Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Colombia 19
- educación 13
- education 10
- educación superior 6
- TIC 5
- Desarrollo sostenible 4
- ICT 4
- desigualdad 4
- higher education 4
- inequality 4
- Architecture 3
- Arquitectura 3
- Latin America 3
- Paz 3
- Sustainable development 3
- aprendizaje 3
- docente 3
- formación docente 3
- literatura 3
- literature 3
- matemáticas 3
- pedagogía 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- renovación curricular 3
- Basic education 2
- Cultural landscape 2
- Democracia 2
- Identidad 2
- Income 2
- Investigación-creación 2
Published 2021
Plan de Mejora para los Procesos Administrativos de la Empresa Treblactec Tecnology S.A.S
“…Our research consists of designing the continuous improvement plan for the administrative processes of the company Treblactec (Process Manual), a company that is dedicated to the commercialization of technological products and services, said company is new in themarket located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1881 -
Published 2022
Estrategias de educación sexual en prevención de embarazos en adolescentes a partir de un análisis documental
“…This graduate work was carried out after the validation of sixty (60) scientific articles written by various authors and researchers regarding the problem of teenage pregnancy in Colombia and Latin America, their intervention strategies and different problems related to it; with the objective of establishing the main causes of teenage pregnancy in the region and identifying strategies that have a positive impact on this problem based on a documentary analysis…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1882 -
Published 2023
Saberes compartidos: integrando desde la interdisciplinariedad
“…Education in Colombia needs a transformation around the teaching processes that are currently evident. …”
Digital1883 -
Published 2018
¿Cómo se adapta el discurso de los candidatos al resultado de las encuestas?
“…The purpose of this paper is to analyze the discourse of the candidates for Colombia’s 2018-2022 presidency and how it changes, influencing the citizens and their intention to vote. …”
Digital1884 -
Published 2021
El componer del arquitecto Guillermo Bermúdez Umaña en el edificio Las Carabelas (1969-1972)
“…This article recalls the life of the architect Guillermo Bermúdez Umaña in the context of modern architecture in Colombia and analyzes the Las Carabelas building (1969-1972) based on the observation methodology of architectural projects focused on the components of the activity, the place, the form and the technique. …”
Digital1885 -
Published 2021
Balance del III Coloquio internacional de escuelas de teatro 2020 – Edición virtual : Tendencias y perspectivas de la investigación teatral
“…It is about the impact and reflections of the "III International Colloquium of Theater Schools" -in its digital edition-, organized by the Bachelor of Performing Arts and its research group Didactics of Performing Arts of the Antonio Nariño University, the Dramatic Art program of the Central University, the Bachelor of Performing Arts from the University of Sonora (Mexico), the Performing Arts program of the Francisco José de Caldas District University - ASAB and the Network of Theater Schools - Ret Colombia, was held from 18 to May 20, 2020.…”
Digital1886 -
Published 2024
Factores clave que determinan la competitividad del sector vitivinícola del Valle del Cauca en el ámbito de la exportación
“…Colombia and the Cauca Valley is an important wine sector of the national agroindustry, which has entered the regional culture, and where its population in its rural environment cultivates, becoming a very competitive product. …”
Estudio descriptivo1887 -
Published 2024
Estado de clima laboral en la administración municipal de Corrales – Boyacá Periodo 2022 - 2023
Estudio descriptivo1888 -
Published 2024
Administración financiera del capital de trabajo en la empresa Fuerte Care SAS de la ciudad de Palmira Valle del Cauca
Estudio descriptivo1890 -
Published 2024
Equipamiento colectivo para el mejoramiento del hábitat rural productivo
“…"When speaking of architecture and culture in Colombia, a territory and a particular geographic space are defined beforehand. …”
Estudio de caso1891 -
Published 2024
Una mirada arqueológica al complejo religioso Nuestra Señora de la Merced en Santiago de Cali.
Estudio de caso1892 -
Published 2024
Entre Duendes, Pájaros y otros personajes Una exploración en la trayectoria artística de Juan Carlos Rocha Conde “ titiritero”
“…The main objective is to understand his artistic trajectory, his creative process, and the impact that developing professional activities as a puppeteer has had on his life, his experience, quality in the art of puppets, and its use in the marketing industry in Colombia.…”
Estudio descriptivo1893 -
Published 2024
Narrativas sobre proyecto vital, apoyo familiar y relaciones con pares en un grupo de jóvenes exfutbolistas
“…The participants were five (5) young people whose ages range from 20 to 25 years, from the city of Bogotá, Colombia; who did not have the possibility of being professional soccer players, even being part of their life project. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1894 -
Published 2024
Diseño del Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen del Municipio de El Colegio Cundinamarca
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1895 -
Published 2024
Reconstrucción Historiográfica Del Merecumbé
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1896 -
Published 2024
Caracterización del pensamiento geométrico espacial a partir de la resolución de problemas de empacado de cuerpos geométricos en estudiantes del grado quinto
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Doctorado1897 -
Published 2024
Evaluación técnico-económica para la implementación de energías renovables en el barrio Manaure abajo del municipio Manaure-Guajira
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1898 -
Published 2025
Desarrollo de una herramienta para la detección de presencia humana en situaciones de desastre a través de dispositivos móviles utilizando técnicas de interacción y aprendizaje aut...
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1899 -
Published 2025
Análisis del conocimiento del contenido en docentes de Matemáticas sobre el razonamiento Proporcional en un contexto rural de Quetame
“…The objective of this research was to describe the specialized content knowledge on proportional reasoning used by fifth grade mathematics teachers in the rural area of the municipality of Quetame, Colombia. This study adopts a qualitative approach through the case study methodology, which allows a deep and contextualized understanding, it focuses on how educators understand mathematical concepts on proportional reasoning, it also analyzes how their own solution strategies can be teaching strategies…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1900