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Suggested Topics within your search.
- educación 7
- education 6
- Latin America 3
- América Latina 2
- Architecture 2
- Arquitectura 2
- City 2
- Colombia 2
- Income 2
- cambio climático 2
- climate change 2
- enseñanza 2
- enseñanza de las ciencias 2
- literatura 2
- science teaching 2
- teacher training 2
- teaching 2
- 20th Century 1
- 21st Century 1
- Abejas 1
- Academic support 1
- Acceso al agua 1
- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2019
Application of the guadua for the construction of roofs with earth, based on the “domocaña”
“…This article describes the experimental work of construction of several houses made with the guadua and land cover technique called “domocaña”, innovation carried out at the National Engineering University of Peru. This is a recent transfer, it only takes about a decade of application in Colombia; There are several experimental and demonstrative works that were built with this technique, by professionals who accept the challenge of innovation for knowledge development. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article421 -
Published 2023
Antecedentes externos e internos de los sistemas políticos sujetos de debate que hayan influenciado en la toma de decisiones en el Congreso de Angostura de 1819
“…It is vitally important that the Colombian people know their history, their constitutional process, the change of thought and ideologies over the years and their transitory struggle to become a free and independent nation. This article was made with the intention of exposing an important part of the valuable and precious Colombian history regarding the constitutionalist process, with the purpose of capturing various characteristic events that happened in 1819 inside and outside the congress of narrowness, reflect those discussions that were held in order to resolve what would be the appropriate Political System to govern in the nascent Republic of Colombia, resolving between centralism and federalism, whose decision together with the creation of the constitution of Cucuta of 1821 specified the constitutionalist course to follow and thus marked the Colombian constitutional history.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article422 -
Published 2022
Incidencia de herramientas pedagógicas digitales implementadas por docentes de básica primaria y secundaria para fortalecer el proceso de escritura
“…In this study, a qualitative methodology was used through contributes the document review method at the national and international levels. The objective is to identify the incidence and effects generated by ICT in elementary school and high school students, when using digital tools in scriptural processes. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article423 -
Published 2021
Propuesta de pasantía como trabajo de grado en Eagle International Business S.A.S
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)424 -
Published 2021
Residential segregation and spatial social division: variables for an analysis of urban structure in Puerto Vallarta, México
“…Based on local census and general housing surveys data provided by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI, in Spanish) and, methodologically, on the analysis of principal components with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), the researchers found four types of residences, according to their construction materials, size, utility quality and household income, to elaborate a series of maps that show their position in relation to the Basic Geo-statistical Areas of the city (AGEBS, in Spanish). …”
Artículo revisado por pares425 -
Published 2021
A concept map for urban art
“…As a conclusion, the concept map sketched in the article allows for an extensive and clear vision or urban art and its current possibilities; a map that could (and should) be crossed horizontally, given that a site-specific art intervention can become such an emblematic object like a national monument.…”
Artículo revisado por pares426 -
Published 2024
Effective strategies to enhance communicative skills in the colombian adolescent population
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)427 -
Published 2022
Examining Educational Issues with 20 Private School Educators in Ecuador: Examinando problemas educativos con 20 educadores en una escuela privada en Ecuador
“…The Ecuadorian educational system has been transformed by the implementation of the National Ten-Year Plan (PDN, for its Spanish title, Plan Decenal Nacional), which was renewed until 2025. …”
Digital428 -
Published 2022
Educar en la universidad desde las voces de los estudiantes: decisiones pedagógicas orientadoras : Educate at the University from the Voices of Students: Guiding Educational Decisi...
“…This article presents an experience of university teaching based on the proposal of the Seminar of Educational Reality, belonging to the Education Sciences course of studies at the National University of the Northeast, Argentina. This course of studies is for teacher training for secondary and higher education, as well as for professional performance in public and private educational organizations. …”
Digital429 -
Published 2011
Análisis documental sobre la investigación en educación para la democracia en Colombia: Una apuesta para la construcción de cultura política en la última década del siglo XX y prin...
“…This article seeks to explain some experiments, carried out between the 90 and the first decade of the century, which account for the exercise of democratic culture in the school, and their role in building the political culture within the same, based on studies from developed research, analysis of the proposals set out by the Ministry of Education and whose framework massive test design based on national and international standards, which can be extensive use of quantitative methodologies and approaches psicologicistas, privileged by the tendency of civic political culture, and that would be part of the so-called analysis of official pedagogic discourse agenciamiento. …”
Digital430 -
Published 2021
Determinación de la mejor opción de cierre ante la existencia de un incidente vial en la calzada sur-norte de la Avenida Carrera 30 entre Calle 53B y Calle 63 en la ciudad de Bogot...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)432 -
Published 2021
Prueba piloto de un sistema automatizado para el uso racional del agua y la energía eléctrica en una unidad sanitaria en la Universidad Antonio Nariño Sede Villavicencio – Meta....
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)433 -
Published 2021
CrossBorder e-Commerce: Nuevo acontecimiento en la Internacionalización de las MiPymes en Colombia
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)434 -
Published 2021
Diseño de herramienta computacional para el análisis y diagnóstico energético de compresores
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)435 -
Published 2021
Evaluación de una estrategia de aprendizaje usando mesas anatómicas digitales en la asignatura “morfología del aparato cardiovascular” de la Universidad Antonio Nariño
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)436 -
Published 2022
Análisis de la Inversión Pública del Sistema General de Regalías para el SectorSalud en el Departamento de Santander 2011-2021
“…Investment and spending on health are one of the most studied elements within the national budget system. According to the studies carried out by Orozco Gallo (2015) it is states that "knowledge about investment in health programs and projects helps public policy makers to plan improvements in the health sector; by means of the implementation of fundamental strategies for human well-being”. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)437 -
Published 2024
Análisis de factores motivacionales en jóvenes de grado once de un colegio público en Bogotá para presentarse de forma voluntaria a prestar el servicio militar en el Ejército Nacio...
“…The purpose of this research is to analyze the motivational factors in eleventh grade youth to voluntarily present themselves for military service in the National Army, personal, family, social and economic motivators are taken into account. …”
Estudio exploratorio438 -
Published 2024
Abordaje de la participación de los hombres rurales-campesinos de la Localidad de Sumapaz en la crianza, cuidado y protección de sus hijas e hijos, así como su influencia en las re...
“…For This purpose a tracking of academic production and bibliography was carried out at the international, national and regional levels from the years 2010 to 2023. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Maestría439 -
Published 2021
Discriminación de género en la custodia y el cuidado personal de los niños, niñas y adolescentes Colombia
“…Likewise, due to the normative emptiness existent in the national organization and it is develop a study from the comparative laws taking Spanish laws to show different guarantees that legally protect the superior interest or the kid and determine the equality for the parts.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)440