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Published 2021
Evaluación de la función renal y urinaria en perros adultos (jóvenes y geriátricos) - monografía
“…There are several techniques that can be used to assess the kidney function of patients, for example, urinalysis that gives us a physical-chemical assessment of urine, and different proteins that are used to estimate the rate of glomerular filtration; among them, we can mention creatinine, Cystatin C, SDMA (symmetrical dimethylarginine), creatinine clearance. In human medicine, the physiological variables between young adults and elderly or geriatric patients are clear, which provides better medical management. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)581 -
Published 2021
Centro Integral de Rehabilitación para Personas con Discapacidades en Neiva – Huila
“…Disability is a condition of human beings, caused by different genetic-hereditary factors, general illness, work accidents, and accidents in homes, having as its main characteristic the deprivation of a factor as important as body mobility, sight , eyes, voice and speech, generating limitations to participate in economic, social and cultural life at the regional, national and world levels. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)582 -
Published 2022
La promoción de la salud y los contextos de vulnerabilidad frente al VIH/sida en trabajadoras sexuales. una revisión narrativa
“…Women sex workers have different characteristics and attributes, based on the performance of their work and the knowledge they have of preventive and risk practices against HIV; In this sense, each of the social determinants that this population has and its social stigma are taken into account, in such a way the present work establishes the relationship that exists in the approaches of various authors, so that a narrative review of the literature was carried out in order to synthesize findings reported in scientific research on health promotion actions in the context of vulnerability to HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases in sex workers, therefore it was obtained as a result that the workers sexual do not carry out the best HIV prevention practices, since access presents institutional barriers for the complete counseling of the pathology, which is why it is concluded that a more humanized treatment is lacking in health professionals and greater support in the creation of strategies of national entities.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)583 -
Published 2023
Propuesta de redistribución en planta por procesos. para la empresa electroacabados ubicada en la ciudad de Bucaramanga S.A
“…We seek to determine an analysis where the factors that influence the company are found in the flow of materials, the human factor, machinery and where the need for several solutions for further evaluation and to be implemented within the production plant is observed, in this way it is determined to make a plant layout. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)584 -
Published 2023
Diagnóstico de los factores internos para la medición de la competitividad en la empresa agropecuaria finca la Siberia, Municipio de Tuluá- Valle del Cauca
“…The present investigation makes a diagnosis of the internal factors for the measurement of competitiveness, in the agricultural company Finca la Siberia, based on the methodology of the IICA: technological and productive capacity, quality of human resources, knowledge of markets and adaptability and adequate relationships with customers. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)585 -
Published 2023
Análisis de la Autoestima y sus Dimensiones en estudiantes de Segundo Grado de Básica Primaria de la I.E.D. Colegio Carlos Pizarro Leongómez
“…The human being in his identity construction is really complex, and self- esteem plays a fundamental role for this construction. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)586 -
Published 2024
Estrategias competitivas para las empresas agrarias del Departamento de Córdoba
“…As studied, competitive strategies are formulated; characterized mainly by the aspects of competitiveness of the organization, communication, management, good agricultural practices, development of human talent, productivity, positioning, traceability, corporate social responsibility, technology and innovation, new markets, and sustainability.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)587 -
Published 2024
Clima Organizacional en una Empresa De Obra Civil
“…Introduction The theory of human relations was spread in Europe and North America, this theory considers man as a social being, with fears, feelings and desires; thus describing the behavior of the collaborator as a consequence of many motivational factors (1); this theory was widely used in the United States industry, because the benefits obtained in its application were evidenced, in November 1924 one of the most important telephone equipment manufacturing companies in the United States, called Western Electric Co, began the study of a series of "experiments aimed at measuring the influence of lighting conditions on the worker's productivity curve" (2), this gave rise to the Humanistic School of Management, which was developed by the sociologist and psychologist Elton Mayo (1). …”
Estudio de caso588 -
Published 2024
Aplicación De La Bolsa Bogotá Como Tratamiento De Primera Línea En Peritonitis Canina (Reporte De Caso)
Estudio de caso589 -
Published 2013
Modelos Asociativos: Una necesidad del sector madera y muebles de la ciudad de Barranquilla para mejorar su productividad y competitividad
“…Subsequently, an analysis of the obtained results from surveys applied to the SENA as training center that could help support these programs due to its resources, and the application of another survey to 17 Mipymes of the sector, where the following six levels were identified: business management, human talent, training, infrastructure, continuous improvement and shopping links. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article590 -
Published 2022
Information media and climate change. Perception and manipulation of the information received according to teachers in training of Primary Education (Spain): Medios de información...
“…Regarding the causes, human actions stand out (76.3 %) and the consequences: the increase in temperature (37.4 %), extinction species (20.1 %) and melting and rise in sea level (17.3 %). …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article591 -
Published 2024
Deterioro Cognitivo tras Administracion de Dosis Subumbrales de Pilocarpina
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado592 -
Published 2024
Inventario de seguridad vial en la secretaría de tránsito y transporte en la zona 14 del municipio de Duitama - Boyacá
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado593 -
Published 2024
Conocimiento de los objetivos y funciones del comité de seguridad del paciente en la práctica odontológica en la universidad Antonio Nariño sede Palmira
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado594 -
Published 2025
Efectos orales asociados al uso de Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (cigarrillos electrónicos y vapeadores). Scoping Review
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado595 -
Published 2021
La transformación urbana a partir de las implicaciones sociales para la construcción del bulevar de la avenida Colombia Santiago de Cali
“…In this way, aninquiry and interaction with citizens and acquireddocuments is carried out in order to seek answers toquestions that focus on the participants' experience, how itis created and how it gives meaning to human life within aspace in d different transformations to those of different eras. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)596 -
Published 2021
Módulo medico multi-operacional transportable para emergencias
“…The world is changing and as shown we have climatic changes that are usually abrupt and cause great damage to those who inhabit it, but the question is based on the fact that the greatest cause of this purpose is the human being and in this way is the greatest affected. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)597 -
Published 2021
Modelos Asociativos: Una necesidad del sector madera y muebles de la ciudad de Barranquilla para mejorar su productividad y competitividad
“…Subsequently, an analysis of the obtained results from surveys applied to the SENA as training center that could help support these programs due to its resources, and the application of another survey to 17 Mipymes of the sector, where the following six levels were identified: business management, human talent, training, infrastructure, continuous improvement and shopping links. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion598 -
Published 2021
Cambios Tomográficos en la densidad ósea de alveolos post exodoncia de terceros molares inferiores doce meses después de intervenidos con plasma rico en fibrina versus cicatrizació...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)599 -
Published 2021
Niveles lagrimales y plasmáticos de leptina, endotelina-1 y clusterina, correlación con diagnósticos de retinosis pigmentaria y retinopatía diabética y factores de riesgo
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)600