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- Colombia 19
- educación 13
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- inequality 4
- Architecture 3
- Arquitectura 3
- Latin America 3
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- Sustainable development 3
- aprendizaje 3
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- pedagogía 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- renovación curricular 3
- Basic education 2
- Cultural landscape 2
- Democracia 2
- Identidad 2
- Income 2
- Investigación-creación 2
Published 2024
Diseño eléctrico red de media tensión, baja tensión y uso final del conjunto residencial Nova Terra Popayán – Cauca
“…This project proposes to develop the electrical design of the Medium voltage, Low voltage, outdoor lighting and final use network of the Nova Terra residential complex, applying the regulations in force in Colombia, RITIE, RETILAP, NTC2050, coordination of protections, in order that comply with the parameters required by the company that provides the energy service for the department of Cauca, (Compañía Energética de Occidente) for its evaluation, review and approval, with the permits and applications to the norm in this type of projects and facilities.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1061 -
Published 2021
Modelo metodológico comparativo para estudios etnomatemáticos.
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1062 -
Published 2021
Oportunidades del sector agrícola colombiano dentro de la Alianza del Pacifico
“…The Pacific Alliance is constituted as an open integration in Latin America, which has meant that it poses several challenges and challenges for the future.Within the process of liberalization of goods and the reduction of tariffs, there is the agricultural sector that has had a series of products of special treatment in the country in order to generate a competitive market but that for the rest of products and due to the competitive advantages of Colombia, it can be a framework of opportunities and advantages for this sector. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1063 -
Published 2021
Afecciones psicosociales derivadas en personas testigos de homicidio en el municipio de La Unión, Valle Del Cauca
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1064 -
Published 2022
Auditoría de los Estados Financieros una Herramienta para Controlar la Evasión y la Corrupción en el Sector Público
“…Understand how important is this implementation of the audit that must be carried out to public entities, to find the quality of financial information and thus be able to distribute resources to the community in a fair and equitable way avoiding corruption in Colombia. With reference to the aforementioned, the ISSAIs (International Standards Of Supreme Audit Institutions) form a set of norms where part of them deal with all the most used prerequisites for the scope of a correct audit in the public sector and thus the Treasury is supported by these regulations, therefore, Colombia has this protection in the financial statements and in the accounting, thus reflecting the economic reality of these public sector entities. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1065 -
Published 2024
Auditoria en seguridad vial en el tramo La Virginia – Viterbo, comprendido en el Km 12+000 al Km 18+000
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1066 -
Published 2025
Impacto Del Cambio Normativo Para Los Fondos Inmobiliarios Listados En Bolsa-Durante El Periodo 2021-2023 Una Experiencia Desde Skandia
“…A regulatory change has impacted those investors who have generated an important part of the capital flow of the listed Real Estate Funds and this has resulted in a challenge for this type of Funds, in the search for capital and new investment to continue contributing to the development. of the real estate sector in Colombia, sectors such as offices, health, shopping centers are mainly driven by Real Estate Funds. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1067 -
Published 2021
Competitividad Internacional del Aceite de palma colombiano 2000-2020
“…The main objective of this research work is focused on describing and analyzing in depth in the contexts of international trade, as has been the current situation of the Colombian palm sector in the course of the years (2000-2020) and how it has contributed to the competitiveness of Colombia in the international market. The Colombian palm growing sector has taken on great importance within the agro industrial activities, since it has shown that the consumption of healthy foods has been superior to the derivatives that exist of olive, vegetable and animal oils; It is good to recognize this, since Colombia is the first country to produce palm oil, and that it has more than 350,000 hectares, as well as its climatic conditions have allowed the cultivation of such a product. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1068 -
Published 2022
Análisis e impacto de los call center en el área metropolitana de la ciudad de Neiva
“…The country's good economic times, globalization, the accelerated growth of the telecommunications sector, the development of new communication tools, the sociocultural changes that have occurred in Colombia and the region as of the 21st century, among other factors; They are decisive for sizing and understanding this sector, which is still relatively young in the region and for this reason represents a very attractive investment opportunity. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1069 -
Published 2022
Niñez apátrida: una consecuencia de la migración en Latinoamérica
“…The precarious economic and social conditions have led its inhabitants to the need to find solutions in neighboring countries like ours. Colombia has had to implement specific actions that are oriented to the care of the Venezuelan population due to the exponential growth of the transfer of inhabitants of this country to the national territory. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1070 -
Published 2023
Medición Del Impacto Con La Implementación Del Software Contable- Administrativo FUDO Dentro De La Compañía Yami Food
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1071 -
Published 2023
Impacto económico de la mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus para el municipio de Pácora, Caldas entre 2017-2021
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)1072 -
Published 2024
Evaluación Tecnológica Del Equipamiento Biomédico En El Hospital Timbío - Empresa Social Del Estado
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1073 -
Published 2021
Análisis documental de factores que influyen en el uso de prótesis dental en el adulto mayor para la elaboración de un formato de seguimiento en clínica.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1074 -
Published 2024
Aproximación Psicoanalítica a los Discursos Que Generan Identificación Del Pueblo Colombiano, con dos Dirigentes Políticos Victimas de La Violencia: Álvaro Uribe Vélez E Ivan Ceped...
“…The armed conflict in Colombia is a circumstance which is repeated in the recent history of our country, giving as result that the majority of population in Colombia has been victims of violence, although they have not been attacked directly, they have lived near violence. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado1075 -
Published 2021
Universidad Antonio Nariño - sede Duitama consultorio jurídico
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1076 -
Published 2021
Proyecto urbano: diseño de espacio público para el remate del plan parcial "triángulo de fenicia": Localidad de Santa Fé, Bogotá D.C.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1077 -
Published 2021
¿Se ha dado cumplimiento al Decreto 1122 de 1998, para la implementación de la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos consagrada en la Ley 70 de 1993 en los Colegios Públicos del Mu...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1078 -
Published 2022
Diseño de sistema objetual terapéutico a partir de materiales cerámicos que permitan al fisioterapeuta complementar el tratamiento de artritis reumatoide en personas mayores de 40...
“…Project based on the approach to the increasing problem of rheumatoid arthritis in the adult population in Colombia, which seeks to provide comprehensive treatment to patients over 40 years of age in Bogotá hand in hand with the physiotherapist. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1079 -
Published 2022
Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa dedicada ala producción y comercialización de productos naturales a base de frutas en la ciudad de Cali.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)1080