Published 2021
Diseño Metodológico de Implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing en las Serviteca caso Sogamoso, Boyacá
“…The present work consists of exposing a methodological plan for the execution of Lean Manufacturing instruments in the Servitecas of the city of Sogamoso, Boyacá, which thinks of a mixed type of examination, contemplating quantitative and subjective factors; with made, exploratory and applied methodologies; its system is centered in three stages which are sustained in certain exercises to be created; The primary stage aims to describe each of the cycles of the Servitecas of Sogamoso, a crucial device for the loyalty of consumers would be the studies; the subsequent stage will make an investigation distinguishing the factors and basic cycles or bottlenecks that present the Servitecas of the city of Sogamoso and the third stage will plan the technique for the execution of Lean Manufacturing devices for the Servitecas business.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)21 -
Published 2023
Predimensionamiento sistema séptico para vivienda rural dispersa vereda el Carmen municipio de Duitama, Boyacá
“…The primary purpose of the research project is the evaluation of the effectiveness of a septic system, through which it seeks to mitigate the pollution factors associated with the inadequate management of wastewater from dispersed rural homes and its final disposal, especially the lack of of a septic system. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)22 -
Published 2023
Apoyo como pasante de ingeniería civil en la secretaria de planeación de Pesca – Boyacá
“…The activities carried out are presented through the results contained in this document and the work log referred to inthe annexes, which includes a photographic record and evidence of the activities carried out, these under the supervision of the planning secretary of the municipality of Pesca Boyacá.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)23 -
Published 2021
Diseño de un sistema eólico para la generación de energía eléctrica en Aquitania - Boyacá.
“…Wind energy constitutes one of the viable sources of implementation for the generation of electrical energy in the municipality of Aquitania, department of Boyacá. This is demonstrated in the research "Identification of projects with potential for the generation of wind energy as a complement to other sources of electricity generation in the department of Boyacá", carried out by the National University of Colombia in 2018, in which the availability of wind as a possible source of electrical energy production.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)24 -
Published 2021
Emprendimiento y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Rural en el Municipio de Umbitá (Boyacá) 2020
“…This report is presented within the framework of the research seedbed "Balance of entrepreneurial initiatives for the empowerment of rural women" in the municipality of Úmbita (Boyacá), through an insertion in the community, it is possible to develop an initial diagnosis of the women entrepreneurs, allowing to understand the needs they have in matters of business development, recognition, leadership in their family nucleus, and the main activities to which they are engaged, the purpose of this work is to serve as a tool for future implementations of entrepreneurship plans serving as a guide when knowing the characteristics of women.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)25 -
Published 2022
Evaluación de Alternativas de acceso para el desarrollo turístico sostenible del Municipio de Cerinza (Boyacá)
“…Access to a tourist¿ viewpoint in the municipality of Cerinza Boyacá is somewhat tedious and promotes a bad image for the tourist viewpoint, five different paving alternatives are presented, where a small description of each one is made as well as their advantages and disadvantages which give a More information on the best alternative, in terms of the technical part, structural designs and unit price analyzes are carried out, it is also important to include the community in the project, which is why a survey is necessary to know the opinion of the municipality. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)26 -
Published 2021
Plan de negocios taller de servicio de mantenimiento automotriz, en el municipio de Tuta (Boyacá)
“…What is proposed in this study is the design of an automotive maintenance service workshop, in the municipality of Tuta (Boyacá), which seeks to differentiate itself from the rest in the territorial entity, thanks to characteristics such as quality of service and the opportunity in providing it, but, above all, it is intended to differentiate itself from its competitors by handling much tighter prices and processes designed to save. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)27 -
Published 2022
Implementación del modelo integrado de planeación y gestión en la alcaldía municipal de Iza - Boyaca
“…This article makes a diagnosis on the implementation of the integrated planning and management model from now on MIPG in the municipal mayor of Iza - Boyacá. Which is detailed, with a qualitative orientation, using as a tool the documentary observation collected in secondary sources and meeting with the municipal administration. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)28 -
Published 2023
Apoyo en la supervisión de obras civiles en la oficina de planeación de Belén, Boyacá
“…This article presents the report of the activities carried out as an intern at the Secretary of Planning of the Municipality of Belén, Boyacá, in the technical supervision of construction projects and civil works. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)29 -
Published 2022
Evaluar las capacidades de innovación de una muestra de 65 pymes del departamento de Boyacá.
“…Based on this proposal, an information gathering instrument is created taking into account a sampling of Boyacá Pymes. Based on the results obtained, the innovation capacities of Pymes will be analyzed and evaluated, which will allow improving the performance of companies and thus can be applied for decision-making in the design of strategies for regional innovation.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)30 -
Published 2022
Análisis de Requerimientos para Sistemas Gestores de Inventarios en Empresas Comercializadoras de Alimentos Empaquetados en Boyacá
“…To know the management that these have, a characterization of inventory management was carried out through the application of a survey, which took into account the dependent and independent variables, related to the management and control of inventories, subsequently the Inventory policy and methodologies based on the bibliography found, which recommended the use of this type of method depending on the sector to which the companies belong. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)31 -
Published 2021
Diseño de modelo de optimización del nodo productivo del café en la provincia de Lengupá (Boyacá)
“…The research was carried out in the productive node of small coffee growers in the Province of Lengupá (Boyacá) which present an attractive trade in exotic coffee very different from the coffees found in the common market, however this area presents Very few studies and information regarding the form of cultivation, process and treatment of the grain, for which the authors of this work present a characterization of the area, some optimization scenarios and a series of recommendations related to processes related to traditional coffee cultivation. supported by the material obtained in interviews, surveys and visits to leading municipalities in production in this region. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)32 -
Published 2022
Diseño De Manual Para Fortalecer Capacidades Contables Y Administrativas De Hoteles Y Restaurantes En Arcabuco Boyacá
“…The compilation of the information was through the technique of surveys directed towards the owners and managers of the hotels and restaurants, which serve as a guide to carry out the manual that will help to carry out said accounting and administrative processes, which I determine according to the diagnosis the favorable and unfavorable factors to do in daily work and that made it possible to establish the objectives to be achieved. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)33 -
Published 2023
Estudio de costos al Comité Municipal de ganaderos para la produccion de leche en Cucunubá Boyaca
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)34 -
Published 2021
Análisis de Estrategias de Financiamiento de las Pymes del Sector Comercio en el Municipio de Duitama Boyacá
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)35 -
Published 2024
Toma de decisiones administrativas y financieras en la producción agrícola familiar en la provincia centro de Boyacá
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)36 -
Published 2023
Acompañamiento como pasante en la ejecución de proyectos civiles en la Empresa Incordis S.A.S Duitama, Boyacá
“…Likewise, the intervention of the student intern in a company like Incordis S.A.S allowed him to acquire initial work experience, regarding the preparation of budgets, construction design, activity execution reports and all those assigned by the supervisor, which were structured within this informative article, to publicize professional training and its successful performance in future jobs, in which their knowledge, skills, abilities and human values must be demonstrated to correctly carry out the work and be able to provide a guarantee of quality, and effectiveness in all the processes it is part of.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)37 -
Published 2023
Restauración y puesta en funcionamiento de 2 turbinas eólicas verticales ubicados en la UAN sede Tunja-Boyacá
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)38 -
Published 2023
Apoyo en la ejecución de obras civiles en la empresa Consul Construcciones E&E S.A.S Duitama, Boyacá.
“…The degree project is carried out through the internship modality which is executed in the private company CONSUL CONSTRUCCIONES E&E SAS of Duitama, Boyacá, among its projects it performs contracting, subcontracting, construction and administrative tasks of civil works; currently it executes constructions mainly in Boyacá, in municipalities such as San Pablo de Borbur, Socotá, Duitama, Paipa, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Firavitoba in which administrative and technical tasks are performed. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)39 -
Published 2024
Plan de exportación de cacao desde el municipio de Pauna Boyacá hacia el mercado New Orleans Estados Unidos
“…This project is a research that aims to provide a tool from academia for the company Kakaoteros de Pauna Boyacá in its cocoa internationalization process. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)40