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- educación 7
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- Artes visuales 2
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- Visual arts 2
- Zona urbana 2
- architecture 2
- arquitectura 2
- art 2
- arte 2
- city 2
- ciudad 2
- derechos humanos 2
- desarrollo humano 2
- educación artística 2
- educación para la paz 2
- enseñanza 2
- identidad 2
- identity 2
- juego 2
- medio ambiente 2
- renovación curricular 2
- teacher training 2
Published 2023
La educación artística en procesos de formación integral y construcción de escenarios de paz
“…Thus, the invitation is generated so that from the schools of basic education the diverse artistic possibilities are adopted for the growth of the human being in all its dimensions, recognizing art as a scenario for peace and positive social transformation.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article521 -
Published 2023
Diseño de una actividad integradora para la enseñanza del concepto de respiración humana en estudiantes de 7° grado de un colegio del Municipio de Soacha
“…A summary of the general research is proposed, focused on showing the development of our integrative design, focused on the concept of human respiration and proposed for 6th and 7th grade students of a private educational institution in the municipality of Soacha. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article522 -
Published 2021
De un pensar racional a un pensar phronético: una idea de educación desde Paul Ricœur
“…Before this landscape this paper tries to present the Ricœurian concept of Phronesis as one horizon which can guide current education and formed students in freedom and critical thinking in favor of self-realization in community. Phronesis as human capacity and virtue or excellence in acting with and for others, could be the horizon of school labor, one which have as end students guidance under the notion of selfformation and not of being formatted. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion524 -
Published 2021
Graphemes, traces and signing within the unimage of the contemporary city
“…That is how water currents, winds, movements in plant life, seismic activity, heat waves, animal migrations and social human anatomy’s rhizomatous movements function. It is possible to square matter with energy in motion, the same as we can speak of quantum urban environments. …”
Artículo revisado por pares525 -
Published 2021
La Architecture: a view from the complex. Thinking of space, a space for thought
“…This approach recognizes the complexity structure a new collusion, and finds the fundamental problems of reality, uncertainty and contradiction, where it exceeds the possibilities of human logic, which shows the transition from simple to complex. …”
Artículo revisado por pares526 -
Published 2021
Guidelines for intervention in streams, as border landscape structurers in Medellín, Colombia
“…The present work highlights the necessary inclusion of the landscape approach in the territorial ordering, particularly in wild-ruralurban borders, paying balanced attention to the categories that determine this approach: natural, built and human. The aim is to consolidate the streams as structurers of the border landscape on the slopes of the Aburrá valley, on which the city of Medellín extends. …”
Artículo revisado por pares527 -
Published 2022
Identificación de Marcadores TRA-l-60 y SOX en Muestras de Células Madres Cancerosas de Pacientes Diagnosticados con Cáncer Oral
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)528 -
Published 2024
Propuesta De Creación De Consultorio Técnico En Ingeniería Civil En La Universidad Antonio Nariño: Un Modelo De Emprendimiento Académico
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)530 -
Published 2024
Una mirada a las tendencias didácticas de la escritura creativa en español en la educación Básica y Media Colombiana
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)531 -
Published 2021
Preescolar en casa, el reto de enseñar a través de una pantalla
“…Today, a short time after the end of a school year, we can rescue the resources, the strategies, the new ways of teaching and above all value the human beings who from one day to the next modified their home as a classroom, changed the decorative pictures by visual aids and adapted to a new reality.…”
Digital532 -
Published 2019
Elementos físico-químicos contaminantes presentes en el arroyo Cañafístula del municipio de Polonuevo, Atlántico
“…Colombia is no stranger to such concern, since being a country with a great water wealth, this does not exempt it from being contaminated by various physicochemical and biological factors, which could cause harm not only to humans but also to ecosystems where they are, which can lead to gradually losing their quality of life. …”
Digital533 -
Published 2023
Aula Link: escuela sin fronteras como herramienta para la implementación de las TIC en la educación
“…Which is based on an initiative that consists of connecting students through Skype with students, teachers and professionals anywhere in the world in order to learn history, geography, promote the experience of human rights, and in general to offer them an extensive experience of the world around them. …”
Digital534 -
Published 2024
Impacto de la auditoria forense para la detección de fraudes financieros en las Empresas de Colombia (2018-2022)
“…This project proposes a methodological framework to implement an effective forensic audit system in Colombian Companies, integrating technology, trained human resources and robust audit processes. Finally, it concludes by highlighting the importance of forensic auditing in the fight against fraud and its role in protecting financial interests and business integrity in Colombia.…”
Versión final del autor, Versión aceptada para publicar535 -
Published 2021
Aprovechamiento de residuos plásticos (bolsas) en la producción de banano y plátano en la zona bananera
“…The objective of this research is to develop the process of recycling, collecting and transforming plastic bags in banana production, in the elaboration of new products for the daily use of homes, all this in order to minimize its environmental impact; It is remarkable how people have taken consumption habits not very responsible with the environment, supporting economic systems that are reflected in the contamination of our ecosystems and affect human health, the use of millions of plastic bags every minute in the world is has become one of the most important environmental problems of the current century, the methodology used has a qualitative approach because the physical properties of the resulting material are established through an analysis that determines the accessories to be made with this material, these data are obtained by Observation sheets, surveys, interviews that allow having a database with extensive knowledge to propose the best possible solution to the problem.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)536 -
Published 2021
Diseño de un algoritmo para un sistema de procesamiento de comandos de voz para el control de sillas de ruedas
“…The purpose of our work lies in the development of an algorithm that summarizes the optimal methodologies, extracting the necessary techniques for a good processing of acoustic signals, capable of filtering inaudible and harmful frequency signals for the human being, where the range of usefulness is from 20Hz to 20kHz, this algorithm is capable of recognizing no less than 12 fundamental characteristics of the voice spectrum, in order to identify the phonemes of the words. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)537 -
Published 2021
Evaluación de modelos de aprendizaje automático para predecir el riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad de Parkinson
“…The diseases that human beings suffer in many cases do not have a clear origin, but when it affects a person it prevents them from having an adequate life. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)538 -
Published 2022
Gestión de la Seguridad de Información y Estrategia Tecnológica en las Consultorías de Proyectos Industriales de la Ciudad de Barranquilla
“…That is where the technological strategies focused on the search for optimal and lasting results were born, locked in a cycle of continuous improvement allowing new technologies to automate processes without leaving human beings aside. Its challenge is to analyze the management of information security and its technological strategy developed in the consultancies of industrial projects of the city of Barranquilla.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)539 -
Published 2022
Análisis Exploratorio de Datos del Consumo del Servicio Público de Energía Eléctrica en Bogotá
“…Access to public services has a positive impact on the quality of life of citizens and is currently an intrinsic need of the human condition, impacting in essential factors such as food, health, education, among others. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)540