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Published 2023
Medición de estrés en los docentes de la Universidad Antonio Nariño Sede Ibagué
“…According to Selye's stress theory, stressors can generate cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses that can affect an individual's long-term health. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)561 -
Published 2023
Estereotipos sobre los Roles de Género en Estudiantes del Programa de Psicología de la Universidad Antonio Nariño, Sede Riohacha, La Guajira.
“…This research has a quantitative, descriptive approach, in a nonexperimental design and therefore the instrument used in this research was the scale of gender stereotypes, which was built considering the theoretical framework on gender studies and related research by (Rocha and Diaz Loving, 2005; Castro and Casique, 2010), on which 5 dimensions were based where the maternity/paternity roles were evaluated; femininity/masculinity¸ skills and abilities, sexuality and expressions of emotion/aggression…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)562 -
Published 2024
Sistematización de la práctica profesional 1 y 2, desarrollo de una metodología de enseñanza para la danza del torbellino cundinamarqués en Adulto Mayor de la Casa de Cultura de Mo...
“…The research project "Systematization of Professional Practice 1 and 2: development of a Teaching Methodology for the Cundinamarqués Whirlwind Dance in Older Adults of the Mosquera Culture House, Cundinamarca (2022-2 and 2023-1)" has as main objective the systematization of pedagogical experiences 1 and 2 carried out with the group of Seniors of the Mosquera House of Culture, this project focuses on the systematization and development of a teaching methodology for the Cundinamarca Whirlwind Dance, directed to older adults at the Mosquera Culture House, with the purpose of improving their physical and motor skills and quality of life, while investigating the emotions and expressions that arise during the practice.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)563 -
Published 2009
Los consumidores cara a cara con los mensajes : El efecto cereal y el sexo como promesa de venta
“…The article then invites schools and universities to educatetheir students in communication, advertisement and media management with responsibility so the messages conveyed are creative, fun and educative, replacing sexist iconography with new more-emotional schemes to reach target audiences…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article564 -
Published 2013
Public space: narratives and desires
“…Urban life exemplify the simultaneous, the multiple and the fragmented, and literature, with its capacity to suggest images and convey emotions, depicts life’s sense through small events that become a milestone for individual memories that narrative converts into moments and places for encounters. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article565 -
Published 2021
Los consumidores cara a cara con los mensajes : El efecto cereal y el sexo como promesa de venta
“…The article then invites schools and universities to educatetheir students in communication, advertisement and media management with responsibility so the messages conveyed are creative, fun and educative, replacing sexist iconography with new more-emotional schemes to reach target audiences…”
Artículo revisado por pares566 -
Published 2021
Public space: narratives and desires
“…Urban life exemplify the simultaneous, the multiple and the fragmented, and literature, with its capacity to suggest images and convey emotions, depicts life’s sense through small events that become a milestone for individual memories that narrative converts into moments and places for encounters. …”
Artículo revisado por pares567 -
Published 2022
Comparación de cuatro protocolos analgésicos en caninos sometidos a ablación de cabeza de fémur en la clínica emergencias veterinarias de la ciudad de Cali
“…As we well know pain, it is all that unpleasant experience that every living being will be subjected to, whether of a tissue, emotional or potential type that leads to any type of discomfort, which in this case rules out that the inability of the living being by not being able to communicate or express your pain in a clear way, it does not mean that you are not suffering any discomfort with respect to the situation that is being subjected, that is why you should act immediately to an effective analgesia response through the Glasgow scale, the only and valid so far for the measurement of pain with its respective score that lead to a similar result with respect to what the patient is experiencing.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)568 -
Published 2022
La influencia a nivel psicológico y motivacional en la preparación de atletas dedicados al fisicoculturismo
“…For this, the case study methodology was used, collecting the data through indepth interviews, finding that the participants know little about the history of this sport. that motivation is essential for the preparation of the sport of bodybuilding and that psychological preparation optimizes the execution and the mental keywords: , Bodybuilding, emotional factor in athletes dedicat h istory, m ed to bodybuilding…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)569 -
Published 2024
“Jugando, soltando y riendo el miedo vamos disminuyendo” Sistematización de los juegos teatrales implementados con el grupo de preadolescentes de la Fundación Levántate y Anda...
“…After the problem's identification we start with the postulate ¿what impact have the theatrical games have on the social emotion of shyness on preadolescents between 9 to 12? …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)570 -
Published 2024
Cómo se vivencia el desempeño laboral frente al burnout en los docentes de una institución educativa en el distrito especial de Buenaventura
“…An in-depth investigation was carried out through the phenomenological paradigm; The study was carried out from a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope where initially the level of burnout in teachers was identified through the burnout Omint questionnaire, where different aspects such as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment were evaluated, and then characterize the experiences of teachers and the association that burnout has with job performance, which was carried out through an interview where the participants presented their perceptions and experiences of the existing problems in the workplace.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)571 -
Published 2009
Los consumidores cara a cara con los mensajes : El efecto cereal y el sexo como promesa de venta
“…The article then invites schools and universities to educatetheir students in communication, advertisement and media management with responsibility so the messages conveyed are creative, fun and educative, replacing sexist iconography with new more-emotional schemes to reach target audiences…”
Digital572 -
Published 2013
Espacio público: narrativas y deseos
“…Urban life exemplify the simultaneous, the multiple and the fragmented, and literature, with its capacity to suggest images and convey emotions, depicts life’s sense through small events that become a milestone for individual memories that narrative converts into moments and places for encounters. …”
Digital573 -
Published 2024
Freud y la quietud de los que fueron: una aproximación al concepto de pulsión de muerte desde la poesía de José Asunción Silva
“…Like Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, José Asunción Silva delved into what deepest recesses of humanity determined to expose without concessions what many had insisted on ignoring, armed with an uncommon lucidity and a refined aesthetic sense that gave his words great forcefulness, especially when spoke of death, a concern shared with the father of abyssal psychology, who always praised the faculties of artists, a kind of bridge between the common man and the forces that govern his life, an attribute that he used to study life emotional, composed among other elements of the aspirations that move the apparatus psychic to act and that tend to be abstracted from the consideration of the individual.…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado575 -
Published 2025
SENSHII - Diseño de joyería erótica para la estimulación de puntos erógenos en parejas
“…The erotic design represents a convergence between artistic creativity, technology and functionality. a p r a c t i c a, aimed at improving the sexual and emotional experience of couples. In a context where gender roles and cultural stigmas limit the full exploration of sexuality, the need arises for innovative products that allow for deeper and more satisfying intimacy. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado576 -
Published 2021
Caracterización de los Efectos del Sexting en el Relacionamiento Social Entre los Adolescentes de Una Institución Educativa de Riohacha
“…Sexting is a practice that consists of sending or receiving sexual or erotic content through text messages, photos or videos, is part of the new ways of interacting between some adolescents, but it is dangerous, since they face physical and emotional risks, which in some cases lead to situations that endanger even their own lives. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)577 -
Published 2024
Características psicológicas asociadas al rendimiento deportivo en mujeres futbolistas de la ciudad de Cali
“…If you pay attention, around a player, there are the fans, the family, the coach, journalists and among others such as stress, mood, motivation and emotions. T…”
Estudio descriptivo578 -
Published 2023
La Importancia Del Control Interno Y Su Efectividad Empresarial
“…The importance of internal control and its business effectiveness contribute to the organization, consolidation and above all to foresee internal or external risks that may harm the company and the achievement of its objectives. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)579 -
Published 2021
Relación de estrategias de coping y burnout en CB Hotel Gourmet S.A.S
“…The findings show High levels (57,5 %) and Low levels (17,5 %) of Professional Effectiveness; About Emotional Exhaustion, High levels (32,5 %) and (20,9 %) Low and Very Low levels; and finally about cynicism, High levels (12,5 %) and (32,5 %) Low and Very Low levels. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)580