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Published 2024
Plan de Negocio para la Creación de un Bar Sexy en el Centro Històrico de la ciudad de Santa Marta
“…Through the creation of this business scheme, great characteristic responders are sought to the growing tourist demand and in terms of entertainment that has been coined in a city with wide social potential, both by the local public and by visitors from the national spectrum. and international. This prospectus uses a mixed model in its investigative work, making use of primary and secondary tools, with this a structural framework of quantitative and qualitative recognition is proposed to broadly study the study phenomenon. …” -
Published 2025
Construcción De Un Prototipo De Automatización Para El Proceso De Pegado De Boquillas Del Eyector De Saliva Fabricado En Tecnomecanizados Dalton Sas.
“…This project is based on the construction of a prototype that automates the nozzle gluing process, which reduces labor costs and time spent, factors that increase the company’s productivity and competitiveness both nationally and internationally. To achieve this objective, a quantitative analysis of the current performance of the gluing process was carried out, evaluating the available conditions for the implementation of the automated process, such as the space allocated for it, project costs, and the selection of possible materials that are resistant, non-abrasive, or non-contaminating to the raw material. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado562 -
Published 2021
Auditoría en Seguridad Vial ruta nacional 2507. Pacífico Tres Unidad Funcional Uno del Km 15+000 Al Km 21+000.
“…Carry out a Road Safety Audit on the variables: containment barriers and signaling, to establish their condition vis-à-vis the road actors that circulate through it, in the section between Km 15 to Km 21 of national route 2507. Pacific Three Functional Unit One Virginia - Asia is the reason for this work. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)563 -
Published 2021
Centro Integral de Rehabilitación para Personas con Discapacidades en Neiva – Huila
“…Disability is a condition of human beings, caused by different genetic-hereditary factors, general illness, work accidents, and accidents in homes, having as its main characteristic the deprivation of a factor as important as body mobility, sight , eyes, voice and speech, generating limitations to participate in economic, social and cultural life at the regional, national and world levels. Over time this condition has been stigmatized, to such an extent that the connotation of disabled has also been considered from the recrimination of the individual and society. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)564 -
Published 2021
Auditoría en seguridad vial K 0 + 300 al K 6 + 300, de la ruta nacional 25 (Código 2507 tramo Cerritos-la Virginia). Municipio de Pereira, Risaralda
“…This degree project presents the audit in road safety (ASV) to the Vial section K 0 + 300 to K 6 + 300, of National Route 25 (Code 2507 section Cerritos-La Virginia) Municipality of Pereira, Risaralda, because there is no there is evidence from previous audits. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)565 -
Published 2021
Diseño y puesta en marcha de un sistema de control para una freidora industrial a gas
“…Finally, the execution of the assembly and start-up of the prototype is exposed in chapter 6, where the reduction of risk for the end-user is highlighted, obtaining a reliable and competitive product in the national food industry…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)566 -
Published 2022
La promoción de la salud y los contextos de vulnerabilidad frente al VIH/sida en trabajadoras sexuales. una revisión narrativa
“…Women sex workers have different characteristics and attributes, based on the performance of their work and the knowledge they have of preventive and risk practices against HIV; In this sense, each of the social determinants that this population has and its social stigma are taken into account, in such a way the present work establishes the relationship that exists in the approaches of various authors, so that a narrative review of the literature was carried out in order to synthesize findings reported in scientific research on health promotion actions in the context of vulnerability to HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases in sex workers, therefore it was obtained as a result that the workers sexual do not carry out the best HIV prevention practices, since access presents institutional barriers for the complete counseling of the pathology, which is why it is concluded that a more humanized treatment is lacking in health professionals and greater support in the creation of strategies of national entities.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)567 -
Published 2023
Estudio comparativo de los sistemas integrados de información de multas y sanciones por infracciones de tránsito en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C
“…To carry out this study, various sources of information that compile information on urban mobility in relation to the imposition of subpoenas, infractions and fines that allow interpreting the regional and national context were analyzed. As a result of the information analysis, differences were found in the figures published by the public authorities, regarding the count of fines and infractions imposed for the period 2015 to 2021, which leads to conclusions about the imprecision in the data and how it can affect decisions and investigations carried out based on these sources of information.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)568 -
Published 2023
Implementación de un sistema eléctrico residencial de cinco pisos tipo trifásico de 220 v de 30 kVA Edificio Gaitán Diagonal 79b Bis #56-61, Bogotá
“…According to the ministry of mines and energy, the project It is oriented to buildings with a maximum of five stories high, providing users feasible, effective and economical solutions for resolve or regulate these parameters within the established ranges of the RETIE technical regulation as the main base, for this the materials to used will be new, of brands that accredit their quality in the national market, preferably qualified in material relations highly certified electricians, the implementation of the electrical system of the building included from medium voltage connections and their respective distribution branches, the building Gaitán, made up of 5 floors, is located in Diagonal 79 b bis No 56 – 61 Bogotá.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)569 -
Published 2023
Análisis del nivel de educación financiera de las instituciones educativas Santo Tomas De Aquino Y Guillermo León Valencia De La Ciudad De Duitama
“…Therefore, this project focused mainly on analyzing the level of financial education of the 10th and 11th grade students of the Santo Tomas de Aquino Technical Institute and Guillermo León Valencia Educational Institution of the city of Duitama, for this, it was necessary to identify the financial competencies established by the Ministry of National Education to subsequently carry out the diagnosis and according to the results propose strategies in order to contribute to the improvement of knowledge and financial skills of the students and of each one of the institutions under study, It was carried out under a descriptive methodology with a mixed approach and the main finding was that the students are at the most basic level, which indicates that they have a high degree of deficiency in financial education.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)570 -
Published 2024
Estudio para Determinar los Riesgos Laborales de tipo Psicosocial Ocasionados por el Trabajo en Casa
“…Therefore, a bibliographic review was carried out to identify the factors associated with Psychosocial occupational risks caused by working at home, with a qualitative research focus, based on exploratory research and starting from a global theme followed by a national theme. , ending with research and local bibliographical references. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)571 -
Published 2024
Oportunidades Comerciales del Fertilizante Orgánico Mineral producido en Corpoagrominh hacia los Mercados Internacionales
“…The present study was carried out in order to offer the Agrominera Corporation of Huila a vision of how its new organic mineral fertilizer would behave in the international market, and what are the opportunities that it has when it comes to betting on its business vision which is to reach national and international markets with an innovative product with great productive impact for the agricultural sector. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)572 -
Published 2024
Principales aspectos para la exportación de Tilapia entera congelada y Tilapia entera fresca a mercados internacionales desde el departamento de Huila
“…Additionally, a target market selection matrix, logistical chain for exportation, study of supply and demand, analysis of international prices, as well as a quotation from the AS national cargo transportation company from Neiva - Huila to the port of Cartagena - Bolívar were conducted. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)573 -
Published 2024
Narrativas sobre comunicación, límites, roles y jerarquía en un grupo de madres parejas de militares
“…The methodology used in this project is qualitative; the participants were 4 soldiers’ wives of the national army of Colombia which met the criteria required. …”
Estudio descriptivo574 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de turismo cultural en Riohacha, la guajira para promover los atributos del destino hacia el diseño de un producto turístico
“…The purpose of the plan described above is to analyze tourism planning based on the national cultural tourism policy. Besides; In the project, a quantitative typology is carried out, which is based on the use of primary and secondary sources; and at the institutional level the research is developed following the criteria of the research area of Management in cultural tourism.…”
Estudio descriptivo575 -
Published 2021
Factores de Deforestación y Degradación de los Bosques en el Parque Nacional Natural de la Serranía de Chiribiquete (PNNSCH), Amazonas, Colombia
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)576 -
Published 2017
A legacy still alive: between tradition and contemporaneity
“…History is constituted by those intimate and fragmentary stories that help to consolidate the destinyof nations. Thus, our story starts with building a memory that allows us to leave sensitive evidence of the construction of a field that is vanishing nowadays: tradition. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article577 -
Published 2022
Prescribed Authors for Educational Assessment in the Teacher Training Curriculum for Physical Education Courses in Latin America: Autores prescritos para evaluación educativa en lo...
“…The objective of this article was to analyze the bibliographies prescribed to teach educators best assessment practices in specific course curriculum related to this area in Latin American training courses for Physical Education teachers, identifying the authors, their nationalities, countries in which the authors are prescribed, and their academic production background about assessment practices. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article578 -
Published 2023
Education and culture of peace for the city of Barranquilla.
“… Among the results, Law 1732 of 2014 and Regulatory Decree 1038 of 2015 are highlighted, both of which make the chair of peace compulsory in national educational institutions, and the identification of typologies of violence that influence the management of the culture of peace inside and outside the classroom. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article579 -
Published 2023
Evolución probatoria con finalidad de sostenibilidad procesal: Un enfoque a partir de las redes sociales y la virtualidad.
“…The sustainable development goals, also known as the 2030 Agenda, in which a large series of goals and indicators are grouped that seek to guide global efforts to achieve sustainable development in all social, economic and environmental aspects, within the which we can observe the Sustainable Development Goal number 16, "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions", established by the United Nations, represents a global commitment to promote peace, guarantee justice and strengthen institutions throughout the world. …”