Showing 941 - 960 results of 1,876 for search '"documental"', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
  1. Published 2021

    Evaluación del impacto financiero y las estrategias administrativas en la implementación de las NIIF para pymes en el sector veterinarias de la ciudad de Villavicencio. Estudio del... Authors: Calderón Rodríguez, Yesica Andrea

    “…The development of this research will be carried out through a case study methodology, where information will be collected from instruments such as the critical interpretation of internal financial documentation, interviews and conversations with the defined management group…”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  2. Published 2022

    Apoyo a la secretaria de Planeación Municipal de Paz de Río en la revisión y supervisión de proyectos de infraestructura en ejecución como auxiliar de Ingeniería Civil Authors: Martinez Rangel, Camilo Andres

    “…The following document is presented as a report of the degree project) in the internship modality at the Civil Engineering program of the Antonio Nariño University, which has the purpose of supporting the Municipal Planning Secretary of Paz de Río (Boyacá), at the review and supervision of civil projects developed, based on the different approved designs and their annexes, as a Civil Engineering assistant; participating in activities such as the preparation, updating and/or revision of the technical specifications and budgets on the different projects taking into account the value, time and the timely completion of the same, reports developments, land use certificates, nomenclature and variables taking into account the Land Management Scheme (EOT) of Paz de Rio town; As well as the accompaniment and supervision at the technical visits in reference to the projects that were carried out at the town during the development of the internship, among others, in addition to those referred on the log book activities, kept by a photographic record with the purpose of demonstrating the activities carried out during the internship.…”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  3. Published 2022

    Apoyo en la elaboración y control del presupuesto del proyecto multifamiliar Torres del Norte en la ciudad de Sogamoso Authors: Bolivar Lara, Luis Alejandro

    “…Tower 3 of 8 levels, tower 2 of 10 levels and in tower 1 where the internship is developed, which consists of 12 levels where budget controls of the work will be carried out from the sixth plate to the tenth plate, which are construction phases in which that the student will be present. This document presents the report to the support in the project budgets where the necessary information is collected such as the project plans, material costs through billing and quotes and with this the calculations of the respective quantities of the project in the current phase are made. and the APU's necessary to calculate the direct costs of the project, this putting into practice the knowledge obtained by the intern.…”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  4. Published 2022

    Proyecto de prefactibilidad para desarrollar una nueva unidad de negocio de moda en la empresa Jukapa SAS en Bogotá Authors: Parrado Mesa, Edwin Orlando

    “…The research has four secondary objectives that are presented throughout the document, in which surv eys are taken from primary sources such as the population in Bogotá, for the collection of data and important information for the approach of the strategy. …”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  5. Published 2022

    Fortalecimiento de la Cultura Tributaria en la Dirección Nacional de Escuelas de la Policía Nacional de Colombia Authors: Padilla Cajamarca, Leonardo Albeiro, Bautista Murcia, Miguel Fernando

    “…According to the statement it was obtained as a result a guide document, which gives parameters and regulations guidelines with tax focus. …”
    Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)
  6. Published 2023

    Diseño y construcción de un purificador de agua mediante radiación UV y cámara de electrodiálisis alimentado por energía solar fotovoltaica para usuario residencial de la ciudad d... Authors: Rodríguez Rincón, Janderson Faryd, Cortes López, Sebastián Felipe

    “…The present project is directed towards the social character because, in the capital of the department of Casanare, Yopal there is a social problem which has been affecting the people of this city for several years, this difficulty is the lack of water supply drinking water among the population due to the lack of an aqueduct with the capacity to supply this essential liquid for human health, with the realization of this project it is sought to improve the quality of life and prevent diseases related to poor water quality, in the document it develops a small-scale water purifier (prototype) with the capacity to supply this drinkable liquid to a residential user of 5 people, in the development of the project a prototype is designed and built with the purpose of reducing microorganisms (Giarda and Cryptosporidium) through UV radiation artificially and the reduction of heavy metals (Nickel and Cadmium) by implementing from an electrodialysis chamber in the water, the water used by this system arrives with very low turbidity and no solid residues, this makes the prototype more effective.…”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  7. Published 2023

    Pasantía en la Empresa: Ingeniería y Consultoría de Colombia SAS (ICC), ejecutando actividades como Ingeniero Auxiliar en obras civiles Authors: Orduz Pasachoa, Joan Daniel

    “…Duitama nderstand the This document represents the work done as an intern during the resident engineer internship to support future assignments installation of signs, studs, studs such as: supervision, elaboration, painting and and speed reducers.…”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  8. Published 2023

    Geopolímeros como material sustituto del cemento y el concreto para la fabricación y reparación de componentes y partes constructivas en edificaciones Authors: Carvajal Muñoz, Cristian Andrés

    “…The objective of this degree work is to Document the use of geopolymers as a substitute material for cement and conventional concrete for the manufacture and repair of components and constructive parts in buildings. geopolymers. …”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  9. Published 2023

    Auditoría en seguridad vial de la vía Autopista norte de la calle 94 a la calle 153, Bogotá D.C. Authors: Joya Hernández, Tania Lizbeth, Lozano Montaña, Jhonatan Julian

    “…This document contains all the information of the development carried out in the Safety Audit of the North Highway between 94th Street and 153rd Street, where the following variables were reviewed: auscultations, geometric design and signaling, revealing the physical condition of the road and its effects on the road actors that circulate on it, it was thoroughly reviewed through the descriptive quantitative methodology, for this purpose the variables used for each objective were identified, the methods and tools used are presented, the results found are described, from which the sectors with lack of signaling were highlighted. …”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  10. Published 2023

    Estudio diagnóstico de la carpeta asfáltica para la comparación entre pavimentos rígidos y flexibles como alternativa de uso para el parqueadero común de la carrera 14a #27a-57 sur... Authors: Pinzón Forero, Hilton Miguel

    “…In this document we want to answer the questions proposed for the parking lot located in Carrera 14ª #27 a – 57 yes, is a flexible asphalt or a rigid one effective? …”
    Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)
  11. Published 2023

    La Robótica Educativa y su Aporte en el Desarrollo de la Creatividad en Estudiantes de Básica Secundaria Authors: Ruiz Caamaño, Hermes

    “…Pedagogical robotics have gradually been positioned as a tool for generating technological environments that allows the integration of different areas of knowledge for the acquisition of general skills among which creativity stands out. This document summarizes the findings derived from the application of a pedagogical proposal in educational robotics to a group of sixth grade students from a private school in the outskirts of Bogotá. …”
    Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)
  12. Published 2021

    Let the adventure begin: proyecto interdisciplinar en el marco de enseñanza para la comprensión Authors: Camacho Méndez, Jairo Andrés

    “…This document portrays the process carried out in the construction, consolidation and socialization of the interdisciplinary synthesis project called LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN, achieved with the group of students and teachers of 5th Grade at the Colombus American School. …”
  13. Published 2022

    Hilando la historia se teje la ruana: narrativas de identidad sociocultural del campesino boyacense, una experiencia para la construcción de didácticas de la investigación - creaci... Authors: Monroy Méndez, Luis Daniel, Forigua Salamanca, Lady Yohana

    “…Starting from creation laboratories that put into practice the method of collective creation proposed by Enrique Buenaventura and Santiago García.The collection of information is made from the audiovisual, sound and photographic record in each of the laboratories and in the research that is carried out against the sociocultural context of the ruana, object of creation, additionally elaboration of ethnographic and phenomenological interviews that collect the experiences of the Cundiboyacense peasant and of the artists - creators of the collective, the documentation of the information is carried out through field logs, organized by categories that serve for the analysis and understanding of the lines of research of the Master's degree in education of the UAN and the Master in artistic studies of the ASAB, in this way, art and education are put into dialogue to understand what happens within the creation processes.…”
  14. Published 2023

    La evaluación educativa en educación superior en Iberoamérica durante el COVID-19: revisión bibliográfica. Authors: Grisales Givasquita, Erika Lorena, Escobar Pérez, Danilo Stiven

    “…A literature review was conducted based on a search of documents in the databases Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scopus and the academic network ResearchGate, where 14 research articles publishedin the period from 2020 to 2023 are analyzed. …”
  15. Published 2023

    Posturas sobre la implementación de las tics en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales Authors: González Velandia, Luis Carlos, Gómez, Alejandra Vanessa, Rodriguez Parrado, Adriana Lucia

    “…Results: Ten articles published in the period between 2019 and 2023 are analyzed, 100% of the documents reviewed are in Spanish. Among the main findings it is observed that the  inclusion of digital media for the learning of social sciences is favored to a large extent but there are certain limitations in terms of implementation, updating and development of the same as well as the little interest of the student. …”
  16. Published 2022

    Violencia basada en género, una realidad oculta dentro de la pandemia. Authors: Gallego Quiceno, Laura Selena, Riobueno Rincón, Nathalie, Riobueno Rincón, Nathalie, González, Hellen, Gutierrez Gallego, Elizabeth, Roa, Valeria, Anaya, Graciela, Carrero, Valentina

    “…This document analyzes the situation of women in the framework of compulsory isolation due to COVID-19. …”
  17. Published 2021

    Learning English and Spanish in Times Od Covid-19 in A Slavic-Speaking Country Authors: López García, Jorge Andrés

    “…This contribution shall deepen into the plans that were implemented to face such a demanding challenge, such as skype, meet, whereby along with sharing documents, home works and other kind of assignments. …”
  18. 958
  19. 959
  20. 960
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