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- educación 7
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- climate change 2
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- teaching 2
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- Acceso al agua 1
- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2011
Competencias docentes y enfoques de aprendizaje
“…This article, product of the processes derived from the research Assessment teaching and learning in the classroom, by the National Pedagogical University, shows that several concepts of competencies are highlighted as ineluctable for a competent teacher action: didactic knowledge of their specific discipline and its contextual nature and, finally, the generation of learning vocation. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article261 -
Published 2017
Understanding of the normalization and singularization features inscribed on the bodies of the children’s dancers of the Danza Kapital Company
“…The conception of the body was the subject of studyfrom two categories: singularization and normalization, which are composed of attributes, the latter are the result of the voice of the actors in dialogue with authors, concepts and constructs analyzed in the research line, body, power and subjectivity of the Master’s degree in Educational and Social Development of the National Pedagogical University in the agreement with the CINDE.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article262 -
Published 2024
Cabildo un camino a la libertad. ejercicio investigativo de documentación de un proceso creativo.
“…In this case the work is: “Cabildo a path to freedom” that the author of this work and the work, created in in 2012, for the National Folklore Dance Company Herencia Viva de la who has been director since 1994. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado263 -
Published 2021
Evaluación a la gestión de riesgos en las TIC en el instituto nacional de medicina legal y ciencias forenses.
“…This document presents the evaluation of risk management to the information and communication technology process of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)264 -
Published 2021
Análisis al proceso de solicitudes de devoluciones automáticas de impuestos nacionales ante el covid-19 en Colombia.
“…This article detects that taxpayers are not well informed in the processes and procedures outlined by the National Tax and Customs Directorate, causing that taxpayers to consider that filing the forms is complicated, because they make mistakes such as wrongly singing or filing the forms or the bank certification among others. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)265 -
Published 2021
Impacto de la competitividad de la empresa Atunera Seatech, a la luz de la capacitación al recurso humano en el desarrollo local de la ciudad de Cartagena
“…Business development and success is a function of competitiveness; However, a fundamental variable to be part of the national and transnational market, competitiveness in recent years has been related to the need not only to achieve economic objectives, but also to contribute to local development in its closest environment. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)266 -
Published 2021
Competences formation of teachers in the use of ICT: ¿how to support students as they interact with computing environments?
“…This proposal is based on the developments being conducted by the research group Cognitek National Pedagogical University.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion267 -
Published 2021
Competencias docentes y enfoques de aprendizaje
“…This article, product of the processes derived from the research Assessment teaching and learning in the classroom, by the National Pedagogical University, shows that several concepts of competencies are highlighted as ineluctable for a competent teacher action: didactic knowledge of their specific discipline and its contextual nature and, finally, the generation of learning vocation. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion268 -
Published 2021
Understanding of the normalization and singularization features inscribed on the bodies of the children’s dancers of the Danza Kapital Company
“…The conception of the body was the subject of studyfrom two categories: singularization and normalization, which are composed of attributes, the latter are the result of the voice of the actors in dialogue with authors, concepts and constructs analyzed in the research line, body, power and subjectivity of the Master’s degree in Educational and Social Development of the National Pedagogical University in the agreement with the CINDE.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion269 -
Published 2022
Análisis económicos de las importaciones de Denim en Colombia durante 2010- 2020
“…This research presents an overview of the importance of the textile sector for the Colombian economy, so it was proposed as a general objective to analyze at an economic level the impact of denim imports in Colombia during the years 2010 to 2020, for which a description of the behavior of denim imports in the last decade made by the national industry is made, in order to then compare the impact of the import of denim in the Colombian textile industry with the behavior of exports of products derived from the input, followed by a systematic exploration of the denim production of the textile sector in Colombia, between the years 2010 to 2020.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)270 -
Published 2022
Caracterización de las Comercializadoras Internacionales Colombianas
“…Globalization is a movement that has permitted the world to be interconnected, and within time, the boundaries get closer and closer between the nations of the world. Even though that expansion is important to mention the relevance of a proper and organized political and economical system. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)271 -
Published 2022
Una escuela para la diversidad: eficacia y tensiones del modelo de educación flexible “tejiendo saberes “en la población adulta.
“…This research is developed in the field of adult education and the flexible model "Weaving knowledge" attached to the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, to mean that education aimed at young people, adults and the elderly starts from knowledge and learning previous, and from the life experiences of the people, according to capacities, interests and expectations, allowing the strengthening of basic and civic competences that strengthen the social fabric; The purpose of which is to provide guidance on the education of young people and adults and analyze the relevance of the contents offered by the Flexible Educational Models in Colombia for the adult population in vulnerable conditions.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)272 -
Published 2022
Impacto económico de las industrias audiovisuales en Colombia
“…With the arrival of COVID-19, companies, people and the market as such have been in crisis and in need of changes, impacting not only the way they live, but also the way and the place in which they are they carry out daily activities such as the way in which people work, study and interact. According to the National Administrative Department, visual arts have a 44.3% share in the country (1,812 works or products). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)273 -
Published 2022
Estudio de Prefactibilidad para la Creación de un Centro de Acopio Agrícola en el Municipio de Pivijay, Magdalena.
“…The implementation of this study seeks to transform a need into an entrepreneurial option, guaranteeing a socioeconomic benefit for the population through this collection center a municipal level, a departmental and national future.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)274 -
Published 2023
Pasantía: Fondo Nacional de Garantías
“…The following report shows us that, a conglomerate of experiences under the concept of internship, in this is the history of the National Guarantees Fund, place in which all the degree work was executed, its functions, assigned tasks, challenges faced, weaknesses of the area and company in general, together with a solution proposed by the intern…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)275 -
Published 2023
Tipología de errores en la solución de problemas geométricos a partir de los problemas de olimpiadas
“…It is in this area that the research reported here is inserted, research that classifies the errors found in the results obtained by the participants in the Colombian Math Olympiads on National Qualification Tests, mistakes are used as a teaching strategy that allows the construction of significant knowledge. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)276 -
Published 2023
Valoración de la empresa Inversiones Viloren's de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca
“…This investigation is developed to explore the applicability of the theories and methods of business valuation, applied to the company INVERSIONES VILOREN'S (CHIMAY), which is company of the textile and commercial sector of the city of Santiago de Cali, Valle Del Cauca,which develops its commercial activity in the middle of the financial, economic, and social effects generated in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic during the year 2020, the public disorder caused by the National Civic Strike carried out during the months of April and May 2021, the fluctuation of the dollar and the high costs of raw materials.…”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)277 -
Published 2023
Análisis de los Alojamientos Universitarios Sugeridos por las Universidades Ubicadas en las Localidades de Teusaquillo, Barrios Unidos y Chapinero
“…Therefore, it is important to know what types of accommodations and services are offered near these institutions, as each of them is part of the Ministry of National Education as Higher Education Institutions.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)278 -
Published 2023
Actividades para la enseñanza de la topología a estudiantes de educación básica primaria, secundaria y superior
“…However, when reviewing the mathematics standards (2006) of the National Ministry of Education (MEN, for its acronym in Spanish), notions of graph theory are only presented until the eight grade; without this being proof of the execution in the schools’ curriculums.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)279 -
Published 2024
Prototipo De Mesa Vibratoria De Bajo Costo Para La Simulación Y Análisis De Condiciones De Sismo Dentro Del Laboratorio De Estructuras
“…The effects of earthquakes on structures have been a constant source of concern for university boards and structures departments at a national and global level, mainly in Colombia, where the presence of active volcanoes such as El Ruiz has the country in constant suspense. , since it has already caused world-famous catastrophes due to the number of lives lost. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)280