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Published 2022
Diseño e implementación de un algoritmo de seguimiento de trayectorias para el minidron Parrot mambo utilizando – Simulink/Stateflow
“…This document presents the proposal for the design and implementation of a trajectory tracking algorithm that will be incorporated into the flight control system of the Parrot Mambo minidrone, with the aim of performing autonomous flights. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)481 -
Published 2024
Las crónicas del 10. Cali y Nápoles: Maradona de ida y vuelta
“…Great regional writers are part of this journalistic and narrative selection, tasked with documenting stories that, due to their uniqueness, do not deserve disappearance and oblivion.…”
Libros482 -
Published 2024
Agro Delivery: Aplicación móvil para facilitar la distribución de productos por parte de agricultores y la reducción de intermediarios
“…This document focuses on addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, specifically its reliance on intermediaries in the transportation and distribution of agricultural products to collection centers. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado483 -
Published 2025
Diseño y construcción de un dispositivo electrónico para el diagnóstico de sensores hall, TPS, relevadores y válvula IAC presentes en las motocicletas de inyección electrónica...
“…This document contains the development process of an electronic device that can be used to determine the status of certain sensors and actuators present in low and medium displacement motorcycles with electronic injection systems, present in the Colombian vehicle fleet. which was designed based on the operation and failures of the TPS sensors, hall effect sensors, IAC Valves and relays. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado484 -
Published 2021
Auditoría seguridad vial. ruta 50 RS 01 Apia - la Virginia, abscisas 25+000 a 16+000, tramo transversal las Animas – Bogotá. carretera transversal Central del Pacifico. Código 500...
“…This document contains the development of the Road Safety Audit. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)485 -
Published 2022
Daño Psicológico en NNA víctimas Indirectas del feminicidio en Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador y España
“…The present work aims to describe, based on a systematic review of the literature in countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador and Spain, the most relevant findings regarding psychological damage in children and adolescents who have been exposed as indirect victims of femicide, categorizing the contents found in the documents, providing information that helps in the evaluation of the psychological damage in this population…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)486 -
Published 2022
Estudio de prefactibilidad para determinar la viabilidad de la Exportación de Mango a Sidney (Australia) Desde Ibagué (Tolima-Colombia)
“…The current document is mainly based on investigating the viability on exporting mango from Ibagué (Tolima – Colombia) to the city of Sidney (Australia); taking advantage principally of the per capita incomes that this country owns and the high production that Colombia national territory has, specifically, on Tolima department. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)487 -
Published 2023
Diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de una barrenadora portátil de 10 HP de potencia para realizar mecanizados en Hidrosistemas Gil S.A.S
“…This document describes the design, construction and commissioning of a 3 HP power portable drill, which fulfills the function of machining the lifting ears of the buckets of excavators or loaders for heavy and agricultural machinery. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)488 -
Published 2023
Diseño de prototipo de vivienda rural sostenible aplicando técnicas de autoconstrucción con materiales vernáculos en el Municipio de Curití Santander
“…The document refers to the situation of rural housing in the Cuchicute village, La Cantera sector, in the municipality of Curití, Department of Santander, which are in precarious conditions and do not have essential public services, a situation that led to the community to conditions of inequality. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)489 -
Published 2023
Bravo Pueblo: interpretación del montaje escénico del colectivo coreográfico Indoamericanto para el Carnaval de Negros y Blancos 2022
“…This document it is an investigation regarding Indoamericanto choreographic group and their work “Bravo Pueblo” for the “Negros and Blancos carnival” in 2022, wherein they operate autonomously and decide to make a job of choreographic to the Pasto city this job it is our base to realize this investigation. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)490 -
Published 2023
Formación en educación ambiental a docentes de ciclo básico de la Institución Educativa Distrital Altamira Sur Oriental Sede C
“…This document describes the research proposal focused on the training of basic cycle teachers, specifically from cycles I and III, of the Altamira Sur Oriental District Educational Institution, Headquarters C afternoon session in Environmental Education, through the design, implementation and evaluation of a didactic proposal that in the context of this research we have called a module.…”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)491 -
Published 2024
“Mission: possible” teaching material to improve the oral competence in english while making photography and video
“…The following document is the support of a digital teaching material under the classification of Virtual Learning Objects which is presented as a blog on a website that proposes a didactic sequence to improve the oral competence in EFL through the use of photography and video. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)492 -
Published 2025
Patologías comunes en lagomorfos durante la pasantía en una clínica veterinaria en Bogotá
“…Based on this, the present document seeks to create a manual for both the veterinarian and the owner on how to act in the face of these gastrointestinal pathologies.…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado493 -
Published 2022
Sistematización de la práctica pedagógica en la Fundación Artística y Cultural Chiminigagua.
“…The methodologies used in the teaching-learning process of the techniques for learning Colombian traditional dances are exposed. This document shows the logs, work plans, and audiovisual material compiled through the three periods of the pedagogical practice to reflect on the lived experience.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)494 -
Published 2023
Incidencias de las áreas críticas en los procesos de mantenimiento de la empresa Tayrona Automotriz
“…The main objective of this document is the implementation of RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance), with the purpose of obtaining the most critical area in the preventive maintenance process. made to the vehicles in order to prioritize resources and carry out improvement processes, including the disposal of each of the positions of the company, This was done taking into account the line of processes that a car performs when entering the workshop for preventive maintenance…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)495 -
Published 2023
Diseño y simulación de una pequeña central hidroeléctrica, aprovechando el cauce de una quebrada para la energización de un galpón ubicado en Pore Casanare
“…The following document presents a project for the design and simulation of a small hydroelectric power plant to supply a poultry house on a farm in the municipality of Pore, Casanare. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)496 -
Published 2024
Sistema de facturación electrónica y el impacto que esto tiene en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en sus procesos tecnológicos y mano de obra
“…This article is built in order to provide clarity regarding the implementation of electronic invoicing systems in Colombia, covering and specifying the processes of which this system is composed, starting because there are several fiscal documents that have been implemented with This mechanism for issuing digital information sent to the DIAN Directorate of National Taxes and Customs, it is common among people to believe that only electronic invoicing exists.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)497 -
Published 2022
Pasantía Maestría en Criminología y Conflicto
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)498 -
Published 2023
Propuesta de la documentación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la empresa Calzado Esmaylis con base a los lineamientos del decreto 1072 de 2015 en l...
“…Initially, an initial diagnosis will be made to allow a better vision of what that is happening in the company and that allows to have a better evaluation in the management of risks and dangers, so that in this way the jobs are evaluated, followed by this, the cost-benefit analysis will be elaborated with respect to the documentation to design. Finally, the respective design of the SG-SST documentation based on decree 1072 of 2015 which will be delivered to the enterprise…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)499 -
Published 2018
Contrast of Youth Labor Supply and Demand in the Periods before and after the Economic Opening in Colombia
“…The source of the data begins from the findings of the work of Ocampo (1986) based on the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares and a new elaboration of data analysis of the same survey, in a period after the economic opening. This document also makes a brief bibliographic description where it is shown studies that arise from the concern of analyzing the same macroeconomic variables studied by Ocampo and the present document, and thanks to this a series of hypotheses are elaborated that are contrasted with the results of the survey. …”