundamentales de la física. …”