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- trophic spectrum 3
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- ecological niche 2
- ecología alimentaria 2
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- enseñanza 2
- enseñanza de la economía 2
- feeding ecology 2
- habitat use 2
Published 2023
La factorización a través del álgebra geométrica. Experiencia de enseñanza aprendizaje con estudiantes de grado octavo.
“…This monograph was born from the reflection of the teaching task, when approaching the concept of algebraic factoring with students. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)861 -
Published 2023
Osteosíntesis Tibial En Un Hurón (Mustela Putorius Furo): Reporte De Caso De Una Clínica Veterinaria En La Ciudad De Bogotá
“…Animal Health Tetrapoda Pets is a veterinary clinic for exotic pets and conventional located in the city of Bogotá, founded by professionals graduated from the National university of Colombia. The institution was born with the purpose of covering the growing Demand for specialized care for pets whose unconventional nature requires differential management, all this without neglecting conventional pets, which They occupy an important place in the daily practice of the clinic.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)862 -
Published 2022
Cultura de la contribución en los ciudadanos de Duitama.
“…For this purpose, the definition of Law 223 of 1995 is taken as a basis, by which rules on tax rationalization are issued and other provisions are dictated. The DIAN is assigned a very important task for the sensitization and training of citizens, as a fundamental actor in the sustainability and growth of the Nation based on their contribution. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)863 -
Published 2024
Diseño de un plan de mantenimiento basado en metodología preventiva L.E.M. y gestión 5QS para vehículos graneleros avícolas.
“…In bulk vehicles that transport food for egg-laying birds, the absence of a solidly structured preventive maintenance plan stands out, which generated excessive dependence on corrective maintenance. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)864 -
Published 2022
Plan de negocios para la creación de un restaurante de comida rápida en el sector turístico de Minca, corregimiento del Distrito de Santa marta, Departamento del Magdalena
“…Points such as; The planning for the marketing plan for brand recognition, internal and external factors that may represent an advantage or disadvantage towards the market that it intends to target. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)865 -
Published 2023
Determinación de la actividad antiviral in vitro de derivados de miricetina de Marcetia taxifolia contra los virus del chikungunya, zika y dengue.
“…BHK-21 was selected as the cell line that allows greater viral replication of clinical isolates compared to Vero. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)866 -
Published 2013
Cochlear implants: an introduction
“…The field of prosthetics for sensory organs, however, has proven a challenge for scientists, who are faced with the problem of discovering how the body perceives the signals coming from the outside world and transforms them to be assimilated by our brain. Within this field lie cochlear implants which, although still far from having a perfect performance, have evolved surprisingly thanks to the efforts of researchers, and today provide millions of people around the world the possibility to listen and communicate. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article867 -
Published 2017
Music and narrative: linking vessels in the construction of a subject reader
“…It also intends to analyze the effect that music has in the brain as well as its multiple possibilities may be shared with literature, which benefit the cognitive development in order to achieve an optimal reading comprehension. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article868 -
Published 2021
Cochlear implants: an introduction
“…The field of prosthetics for sensory organs, however, has proven a challenge for scientists, who are faced with the problem of discovering how the body perceives the signals coming from the outside world and transforms them to be assimilated by our brain. Within this field lie cochlear implants which, although still far from having a perfect performance, have evolved surprisingly thanks to the efforts of researchers, and today provide millions of people around the world the possibility to listen and communicate. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion869 -
Published 2021
Music and narrative: linking vessels in the construction of a subject reader
“…It also intends to analyze the effect that music has in the brain as well as its multiple possibilities may be shared with literature, which benefit the cognitive development in order to achieve an optimal reading comprehension. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion870 -
Published 2013
Cochlear implants: an introduction
“…The field of prosthetics for sensory organs, however, has proven a challenge for scientists, who are faced with the problem of discovering how the body perceives the signals coming from the outside world and transforms them to be assimilated by our brain. Within this field lie cochlear implants which, although still far from having a perfect performance, have evolved surprisingly thanks to the efforts of researchers, and today provide millions of people around the world the possibility to listen and communicate. …”
Digital871 -
Published 2017
Música y narrativa: Vasos vinculantes en la construcción del sujeto lector
“…It also intends to analyze the effect that music has in the brain as well as its multiple possibilities may be shared with literature, which benefit the cognitive development in order to achieve an optimal reading comprehension. …”
Digital872 -
Published 2023
Material didáctico para el desarrollo de la comprensión de lectura con adultos mayores
“…The degree work was designed thinking about strategies that encourage reading comprehension in the elderly. This idea was born with the case of Amparo Arcila who came to the Talentos school with the desire to study at the age of 72, seeking to achieve goals that she did not achieve when she was young. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)873 -
Published 2023
Impacto del impuesto de renta y complementarios para las personas naturales a partir de la Ley 2277de 2022 en Colombia
“…This work seeks to answer the research question on the impact of income tax and complementary tax specifically on individuals as of Law 2277 of 2022, this tax is of great effect for the financing of the state, as of Law 2277 of 2022 a great economic impact on individuals is evidenced. The DIAN in recent years has been implementing better control systems in order to ensure the collection and the state must generate confidence and transparency with the investments made with tax resources.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)874 -
Published 2023
Uso indiscriminado de antibióticos en la prevención de infecciones como precursor de resistencia bacteriana (monografía)
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)875 -
Published 2024
Entre Duendes, Pájaros y otros personajes Una exploración en la trayectoria artística de Juan Carlos Rocha Conde “ titiritero”
“…This graduation project entitled "Among Goblins, Birds and Other Characters. Exploration of Juan Carlos Rocha Conde's Artistic Trajectory ¨Puppeteer¨, focuses on analyzing his life and work as a Bogotan puppeteer. …”
Estudio descriptivo876 -
Published 2023
El lulo: Un delicioso tesoro exótico que cautiva los sentidos
“…Lulo is rich in phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron, making it beneficial for human health. Its nutrients promote hair and nail growth, keep bones strong, prevent cataracts, and help regulate high cholesterol and triglycerides. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article877 -
Published 2023
Guardianes del Humedal: Experiencia interactiva digital para conectar a los habitantes del sector de Suba y Engativá con el Humedal Juan Amarillo
“…The problem about the proper conservation and care of ecosystems in the city of Bogota, by the inhabitants who live around them has been increasing in recent years and wetlands are no the exception, from this problem is born Guardians of the Wetland, a project that looks to connect the residents of Suba, La Gaitana, with the wetland Juan Amarillo or Tibabuyes wetland, to inform them about the benefits of caring for and conserving the ecosystem, through a purpose of an interactive experience developed in a mobile.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)878 -
Published 2023
Analisis Del Comportamiento De Las Expórtaciones Agricolas No Tradicionales De Colombia Entre 2012-2022 Y Su Posible Impacto En La Balanza Comercial Como Fuente De Ingreso De Divis...
“…This work focuses on the analysis of the behavior of Colombia's exports between 2012- 2022, in which exports of the oil sector are compared with exports of the non-traditional agricultural sector, taking into account their contribution as a source of foreign currency income to the country and how they influence the balance of trade and payments, this due to the oil policies of the current president Gustavo Petro Urrego and the Minister of Mines, Irene Vélez, where they affirm the possible elimination of oil exploration and extraction in Colombia.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)879 -
Published 2024
Análisis de la formalización en Colombia ante la llegada del régimen simple de tributación
“…The simple taxation regime is born with the idea of closing the tax gap and reducing levels of informality in the country. …”
Versión final del autor, Versión aceptada para publicar880