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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Pandemia 4
- Aquatic birds 3
- Aves acuáticas 3
- City 3
- aprendizaje 3
- educación 3
- espectro trófico 3
- learning 3
- nicho y uso de hábitat 3
- trophic spectrum 3
- Aves 2
- Birds 2
- COVID-19 2
- Ciudad 2
- Dramaturgia 2
- Dramaturgy 2
- Pandemic 2
- Parques urbanos 2
- Participación 2
- Teatro 2
- Urban parks 2
- aves urbanas 2
- ecological niche 2
- ecología alimentaria 2
- educación superior 2
- education 2
- enseñanza 2
- enseñanza de la economía 2
- feeding ecology 2
- habitat use 2
Published 2024
Detallar la variación de las importaciones de carga general en el puerto de santa marta: 2017 al 2021. una mirada a este tipo de carga.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)781 -
Published 2024
María Elisa Forero Vivas: dedication and passion for research
“…Her fascination for this field was awakened during her primary school studies, when she conducted an experiment on the germination of bean, fava bean and pea seeds. She was impressed to witness the germination process and discover that inside each bean was a potential plant. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article782 -
Published 2024
María Elisa Forero Vivas: dedicación y pasión por la investigación
“…Her fascination for this field was awakened during her primary school studies, when she conducted an experiment on the germination of bean, fava bean and pea seeds. She was impressed to witness the germination process and discover that inside each bean was a potential plant. …”
Digital783 -
Published 2021
Alteraciones orales en niños con síndrome de ZIKA congénito una revisión sistemática de la literatura
“…Structural alterations include cranial morphology (severe microcephaly), brain abnormalities, eye abnormalities and congenital contractures. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)784 -
Published 2022
Alteraciones oculares y visuales en pacientes con Trastorno de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). Revisión bibliográfica
“…ADHD is a common disorder of childhood neurodevelopment, presenting modification of some brain processes. Considering that visual interpretation occurs in the brain, some visual functions may be affected in these patients. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)785 -
Published 2023
Evaluación del efecto de la dieta cetogénica y los ácidos grasos octanoico y decanoico sobre los genes modulados por PPARs en el desarrollo de tumores de glioblastoma: estudio de i...
“…Glioblastoma is an aggressive and difficult to treat type of brain tumor. However, it has been proposed that ketogenic therapy could have beneficial effects in controlling its tumor activity. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)786 -
Published 2023
the future, like the past, will not be female.
“…Este texto nace de la producción al interior de la Electiva Interdisciplinar Cuerpo Moderno y Posmoderno y el semillero Diálogos desde el Diván con el fin de hablar del castigo en el cuerpo femenino en la sociedad actual.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article787 -
Published 2023
El Futuro, al igual que el pasado, no será femenino.
“…Este texto nace de la producción al interior de la Electiva Interdisciplinar Cuerpo Moderno y Posmoderno y el semillero Diálogos desde el Diván con el fin de hablar del castigo en el cuerpo femenino en la sociedad actual.…”
Digital788 -
Published 2024
Aplicación de la norma técnica del crecimiento y desarrollo en el menor de 10 años en el componente de detección temprana de las alteraciones visuales y oculares
“…According to the Colombian concept, early childhood is understood as the first stage of life. included from birth to 6 years of age, this developmental process being human, the critical period between the acquisition of new skills and abilities allowing a normal, consecutive and successful evolution that grants the infant quality of life without limitations (1)…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado789 -
Published 2021
Principales parásitos intestinales en aves de la orden galliforme género faisán,revisión bibliográfica
“…In this bibliographic review, the main intestinal parasites in birds of the galliform order are determined. 33 documents were reviewed including scientific articles, graduate work and research, of which 15% were developed in Colombia. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)790 -
Published 2024
Propuesta plan de negocio enfocado a una empresa dedicada al diseño, estampados textiles y comercialización de productos promocionales en Municipio De Palmira Valle Del Cauca
“…The proposed business plan focuses on the marketing of promotional products in the city of Palmira, Valle del Cauca, with the objective of providing companies with a broad portfolio of products that stimulate the purchase of their brands and services. We will seek to identify the specific needs of each client company and adapt the product portfolio accordingly, offering personalized solutions that generate a greater impact.…”
Estudio descriptivo791 -
Published 2021
Diseño e implementación de cabina de desinfección personal, para el ingreso a los galpones de granjas avícolas
“…It is concluded that the disinfection booth achieves with the aim of minimizing the biological risk that birds have when having contact with operators who enter the sheds…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)792 -
Published 2021
Diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de un prototipo de sistema electromecánico construido con herramientas didáctico-pedagógicas lego education compatibles con la fábrica didác...
“…Equally, the construction activities and evaluations of the functioning of the dispositive were done by making use of the tools didactic/pedagogic LEGO education programmed with the specialized software MindStomra EV3, uniquely by the brand, for the automatization and control of the robotic-dispositives. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)793 -
Published 2021
Frecuencia de diarreas, evaluación de la presencia de Cryptosporidium spp y su relación con el nivel de proteínas plasmáticas en terneros de la granja san Pedro de la UAN
“…Neonatal bovine diarrhea (DBN) is a complex and multifactorial disease that frequently affects calves due to its associated risk factors, such as the condition agammaglobulinemic at birth and the failure in the transfer of passive immunity. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)794 -
Published 2023
Análisis y Propuesta de Mejora de un Sistema de Precarga Para los Rodamientos de los Reductores Delanteros en los Tractores CASE PUMA
“…There are various types and brands on the market. tractors, these are used in different companies of the agricultural sector; their functions vary according to their size and class, as well as brands. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)795 -
Published 2024
Elementos Lúdicos De Apoyo Para La Rehabilitación De La Comunicación De Pacientes Con Afasia De Broca
“…The human being is a species that requires communication, however there are times where this communication is damaged by some anomaly in the areas of the brain that allows communication, this condition being called aphasia. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado796 -
Published 2022
Modelo de ocupación para la vivienda productiva en el Barrio Policarpa Salavarrieta en la ciudad de Bogotá
“…The work analyzes the experience of the Policarpa Salavarrieta neighborhood in terms of its beginnings in the years 1961 to 1970 and the birth of the movement for housing in Colombia. The acts of violence in the 1950s and the precarious conditions of different departments generated the displacement of several families that were located in different rural parts of the country, towards the main cities of the country, where the reception of this displaced population was largely done. measure the city of Bogotá.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)797 -
Published 2019
Imagining a sustainable city to undo the path of colonial planning
“…These thinkers, among others, were branded as extreme, skeptical and even anti-progressive, and saw the city’s decline as a whole. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article798 -
Published 2021
Imagining a sustainable city to undo the path of colonial planning
“…These thinkers, among others, were branded as extreme, skeptical and even anti-progressive, and saw the city’s decline as a whole. …”
Artículo revisado por pares799 -
Published 2019
Pensar la ciudad hacia la sustentabilidad es desandar el camino de la planificación colonial
“…These thinkers, among others, were branded as extreme, skeptical and even anti-progressive, and saw the city’s decline as a whole. …”