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- AI 1
- Arte Sonoro 1
- Arte urbano 1
- Diseño Urbano 1
- Distance University 1
- Educación 1
- Educational innovation from ICT 1
- Higher Education 1
- IA 1
- ICTs 1
- Inteligencia Artificial 1
- Patrimonio aural 1
- Student Dropout 1
- TIC 1
- TICs 1
- Turismo contemporáneo 1
- algorithms 1
- artificial intelligence 1
- challenges 1
- data science 1
- deserción estudiantil 1
- education 1
- enseñanza superior 1
- innovación educativa a partir de las TIC 1
- machine learning 1
- retos 1
- universidad a distancia 1
Published 2013
Robots as modern slaves
“…The drive for invention and technologicaldevelopment reached the idea and elaboration of artificial intelligence, whichis created in the image of man. …”
Digital21 -
Published 2013
Robot como esclavos modernos
“…The drive for invention and technologicaldevelopment reached the idea and elaboration of artificial intelligence, whichis created in the image of man. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article22 -
Published 2021
Robot como esclavos modernos
“…The drive for invention and technologicaldevelopment reached the idea and elaboration of artificial intelligence, whichis created in the image of man. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion23 -
Published 2021
Incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías en la creación de modelos hidrodinámicos para el abastecimiento de agua potable
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)24 -
Published 2021
Detección automática de pacientes con arritmias auriculares en registros electrocardiográficos
“…The purpose of this research work is the automatic detection of patients with atrial arrhythmias in The purpose of this research work is the automatic detection of patients with atrial arrhythmias using electrocardiographic records, by means of feature extraction and artificial intelligence methods. Taking into account the importance of the analysis of biomedical signals in the development of technologies to prevent, diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death in the world and in the department of Bolivar, a software is developed in the MATLAB environment, using databases. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)25 -
Published 2024
Implementación de un sistema de seguimiento de trayectorias basado en visión artificial para el mini dron Parrot Mambo.
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado26 -
Published 2022
Algoritmo Autónomo de Control de Trayectorias en Escenarios con Obstáculos para Mini Drones Utilizando Técnicas de Aprendizaje por Refuerzo
“…The entire design was performed with the MATLAB computational tool, which has several toolboxes and tools that help the modeling of both the drone and the artificial intelligence, as taught throughout Chapter 3, where the series of steps necessary for the design of the algorithm are described in depth. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)27 -
Published 2021
Auditoría a los controles utilizados en los cobots, para evitar fraudes en procesos industriales
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)28 -
Published 2023
Retos de la educación a distancia y virtual en deserción estudiantil Universitaria
“…To carry out this study, a systematic review under the PRISMA methodology was proposed as a method, and as results, individual, academic, socioeconomic, and institutional educational and administrative aspects that propose strategies such as interviews are among the most important reasons that influence dropout. and support for the entry of the modality, communication and rapid and effective feedback mediated by artificial intelligence, laboratories and virtual practices, financial aid, synchronous social and welfare activities that can be implemented from educational management and public policies.…”
Digital29 -
Published 2021
¡TIC, TOC, TAC, AI! : Arte Sonoro, Tecnología y Ciudad en el s.XXI.
“…Afterwards, the core works of the text are addressed, advancing from the Internet and the Information and Communication Technologies, to Geographic Information Systems, Apps, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Internet of Things. …”
Digital30 -
Published 2021
¡TIC, TOC, TAC, AI! : Arte Sonoro, Tecnología y Ciudad en el s.XXI.
“…Afterwards, the core works of the text are addressed, advancing from the Internet and the Information and Communication Technologies, to Geographic Information Systems, Apps, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Internet of Things. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article31 -
Published 2023
Retos de la educación a distancia y virtual en deserción estudiantil Universitaria
“…To carry out this study, a systematic review under the PRISMA methodology was proposed as a method, and as results, individual, academic, socioeconomic, and institutional educational and administrative aspects that propose strategies such as interviews are among the most important reasons that influence dropout. and support for the entry of the modality, communication and rapid and effective feedback mediated by artificial intelligence, laboratories and virtual practices, financial aid, synchronous social and welfare activities that can be implemented from educational management and public policies.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article32 -
Published 2022
Construcción de significados de los conceptos de perímetro y área en estudiantes de cuarto grado de primaria
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)33 -
Published 2024
Página web para agendamiento, control y modificación de citas para la empresa Kasa Dinava
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado34 -
Published 2024
Estimación de sexo mediante estructuras craneofaciales con fines forenses. Scoping Review
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado35 -
Published 2025
Desarrollo de una herramienta para la detección de presencia humana en situaciones de desastre a través de dispositivos móviles utilizando técnicas de interacción y aprendizaje aut...
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado36 -
Published 2021
Implementación de mantenimiento predictivo para una bomba centrífuga utilizando machine learning
“…This document presents an application of machine learning as predictive maintenance in a simulated centrifugal pump, it is a strategy of how to use this branch of artificial intelligence as a maintenance technique. By means of discrete simulations data are extracted from dynamic variables such as torque, pressure and flow from a centrifugal pump in a common water supply system, data is taken from the pump at two speed ranges in the pump rotor…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)37 -
Published 2023
Stitching automático de imágenes panorámicas con drones para la digitalización de zonas rurales aisladas
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)38 -
Published 2024
Trabajo de Apoyo a La Planeación y Desarrollo Económico de Suesca Cundinamarca
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado39 -
Published 2024
Diseño de dispositivo de elevación en la mejora del proceso de automatización de la máquina envolvedora de la empresa Bavaria S.A. (Cervecería Barranquilla)
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado40