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- educación 7
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- climate change 2
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- teaching 2
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- Acceso al agua 1
- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2022
Derecho a la Identidad Cultural de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes de la Comunidad Indígena Cuindes en Clave del Derecho Internacional
“…Among the most relevant are the American Convention on Human Rights, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Convention 169. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)361 -
Published 2015
De la seguridad de suministro a la autonomía energética en entornos urbanos y regionales en México, ¿hacia una transición de paradigmas?
“…If national energy security is being violated within some Latin American countries from the high costs of electricity and irregular supply of natural gas bill, among other factors, which are undermining the efficient operation of enterprises and institutions; therefore imposes ask: Is the concept of the prevailing energy security, characterized to ensure adequate energy supply from a macroeconomic perspective, is cracking? …”
Digital363 -
Published 2022
Educación en derechos humanos en Colombia: estado del arte de las investigaciones en la educación formal: Human Rights Education in Colombia: State of the Art of Research in Formal...
“…Methodology: The research is based on national and international studies and research that have taken it as an object of analysis. …”
Digital364 -
Published 2023
Antecedentes externos e internos de los sistemas políticos sujetos de debate que hayan influenciado en la toma de decisiones en el Congreso de Angostura de 1819
“…It is vitally important that the Colombian people know their history, their constitutional process, the change of thought and ideologies over the years and their transitory struggle to become a free and independent nation. This article was made with the intention of exposing an important part of the valuable and precious Colombian history regarding the constitutionalist process, with the purpose of capturing various characteristic events that happened in 1819 inside and outside the congress of narrowness, reflect those discussions that were held in order to resolve what would be the appropriate Political System to govern in the nascent Republic of Colombia, resolving between centralism and federalism, whose decision together with the creation of the constitution of Cucuta of 1821 specified the constitutionalist course to follow and thus marked the Colombian constitutional history.…”
Digital365 -
Published 2010
Turismo y ciudad: espacio y lugar de imaginarios líquidos. Puerto Vallarta
“…Then it studies Puerto Vallarta’s development, focusing on the formal, economical, social and ecological aspects that have been modeled by national and international tourism throughout their historical evolution, and the imaginaries fashioned by leisure and recreation. …”
Digital366 -
Published 2011
Segregación residencial y división social del espacio, elementos para el análisis de la estructura urbana de Puerto Vallarta, México
“…Based on local census and general housing surveys data provided by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI, in Spanish) and, methodologically, on the analysis of principal components with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), the researchers found four types of residences, according to their construction materials, size, utility quality and household income, to elaborate a series of maps that show their position in relation to the Basic Geo-statistical Areas of the city (AGEBS, in Spanish). …”
Digital367 -
Published 2009
Los DBA y las tic en educación especial del instituto pedagógico nacional
“…Educational processes have evolved at a general level in their daily work involving technologies; the special education area of the Institut Pedagogic National has joined this process, which together with the Area of Technology and Computer Science have developed a project that involves Information and Communication Technologies (ict) in the teaching-learning process of students with permanent special educational needs. …”
Digital368 -
Published 2021
Análisis de la gestión de riesgos de desastres del municipio de Tausa Cundinamarca, en relación con sus escenarios actuales de riesgo.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)369 -
Published 2021
Acreditación Facultad De Derecho - Sede Duitama
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)370 -
Published 2022
Síndrome de ansiedad por separación canina (ASC)
“…For this, the state of the art was conceived as the basis of argumentation of the main authors of indexed articles and studies at the international and national level that were fundamental to describe and analyze the particularities of the pathophysiology of the syndrome (ASC), determining the respective diagnosis about of behavioral disorders in canines and the appropriate treatment plan by the veterinarian. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)371 -
Published 2022
Implementación de una interfaz software para establecer grupos de riesgo de pacientes sospechosos de Tuberculosis Pulmonar
“…At the national level the high demand for patients hinders the priority and quality of care by the Health Service Provider Institutions (IPS). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)372 -
Published 2023
Analisis del recaudo del impuesto de industria y comercio en el sector hotelero de la ciudad de Santa Marta
“…Consequently, this enables them to reduce their dependence on the transfers granted by the national government" (LUGO MORA & MUÑOZ DELGADO, 2022). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)373 -
Published 2024
Análisis de la gestión de residuos aprovechables en la unidad residencial Santiago de Cali: Estudio de caso de ASOBOSUR
“…In response to this problem, in 2015 the member countries of the UN approved the 2030 agenda and Colombia is part of this group of countries that are working to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations, 2015…”
Estudio de caso374 -
Published 2022
Human Rights Education in Colombia: State of the Art of Research in Formal Education: Educación en derechos humanos en Colombia: estado del arte de las investigaciones en la educac...
“…Methodology: The research is based on national and international studies and research that have taken it as an object of analysis. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article375 -
Published 2021
Problemática de las MiPymes en Colombia; de las barreras tributarias y otros
“…They provide 17 million jobs for the national labor force and contribute 50% of total gross domestic product. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)376 -
Published 2022
Optimización de ciclos de cargue y descargues de la flota de transporte primaria de la operación nacional, en la planta de distribución de Yumbo – Valle de la empresa Edinsa S.A.S...
“…S, which belongs to the Ardila Lule group of companies; therefore, this company is the strategic transport unit dedicated to regulating and balancing the costs involved in the transfer of all the goods produced in the group of companies at the national level. This company is aimed at meeting the corporate goals of the organization and is responsible for the planning of the supply and distribution chain ensuring the timely supply of all products, at each of the collection centers in the different cities of the country. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)377 -
Published 2022
Las microfinanzas como alternativas de financiamiento a la mediana empresa en la ciudad de Quibdó-Chocó
“…This document analyzes microfinance as financing alternatives for medium-sized companies in the city of Quibdó-Chocó, a mechanism that has served as a tool to alleviate poverty and stimulate the development of companies at the local, department and national levels; Therefore, in this research the main objective is to establish the main financing alternatives for medium-sized companies in the city of Quibdó - Chocó. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)378 -
Published 2022
Estudio de alternativas para el diseño de un sistema de drenaje de la vía ubicada en la carrera 11 B entre las calles 7 y 8 Barrio Cundinamarca de Duitama Boyacá.
“…The uncovered roads are part of the largest road network in the country, and these are no strangers to this enemy, since they receive a lower budget for their design and maintenance, becoming the most abandoned by national administrations; on the There is currently no clear regulation that indicates the criteria for design, maintenance and construction for this type of roads.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)379 -
Published 2022
Módulo para la liquidación de nómina de comisiones al exterior en la Policía Nacional
“…The National Police of Colombia has at its disposal an information system to process the monthly salary of employees. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)380