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- educación 7
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- climate change 2
- enseñanza 2
- enseñanza de las ciencias 2
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- science teaching 2
- teacher training 2
- teaching 2
- 20th Century 1
- 21st Century 1
- Abejas 1
- Academic support 1
- Acceso al agua 1
- Adaptive climate architecture 1
- Afrocolombian`s culture 1
- Afrocolombiano 1
- Análisis vibracional 1
- Art and violence 1
- Arte y violencia 1
- Associative models 1
- Autonomía energética 1
Published 2022
Diseño de un plan de Importación de volquetas eléctricas Lk2000 para la industria minera del municipio de Almaguer Cauca desde la República Popular de China.
“…By means of the investigation, an import process is carried out to verify the viability of the same, demonstrating the ease at the time of commercializing this type of products to the Colombian market, by means of an import plan the whole step by step of the process was evaluated, which is very favorable for the merchants since its requirements in the documentary part are not as complex as it is imagined, You must be registered with the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) and the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) to be recognized as an importer before the Colombian authorities, and also to be able to access the Customs quotations.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)241 -
Published 2023
Informe Pasantía de Investigación: Prospectiva de las Industrias Culturales en Bogotá, Sector Editorial
“…The objective is to have a prospective of the cultural and creative industries, as well as the orange economy and the publishing industries of different countries such as Latin American, European and of course at the national level. In orange economy we will see the five orange reports and other articles related to this industry. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)242 -
Published 2023
Memorias del VII Encuentro Escénico: “Manuel Zapata Olivella: Tradición e Identidad”
“…Memories of the VII Scenic Meeting: "Manuel Zapata Olivella: Tradition and Identity", held virtually, due to the Covid19 pandemic, on September 17, 18 and 19, 2020, brings together the compendium, description and analysis of all the activities carried out in this meeting, which from the academic, pedagogical, researching, and creative, highlights and disseminates the scenic work at national and Latin American level, with the vindictive, intercultural and identity vision that Manuel Zapata Olivella proposed with his artwork and cultural management…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)243 -
Published 2023
Estudio reactivación de la oferta exportadora del Valle del Cauca luego de la pandemia por Covid -19
“…For this, a documentary review was carried out based on documents from national authorities such as the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, DANE, Gobernación del Valle, unions, among others. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)244 -
Published 2023
(Sistema Integral de Gestión Unificada de Empleados) para la Empresa Construcciones Gómez Asociados SAS.
“…This development process begins with an investigation related to similar solutions in the national and foreign environment, taking into account the results of the investigation, the requirements that the application must fulfill to cover the user's need are compiled; in the same way, the design process of the solution is documented, which, supported by models and guidelines, will serve to create a high quality application that meets all the user's requirements.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)245 -
Published 2024
Estimación de la evapotranspiración para la gestión del riego de los cultivos de caucho natural en el municipio de Puerto López, departamento del Meta; a partir de estaciones meteo...
“…This work estimates and analyzes the evapotranspiration behavior of natural rubber crops in plantations in the municipality of Puerto López, Meta; in order to evaluate the irrigation management (important to preserve the water resource) that is carried out on these crops; because they are crops that occupy a good part of the national territory, that have a quite long productive stage (with good agricultural practices) and that, at some point in Colombian history, new areas of expansion of these crops were contemplated; however, little is said about this species.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)246 -
Published 2015
Calidad de vida en la vivienda social de San Andrés, Colombia, mediante la gestión bioclimática de flujos de aire
“…From multifamily housing model developed by the author for the National Pilot Program for Adaptation to Climate - INAP, Casaclima San Andrés Change, a series of simulations to evaluate the performance of the model in terms of flows of ventilation and temperature they are made relative humidity inside, under various conditions (open and closed windows, etc.). …”
Digital247 -
Published 2023
A.N.S.A.Dramaturgias liminales de una abeja en la ciudad: (Abejas Nativas Sin Aguijón)
“… This article can be read as a swarm of conclusions, reflections, experiences or political decisions that emerge from the current research developed from the Research/Creation modality and are installed in the dialogue of Art, Ethics and Politics of Master in Art, Education and Culture at National Pedagogical University. Relationships are established between the situated performative practices of the teacher-creator “I” and the urban public spaces, evidencing the life of the bees as a symbolic universe due to their ways of inhabiting and building their hive, the way they communicate, the work uninterrupted throughout its life and the “bee space” understood in this research as a place of transit in the hive, a Liminal space. …”
Digital248 -
Published 2011
Formación de competencias docentes en el uso de las TIC: ¿cómo apoyar a los estudiantes cuando interactúan con ambientes computacionales?
“…This proposal is based on the developments being conducted by the research group Cognitek National Pedagogical University.…”
Digital249 -
Published 2011
Competencias docentes y enfoques de aprendizaje
“…This article, product of the processes derived from the research Assessment teaching and learning in the classroom, by the National Pedagogical University, shows that several concepts of competencies are highlighted as ineluctable for a competent teacher action: didactic knowledge of their specific discipline and its contextual nature and, finally, the generation of learning vocation. …”
Digital250 -
Published 2013
Diseño de un sistema de recuperación de gases residuales en una empresa cervecera a partir de un turbocompresor de motores diesel.
“…Given this information, we analyze the technical and economic feasibility of using this device in the nation’s food industry.…”
Digital251 -
Published 2016
Tendencias temáticas e investigativas en las facultades de educación en Colombia: una mirada a las revistas científicas
“…Based on some statistics, national and international rankings as references, the paper does not pretend to inquire into what research is, that is to say, the text is not in the pursuit of defining the concept itself; instead of that, it aims to do an assessment about the researching tendencies that from the academy —especially from education departments— allow to understand how is this (the research) being thought.…”
Digital252 -
Published 2017
Comprensiones de los rasgos de normalización y singularización inscritos en los cuerpos de los bailarines infantiles de la compañía Danza Kapital
“…The conception of the body was the subject of studyfrom two categories: singularization and normalization, which are composed of attributes, the latter are the result of the voice of the actors in dialogue with authors, concepts and constructs analyzed in the research line, body, power and subjectivity of the Master’s degree in Educational and Social Development of the National Pedagogical University in the agreement with the CINDE.…”
Digital253 -
Published 2021
Competitividad Internacional del Aceite de palma colombiano 2000-2020
“…This research work has been developed according to a series of data analysis, and therefore, this research is quantitative, which, its main sources of information are the National Administrative Department of Statistics, different government entities and agencies officers.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)255 -
Published 2023
Análisis de potencial eólico y selección de aerogenerador. Caso de estudio Universidad Antonio Nariño sede Buganviles-Neiva
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)256 -
Published 2023
Análisis de los mercados internacionales para la exportación de café en bolsas filtrantes desde el municipio Neiva, Huila.
“…The department of Huila has been taking a greater position at the national level due to the fact that the participation of coffee exports has been increasing, this is due to the fact that it has climatic advantages, which make the coffee of better quality, aroma and flavor, while Obtaining these advantages seeks to take advantage of it and give added value to the product, and coffee in filter bags is a step towards this. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)257 -
Published 2024
Metodología investigativa para evidenciar un desarrollo Turístico y Cultural replicable en el territorio nacional
“…The research was born from observing a cultural, planning, cultural-environmental interest disarticulation and the waste of the sectorial potential of the different municipalities and zones at national level; in this specific case in the Department of Huila, where a great economic potential is observed coming from tourism, an opportunity that has not been consolidated in any way thanks to the lack of interest and priority on the part of the inhabitant population and of the assigned resources, deficient development programs and deficit of instruments for the economic development at national, departmental and municipal level. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)258 -
Published 2024
Análisis del potencial exportador del cacao en grano como producto sustituto de cultivos ilícitos del Valle del Cauca
“…Colombia despite the progress it has made with economic opening through all the methods and mechanisms implemented in recent years by the National Government through programs and webinars, which detail all the processes, rules and regimes that must be taken into account to export, Colombia has low participation in international trade. …”
Estudio descriptivo259 -
Published 2011
Competences formation of teachers in the use of ICT: ¿how to support students as they interact with computing environments?
“…This proposal is based on the developments being conducted by the research group Cognitek National Pedagogical University.…”