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- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2021
Fundamentos analíticos y empíricos para el debate sobre la reforma del IVA en Colombia
“…Such results were produced by a simulation exercise with the microdata of the last National Household Survey.…”
Digital81 -
Published 2023
Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de máquina cosechadora especializada en grano de quinua como propuesta comercial
“…Currently, processes such as quinoa harvesting are carried out manually, which affects the efficiency of the process, generating economic losses, and there is also a lack of nationally manufactured technology that adapts to the budget of farmers and the topography of the region…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)82 -
Published 2024
Reconstrucción Historiográfica Del Merecumbé
“…The Merecumbé, a popular Colombian rhythm, emerged when Francisco “Pacho Galán”, He made a mix between cumbia and Creole merengue; conquering stages national and international in the 50s, from its popularization and decline, to mixed with other rhythms created at that same time, the steps were distorted originals of its execution leaving free interpretation by choreographers and dancers. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado83 -
Published 2023
Elaboración de un plan de negocio para la creación de un emprendimiento tu mejor estilo hecho solo para mujeres en la ciudad de Palmira
“…The document that is listed below contains the implementation of a Business Plan to measure the commercial, technical, administrative, legal and financial feasibility of setting up a business for the commercialization of imported and national garments in a Boutique store.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)84 -
Published 2021
Aporte de la Ley Orgánica de Ordenamiento Territorial –LOOT, para la gestión turística territorial en Colombia
“…This document aims to articulate this Law with national regulations and guidelines issued by organizations dedicated to the study and management of tourism at global and national level, in order to serve as a support in shaping regional strategies for managing destinations tourist sustainable and competitive, concluding the powers in tourism indicate the regulations and associated instruments in order to comply with the Constitution in the consolidation of a ““social state of law, organized as a unitary republic, decentralized, with autonomous territorial units, democratic, participatory and pluralistic “.…”
Digital85 -
Published 2021
Contribution of the organic law of territorial planning to the tourism management in Colombia
“…This document aims to articulate this Law with national regulations and guidelines issued by organizations dedicated to the study and management of tourism at global and national level, in order to serve as a support in shaping regional strategies for managing destinations tourist sustainable and competitive, concluding the powers in tourism indicate the regulations and associated instruments in order to comply with the Constitution in the consolidation of a ““social state of law, organized as a unitary republic, decentralized, with autonomous territorial units, democratic, participatory and pluralistic “.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article86 -
Published 2021
Contribution of the organic law of territorial planning to the tourism management in Colombia
“…This document aims to articulate this Law with national regulations and guidelines issued by organizations dedicated to the study and management of tourism at global and national level, in order to serve as a support in shaping regional strategies for managing destinations tourist sustainable and competitive, concluding the powers in tourism indicate the regulations and associated instruments in order to comply with the Constitution in the consolidation of a ““social state of law, organized as a unitary republic, decentralized, with autonomous territorial units, democratic, participatory and pluralistic “.…”
Artículo revisado por pares87 -
Published 2022
Estudio De Viabilidad Para La Producción Y Comercialización De Bolsos Ecológicos A Base De Yute “Producto Molan”
“…All of the above, based on the excellent quality of the product and the novelty in the manufacturing material, since in its production process the JUTE-based fabric is used as the main material; since it is a 100% biodegradable and recyclable textile, therefore, harmless to the environment (United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture, 2022)…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)88 -
Published 2023
Cómo mejorar el posicionamiento de Colombia en las exportaciones de aceite de palma al Brasil
“…The international price of a ton of palm oil Colombian currency remained from USD 554.29 to USD 747.28, with reference to the production, costs, demand and national and international consumption.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)89 -
Published 2023
Comportamiento De Los Créditos De Vivienda En Colombia Durante El Periodo De La Pandemia Covid-19
“…In this work, a study was carried out whose purpose was to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the housing mortgage portfolio (CHV - for its acronym in Spanish), the data were extracted from the annexes published by the national administrative department of statistics (DANE - for its acronym in Spanish), in Based on these data, different analyzes were carried out according to the type of housing and the type of credit, through tables and graphs it was possible to observe the behavior of mortgage loans at the national level. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)90 -
Published 2023
Indicadores de competitividad para la internacionalización del departamento del Valle del Cauca entre el 2017 - 2022 Paula Andrea Avirama Castrillon 20702018845 Universidad Antonio...
“…For this purpose, a descriptive correlational methodology is used, starting with data collection, selection of indicators, bibliographic review and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data provided by the Private Competitiveness Council, the National Competitiveness Commission, the National Tax and Customs Directorate, among other sources of information related to exports from the department that are related to internationalization in this work…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)91 -
Published 2013
Reflexiones en torno al compromiso académico de la arquitectura sobre la tendencia de urbanización en América Latina
“…Beginning with a succinct depiction provided by United Nations, among others, in which the subcontinent comes out as the most urbanized region of the world, and a place where social and economic inequalities uphold over 124 million people living in poverty —more than 25% of all city dwellers—, afar from comprising 5 out of the 20 worst ranked nations in regards to absolute environmental impact, the authors raise the question of how to build a more suitable urban milieu for Latin America’s future out from the academia. …”
Digital92 -
Published 2021
Políticas de financiamiento de las Pymes de la ciudad de Duitama Frente a la emergencia sanitaria actual
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)93 -
Published 2023
Afectaciones psicológicas que presentan los internos desde la percepción de los guardas de seguridad de un Instituto penitenciario de la ciudad de Cartago Valle
“…The present investigation focuses on describing an analysis about the perception of the psychological conditions presented by the inmates of a penitentiary institute in the city of Cartago, Valle, interpreted by 2 Dragoneantes officials belonging to the National Prison and Penitentiary Institute, residents of the municipality of Carthage, Valley.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)94 -
Published 2024
Proceso De Implementación Y Mejora: Repositorio Digital De Actos Administrativos De Carácter Misional Dian Seccional Impuestos Bogotá.
“…UAN and its objective and purpose is to confront them with my daily activities and practices employment with degree option, carried out for the Tax and Customs Directorate DIAN Nationals.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)95 -
Published 2021
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un minimarket en el Cantón Militar de Infantería de Marina en el Municipio de Corozal Sucre
“…With this investigation it was found that, although there are national supermarket chains, there are still spaces for the implementation of new businesses for the sale of mass consumer products…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)96 -
Published 2023
Percepción de los hombres adultos frente a los roles sociales que tienen las personas transgénero en el municipio de Samacá
“…We currently live in a changing world of constant progress, where society undergoes various transformations that adapt to the demands of everyday life, and how human beings break paradigms and stereotypes that are widely adapted to the social, economic, cultural, and political development of nations.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)97 -
Published 2024
Análisis comparativo de los requisitos visuales para la licencia de conducción en colombia con respecto a otros países suramericanos y de europa
“…Hence, it is imperative that nations and their respective organizations have the appropriate methodologies and protocols to authenticate individuals through visual assessment.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)98 -
Published 2023
Nivel de estrés auto percibido y síntomas asociados de los domiciliarios por plataformas tecnológicas en Bogotá
“…Results: 386 people participated in the study, where 13.4% (n=52) were of Colombian nationality and the remaining 86.5% (n=334) of Venezuelan nationality, with moderate levels of stress and presentation of several related symptoms. with the stress of working as domiciles on platforms. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)99 -
Published 2021
Identificación de los descriptores apropiados para el análisis de vibración en la detección de fallas en maquinaria rotativa.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)100