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- educación 7
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- educación para la paz 2
- enseñanza 2
- identidad 2
- identity 2
- juego 2
- medio ambiente 2
- renovación curricular 2
- teacher training 2
Published 2023
Diagnóstico de cultura de paz y los protocolos de actuación en contextos vulnerables de educación primaria
“…The culture of peace is the set of values, attitudes and behaviors that reflect respect for life, dignity and human rights (Jiménez-Bautista, 2008). Schools are affected by situations of violence, by misinformation on a culture of peace, particularly in schools on the periphery. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article461 -
Published 2023
Propuesta pedagógica: la lectura y la escritura son un mundo de aventura
“…Reading and writing skills contribute significantly to all the formative stages of the human being; however, there are students who finish primary school without reading and writing well. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article462 -
Published 2023
Didactic Unit about the Body Parts in Fifth Grade Through CLIL Approach
“…The general aim of this paper is to support students to overcome their language needs and find out how the implementation of the “Human Body Anatomy” didactic unit designed with CLIL could help and develop students in their comprehension skills. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article463 -
Published 2024
Desarrollo de un dispositivo portátil de seguridad para principiantes en el Gimnasio
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado464 -
Published 2021
Las raíces de la violencia y el machismo: la socialización educativa a través de los videojuegos (segunda parte)
“…Moreover these not only encourage them to adopt the consumer and predominant male values at a very early stage but also educate them against the social conventions, the ethics and the human rights.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion465 -
Published 2021
Analysis of the lack of identity as a determining factor in integration of youth to the hooligans Bogota city
“…During the development of human beings, identity plays a very important role, because it characterizes individuals and justifies acting a certain way; the absence of this brings several consequences, among them is the deliberate joiningof a mass behavior. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion466 -
Published 2021
Material Anchors and Semiotics Agentive as tools for Navigation and Sense Generation in Geographic Space
“…This article attempts to make a thoughtful contribution from cognitive semiotics to human geography, more specifically to the processes of generation and navigationsense of subjects within the city. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion467 -
Published 2021
Las raíces de la violencia y el machismo: la socialización educativa a través de los videojuegos: (primera parte)
“…Moreover these not only encourage them to adopt the consumer and predominant male values at a very early stage but also educate them against the social conventions, the ethics and the human rights.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion468 -
Published 2021
Imagination and representation: cognitive mapping of Merida Historic Centre by students at Yucatan Autonomous University
“…Researchers conclude that cognitive maps are an appropriate instrument for studying human settlements, since they clearly show how city dwellers perceive and provide meaning to architectural and urban structures in the places they inhabit.…”
Artículo revisado por pares469 -
Published 2021
Bicentennial memory: Bogota’s Eastern Mountains (1810-2010). A review of the current state of knowledge
“…All found documents were sorted within four fields of knowledge: social sciences, natural sciences, technical/environmental sciences, and local facts; three main characteristics were analyzed: i) Scope: basic, practical, theoretical. ii) Approach: disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary. iii) Team: one researcher, two researchers, research group; and the following frameworks were considered: administrative, historical, ecological, cultural, and human-rights advocacy.…”
Artículo revisado por pares470 -
Published 2022
Propuesta de Mejora del Sistema de Gestión de Mantenimiento en la Empresa Transportliquidos S.A.S
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)471 -
Published 2024
Análisis Antropogénico Y Del Cambio Climático Que Impactan Los Paramos, Complejo Cruz Verde
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)472 -
Published 2023
La educación artística en procesos de formación integral y construcción de escenarios de paz
“…Thus, the invitation is generated so that from the schools of basic education the diverse artistic possibilities are adopted for the growth of the human being in all its dimensions, recognizing art as a scenario for peace and positive social transformation.…”
Digital473 -
Published 2023
Diseño de una actividad integradora para la enseñanza del concepto de respiración humana en estudiantes de 7° grado de un colegio del Municipio de Soacha
“…A summary of the general research is proposed, focused on showing the development of our integrative design, focused on the concept of human respiration and proposed for 6th and 7th grade students of a private educational institution in the municipality of Soacha. …”
Digital474 -
Published 2021
Lineamientos para intervención en quebradas, como estructurantes de paisaje de borde en Medellín, Colombia
“…The present work highlights the necessary inclusion of the landscape approach in the territorial ordering, particularly in wild-ruralurban borders, paying balanced attention to the categories that determine this approach: natural, built and human. The aim is to consolidate the streams as structurers of the border landscape on the slopes of the Aburrá valley, on which the city of Medellín extends. …”
Digital475 -
Published 2021
Concepción, diseño y validación de un sistema para la estimación de la fuerza en miembro superior durante movimiento de flexión
“…What makes the implementation of these devices of great relevance because it allows to identify strength values that are required to carry out different activities required in the daily life of the human being, so the loss or deficiency of this capacity prevents quality of life in many people, mainly the risk in older adults who are the most vulnerable. \\ The present project proposes the conception, design and validation of a device to estimate the force values during the flexing movement, from a load cell, its respective calibration and conditioning with the HX711 module, in addition to allowing easy handling for the user. from a graphical interface and allow the data to carry out the respective tests that demonstrate that the device is functional from the Matlab and Arduino software. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)476 -
Published 2024
Significados Que, Frente a La Reparación Integral, Construyen Víctimas De Desplazamiento Forzado En Colombia
“…The analysis focussed on five main categories set out in Law 1448 of 2011 on full reparation and one emerging category: reparation, human rights, prevention of anything similar happening again, restitution of lands, justice and truth, and, ultimately, the future. …”
Estudio descriptivo477 -
Published 2021
El cómic, una estrategia pedagógica que fortalece el pensamiento crítico en el aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales, para los estudiantes del Liceo Español Pérez Galdós
“…The results indicate that the students order their thoughts sequentially, enhancing their ideas and imagination, developing the skills and social competencies that human beings need.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)478 -
Published 2022
Emoción-arte aprendiendo, creando y viviendo cartilla didáctica para la gestión emocional en niños y niñas de 8 a 10 años
“…For (antoni & zentner, 2014) sadness, fear, anger and happiness are the 4 basic emotions of the being, they are called this way since they have been presented in common experiences of different people throughout various times, places and cultures, too, because they are protagonists in the psychic growth of the human being. Therefore, this degree thesis provides teaching material through which these emotions are recognized and they are given an assertive management that entails recognizing, managing, directing and expressing them, all this from dynamic activities that involve various artistic processes.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)479 -
Published 2022
Relación entre motivación y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de grado 11 de la Institución Educativa Inem José Eustasio Rivera De Leticia-Amazonas
“…First of all, motivation is a fundamental state of the human being for life, without it there would be no motor that generates a behavior. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)480