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- educación 7
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- climate change 2
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- teaching 2
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- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2021
Identificación de mercados potenciales para la exportación de la cerveza artesanal
“…Where several craft brewing festivals have been highlighted in Colombia where national and international brands participate.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)121 -
Published 2023
Estudio de calidad de energía en el taller de metalmecánica de la empresa multiproyectos electromecánicos Ltda.
“…This project describes the disturbances that generate distortion to the electric power signals and that are taken into account in the study and monitoring of CEL Electric Power Quality; For this reason, a methodology and procedure is proposed for the measurement and recording of these parameters obtained by a network analyzer, relating the entire process with the national and international regulations and regulations in force in Colombia…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)122 -
Published 2021
Simulación del movimiento de los contaminantes en el suelo mediante el uso de un modelo numérico compatible con el sistema de información geográfico de la Autoridad Nacional de Lic...
“…In the advance of the project on the development of a toolbox for the simulation of discharges of contaminants in soil, it produces a job that involves various phases, which begins with collecting information provided by the national authority and processing it, to identify gaps in the hydrocarbon sector for the development of new parameters in the terms of reference for the development of projects in the sector. …”
Digital123 -
Published 2021
Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de chocolates a base de alto contenido de cacao en la ciudad de Bogotá
“…Cocoa, which is the main raw material, we want it to come from the departments of Meta, Putumayo and Vichada, where according to the NFC (National Federation of Cocoa Growers), these departments are producers of fine aroma and flavors’ cocoa. 5 With this company, the objective is to conquer an important market share that allows the sustainability and viability of the business, taking into account the trends in the existing food sector, which is a trend for foods that take care of people's health.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)124 -
Published 2022
Factores de Riesgo Psicosociales que se Relacionan con el Estrés Laboral en los Trabajadores de una empresa minera
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)125 -
Published 2023
Prototipo de calculadora personalizada para la proyección de la miopía y su manejo
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)126 -
Published 2024
Factores clave que determinan la competitividad del sector vitivinícola del Valle del Cauca en el ámbito de la exportación
“…Colombia and the Cauca Valley is an important wine sector of the national agroindustry, which has entered the regional culture, and where its population in its rural environment cultivates, becoming a very competitive product. …”
Estudio descriptivo127 -
Published 2023
Estimación de la biomasa aérea y carbono almacenado de los árboles de la zona urbana del Parque Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera a partir del Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Norma...
“…The estimation of the aboveground biomass and stored carbon in the urban area of Enrique Olaya Herrera National Park located in Bogotá, Colombia was carried out. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)128 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de un modelo matemático que permita mejorar el desempeño de la cadena logística de abastecimiento del banano en la región del Magdalena
“…The supply chain in the Magdalena banana area is a matter of great importance for this department, since poor logistical procedures in both supply and poor agricultural practices affect national and international trade, as well as the producing farms. which could be affected mainly by large material losses for the farmer and large drops in GDP in the area.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)129 -
Published 2021
Manuel Zapata Olivella: Illiterate lawyer
“…This essay pretends to show literature as an essential way used by Manuel Zapata Olivella, who writes his own experiences, according to his adventurous soul, and complaints about Afro-Colombian's culture oppression; taking into account our multi-ethnic inheritance and the different nations he visits, especially, Central America and Africa.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article130 -
Published 2021
Centro deportivo de alto rendimiento “veta-verde” Villavicenio (Meta)
“…Despite the fact that in the Meta Department there are yᴏung athletes whᴏ have had excellent participatiᴏns at natiᴏnal and internatiᴏnal level, currently there are few spᴏrts venues they can cᴏunt ᴏn, mᴏreᴏver, there is nᴏ specialized center fᴏr training high-perfᴏrmance athletes, whᴏ help yᴏu be a prᴏfessiᴏnal in a cᴏmprehensive and faster way.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)131 -
Published 2023
Acciones para Disminuir el Riesgo Laboral Causado por la Exposición a los Residuos Peligrosos de los Colaboradores de la Empresa Transiobras S.A.S
“…This RESPEL is generated as a result of road marking activities carried out both in national and international roads. The inadequate use, transportation and storage of these WEEE can have negative consequences for the health of the collaborators…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)132 -
Published 2021
Manuel Zapata Olivella: Letrado analfabeta
“…This essay pretends to show literature as an essential way used by Manuel Zapata Olivella, who writes his own experiences, according to his adventurous soul, and complaints about Afro-Colombian's culture oppression; taking into account our multi-ethnic inheritance and the different nations he visits, especially, Central America and Africa.…”
Digital133 -
Published 2022
Dinámica en el comercio exterior y factores de competitividad de los puertos de Cartagena, Barranquilla y Santa Marta entre los periodos 2015-2020
“…The ports are a key piece for regional and national economic development, as well as for participation in international markets. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)134 -
Published 2022
Fortalecimiento de la Cultura Tributaria en la Dirección Nacional de Escuelas de la Policía Nacional de Colombia
“…Taking as reference one of the institutions of higher education recognized by the Ministry of National Education, as it is, the National Directorate of Police Academies. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)135 -
Published 2024
Aplicación de la NTS TS003 de sostenibilidad para la agencia Sueños y Viajes SAS en la ciudad de Bogotá
“…Its implementation is linked to obtaining/renewing the National Registry of Tourism. However, currently companies still have weaknesses in implementation…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado136 -
Published 2021
Caracterización de la distribución y concentración de la propiedad de la tierra y sus efectos en la productividad agrícola de las regiones del Valle del Cauca y Magdalena 2015 a 20...
“…The context of the analysis is carried out, taking into account that this situation is one of the most relevant problems that have been distinguished throughout history in the national territory.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)137 -
Published 2022
Estudio de prefactibilidad para determinar la viabilidad de la Exportación de Mango a Sidney (Australia) Desde Ibagué (Tolima-Colombia)
“…The current document is mainly based on investigating the viability on exporting mango from Ibagué (Tolima – Colombia) to the city of Sidney (Australia); taking advantage principally of the per capita incomes that this country owns and the high production that Colombia national territory has, specifically, on Tolima department. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)138 -
Published 2022
Estructura y electrificación de un lavadero de vehículos en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias Colombia.
“…The design include calculating the electrical loads, selecting the materials, sizing the cables, the Transformers and electrical protections in order to meet with client specificiations (Cointracar), to satisfy whit the RETIE regulations and AFINIA, which is the entity that give the conformity and permission to connect to the national electrical network.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)139 -
Published 2023
Proyecto de pasantía “Plan estratégico de mercadeo nacional e Internacional para el turismo sostenible en Soatá, Boyacá”
“…This work analyzes through a strategic plan of national and international marketing the different internal and external economic, social and cultural factors identifying the opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths presented by tourism in Soatá, Boyacá, in order to formulate and implement digital marketing strategies that allow you to achieve economic development, positioning and increasing competitiveness in today's market.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)140