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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Colombia 19
- educación 13
- education 10
- educación superior 6
- TIC 5
- Desarrollo sostenible 4
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- desigualdad 4
- higher education 4
- inequality 4
- Architecture 3
- Arquitectura 3
- Latin America 3
- Paz 3
- Sustainable development 3
- aprendizaje 3
- docente 3
- formación docente 3
- literatura 3
- literature 3
- matemáticas 3
- pedagogía 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- renovación curricular 3
- Basic education 2
- Cultural landscape 2
- Democracia 2
- Identidad 2
- Income 2
- Investigación-creación 2
Published 2023
Centro Administrativo Municipal De Ibagué
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1201 -
Published 2023
Análisis del impuesto de renta para las personas jurídicas del régimen ordinario para pymes bajo la Ley 2277 de 2022 reforma tributaria para la igualdad y la justicia social
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1203 -
Published 2023
Inteligencia emocional y clima laboral en colaboradores de una empresa comercializadora de productos cerámicos en la ciudad de Tunja
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1204 -
Published 2023
Creencias de un grupo de homosexuales masculinos frente a la adopción homoparental a partir de su experiencia de familia
“…Jaime Ardila Salcedo, scientific advisor of Colombia Diversa presents before the Court Constitutional in 2015 an analysis of the literary review of scientific studies where The aim is to demonstrate that homosexuality does not represent any impediment to adoption. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1205 -
Published 2023
Ingresos Departamentales, Gastos Y Tasa De Cambio, Un Modelo De Crecimiento Jalonado Por La Demanda Para El Departamento Del Huila Periodo 1985 – 2015
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1206 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de Caracterización y alternativas de mejora de la cadena de suministro para la producción del banano en el departamento del Magdalena
“…The banana is an important fruit product marketed worldwide; in Colombia it is ranked among the top 10 agricultural products exported to different countries, five varieties of bananas are cultivated: Dominico, Dominico Hartón, Hartón, Cachaco or Popocho, and Pelipita. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1207 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de un manual para aplicación de retención de ICA en la empresa Salamanca S.A.S.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1208 -
Published 2024
El riesgo cambiario y su efecto en la rentabilidad del sector avícola municipio de Palmira
“…The study investigates the exposure to foreign exchange risk in Colombia's poultry sector, focusing on exchange rate volatility and rising raw material costs. …”
Estudio descriptivo1209 -
Published 2024
Propuesta de plan estratégico enfocado en la exportación de limón tahití, desde el municipio de Puerto Lopez - Meta hacia un mercado internacional europeo como opción de negocio...
“…Colombia is a country that is identified and recognized for its agricultural production capacity, This being one of the main banana exporters worldwide, producing 3% of the world banana and occupying 9th place among exporters (Min agriculture, 2021). …”
Estudio descriptivo1210 -
Published 2021
Bienestar psicológico en mujeres sindicadas del establecimiento penitenciario y carcelario de mediana seguridad de Buenaventura
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1211 -
Published 2021
Diseño de la documentación de un sistema de gestión de calidad en el colegio Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes de Piñuelas bajo los requerimientos de la norma ISO 9001 2015.
“…Throughout history, quality has been a determining factor that generates an added value in any type of market, that is why having a quality management system has become an indispensable tool in any type of company, taking into account the demands that every day are higher and the competition is more fierce. Currently in Colombia the quality management system in the educational sector is not implemented in as many institutions as it should be, possibly the reason for this is that the managers of these institutions do not know how to do it and ignore its importance; which in short from the point of view that Colombia is in a constant growth where its economy will be reflected in the future according to the quality of education that is managed. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1212 -
Published 2021
Plan parcial de renovación urbana sobre el río Chipalo y quebrada san Antonio comuna 6 Ibagué - Tolima
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1213 -
Published 2022
Plan de negocio para la creación de una repostería especializada en personas con enfermedades diabéticas y sobrepeso en Santa Marta
“…Currently in society, diabetes constitutes a very high percentage of death, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) in Colombia, the death rate from Diabetes for 2020 was 18.27, in this way according to the study carried out by the organization world health in Colombia there has been an increase in deaths from this disease since 2016 when the mortality rate was 14.88. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1214 -
Published 2022
Estudio de alternativas para el diseño de un sistema de drenaje de la vía ubicada en la carrera 11 B entre las calles 7 y 8 Barrio Cundinamarca de Duitama Boyacá.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1215 -
Published 2022
Potencial exportador de la pulpa de Arazá hacia el mercado de Alemania
“…The objectives sought in this research are to identify the benefits of arazá pulp, characterize the exotic fruit market in Germany and identify the advantages of international trade for both countries derived from the export of arazá pulp. Colombia, being in the tropical region, is rich in fruit diversification, among these exotic ones such as "araza", this fruit grows a lot in the Amazon, and crops are currently being increased in Valle del Cauca; Although it is highly recognized in the aforementioned areas, it has not been given the sufficient value and recognition that it should have, since it contains a high nutritional composition based on vitamins and proteins, in addition to its medicinal uses to counteract symptoms of various diseases. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1216 -
Published 2022
Una mirada al proceso de restitución de tierras desde la accountability social
“…The objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the management and compliance of the land repair process through Social Accountability carried out by the Land Restitution Unit, an entity that was created with Law 1448 of 2011, in charge of the reestablishment of rights and full reparation to all those people who, as of January 1, 1991, were forced to leave their lands as a consequence of the armed conflict that Colombia has experienced for so many years. The type of research that was carried out was of a documentary and exploratory nature, since we went to different sources of information for the development of this study, where the data published in the reports of the aforementioned entity in charge were taken, in such a way that they could determine the degree of progress in this process in its different stages from the entry into force of the Law until December 31, 2021. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1217 -
Published 2021
Mejoramiento del sistema de acuerdo en la zona sur-oeste del municipio del Villeta-Cundinamarca
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1218 -
Published 2021
Lineamientos urbanos para el espacio público de las zonas contiguas al río Pasto en la zona céntrica de la ciudad de San Juan De Pasto.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1219 -
Published 2022
Impacto Socioeconómico de la COVID-19 en el Departamento del Tolima
“…Under this scenario, it is necessary to know the socioeconomic situation in terms of the current health crisis, specifically for Tolima, because although there is information worldwide, from Latin America and Colombia, there are few regional studies that relate the consequences of the same in the economic sectors of the department, the evolution of the virus and the severity in people's health. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1220