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- educación 7
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- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2022
Emoción-arte aprendiendo, creando y viviendo cartilla didáctica para la gestión emocional en niños y niñas de 8 a 10 años
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)541 -
Published 2022
Plan de gestión de residuos generados en el marco de la emergencia por el COVID 19 para sector peluquero en Barranquilla.
“…This text deals with the organization and support that can be provided to the hairdressing sector, in this emergency that we are experiencing called COVID-19, within the regulations required by the national government and on its behalf the ministries of Health and Environment, establish a series of procedures for the activities that are developed by some unions, especially the hairdressing union, their standardization and control is associated with the effort that each representative places on it. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)542 -
Published 2022
Propuesta de implementación de e-commerce para el hotel “gökotta” eco cabaña y resto bar campestre de Rivera- Huila
“…This research proposal is projected as a qualitat technique has been the analysis and bibliographicive academic study of a descriptive nature, whose main information gathering documentary review, with the general purpose of developing an electronic commerce implementation plan for the Hotel " Gökotta ”ec o cabin and country restaurant, located in the municipality of Rivera, Huila; For which it is specifically proposed to define, according to the needs and business characteristics of the organizati question, the online server that enables the developme nt of a structured commercial strategy in e on in commerce (electronic commerce), all with the objective to broaden the commercial market within the regional and national panorama of the company. Likewise, i intended to improve customer satisfaction levels, t was generating a customer loyalty strategy through the online purchase and reservation resource, being essential for this, the design and implementation of a web page linked to the electronic commerce service.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)543 -
Published 2022
Intervención urbanística del reasentamiento Nuevo Veracruz a través de la unidad de planificación del área rural, Gigante (Huila)
“…Due to the massive displacement of peasants in the area of influence of the El Quimbo reservoir, and all the causes of this problem, the national government in company with Emgesa, implemented 4 resettlement projects for these peasants, of which emphasis and detail is made of the Montea resettlement, in the Nuevo Veracruz village, located in the rural area of Gigante, this choice arises from the fact that Gigante was the municipality that received the greatest social impacts, such as; economic, cultural and environmental aspects of the construction of this hydroelectric plant. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)544 -
Published 2022
Zapateando en Guadalajara, experiencias formativas en la movilidad internacional estudiantil
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)545 -
Published 2023
Fortalecimiento De La Estrategia Reto Saludable En La Comunidad Académica De La Universidad Antonio Nariño
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)546 -
Published 2023
Propuesta de vivienda colectiva sostenible en la ciudad de Neiva-Huila. “Conjunto residencial Reserva de la Vega”
“…S through an arduous analysis and academic discoveries that were taken as references, without forgetting the Brundt land report that was prepared in 1987 by different nations in a commission headed by Dr. Harlem Brundtland, in which the term "Sustainable development was defined as that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future gener ations to meet their own.”…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)547 -
Published 2023
Estudio comparativo de los cambios dimensionales en la conservación de los patrones de núcleo en seco y húmedo elaborados en Pattern resin, Resin74 y Duralay.
“…Materials and metho ds: Experimental, an in vitro study of core patterns of three brands most used in the clinical field at national level will be carried out and compared according to the variables of conservation, time and the material of manufacture, the sample is constitu ted by 18 samples of in vitro core pattern that will be elaborated on natural teeth (Premolars).Results: There are no statistically significant differences between the type of resin and the time, the type of conservation and the topography of the tooth. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)548 -
Published 2023
Infección Tuberculosa Latente En Trabajadores De La Salud
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)549 -
Published 2023
Evaluación Del Efecto In Vitro Del Extracto De Propóleo De Apis Mellifera Y La Lisozima Sobre Bacterias Causantes De Mastitis En Bovinos
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)550 -
Published 2023
Enriquecimiento sensorial aplicado a guacamayas en el zoológico de Santa Cruz por medio de estímulos olfativos enfocados en sus interacciones con su medio entre 2022 y 2023
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)551 -
Published 2023
Análisis del Comportamiento de las Importaciones de la Carga Rodada en el Puerto de Santa Marta, Conforme a la Dinámica de la Cadena De Suministro, Tomando Como Referencia los Años...
“…By virtue of this, make a recount of the last five years of the processes executed in the port to show its growth and the technologies implemented in order to become the leader at the national level. Similarly, set management indicators to control and measure each of the supply chain processes to take corrective and preventive actions, reduce errors, eliminate changes, attract customers, among others.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)552 -
Published 2023
Diagnóstico Peatonal de la Carrera 8ª entre las Calles 16 y 18 de la Ciudad de Pereira-Risaralda
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)553 -
Published 2024
Identificación del Riesgo de Incendio Forestal en Líneas de At/Mt de Enel Colombia en la Zona Nororiental de Cundinamarca
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)554 -
Published 2022
Autores prescritos para evaluación educativa en los currículos de la formación del profesorado en educación física en América Latina: Prescribed Authors for Educational Assessment...
“…The objective of this article was to analyze the bibliographies prescribed to teach educators best assessment practices in specific course curriculum related to this area in Latin American training courses for Physical Education teachers, identifying the authors, their nationalities, countries in which the authors are prescribed, and their academic production background about assessment practices. …”
Digital556 -
Published 2023
Educación y cultura de paz para la ciudad de Barranquilla.
“… Among the results, Law 1732 of 2014 and Regulatory Decree 1038 of 2015 are highlighted, both of which make the chair of peace compulsory in national educational institutions, and the identification of typologies of violence that influence the management of the culture of peace inside and outside the classroom. …”
Digital557 -
Published 2023
Evolución probatoria con finalidad de sostenibilidad procesal: Un enfoque a partir de las redes sociales y la virtualidad.
“…The sustainable development goals, also known as the 2030 Agenda, in which a large series of goals and indicators are grouped that seek to guide global efforts to achieve sustainable development in all social, economic and environmental aspects, within the which we can observe the Sustainable Development Goal number 16, "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions", established by the United Nations, represents a global commitment to promote peace, guarantee justice and strengthen institutions throughout the world. …”
Digital558 -
Published 2017
Un legado que permanece vivo: entre la tradición y la contemporaneidad
“…History is constituted by those intimate and fragmentary stories that help to consolidate the destinyof nations. Thus, our story starts with building a memory that allows us to leave sensitive evidence of the construction of a field that is vanishing nowadays: tradition. …”
Digital559 -
Published 2021
Desarrollo de una herramienta software para la evaluación de la gestión de la tecnología biomédica en el ciclo del posmercado en el hospital Susana López de Valencia e.s.e.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)560