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- Zona urbana 2
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- arte 2
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- derechos humanos 2
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- educación para la paz 2
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- identity 2
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- medio ambiente 2
- renovación curricular 2
- teacher training 2
Published 2024
Deriva urbana: Una herramienta de intervención De la carrera séptima en Bogotá
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado421 -
Published 2021
Las Unlivable Cities A fictional vision of the modern urban experience
“…Thus, the author callsfor all professionals involved in the design and development of urban settlements to take into account the more human, real and sensitive vision that writers offer about the urban phenomena when analyzing and rationalizing the city. …”
Artículo revisado por pares422 -
Published 2022
Análisis y Evaluación de la calidad del agua en la cuenca del Río Teusacá municipio de Sopó
“…Water is a vital compound for our life and that of ecosystems; over the years, this is being affected due to the activities that human beings have been implementing. The use of the water resource is essential, so it is vital to study the quality of the water and the permissible ranges, according to the utility that is going to be given to it. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)423 -
Published 2023
Viabilidad Celular de Fibroblastos Orales Bioimpresos en Hidrogel de Gelatina de Metacrilato
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)424 -
Published 2015
La arquitectura: una visión desde la complejidad. El pensamiento del espacio, un espacio para el pensamiento
“…This approach recognizes the complexity structure a new collusion, and finds the fundamental problems of reality, uncertainty and contradiction, where it exceeds the possibilities of human logic, which shows the transition from simple to complex. …”
Digital425 -
Published 2019
Construcciones sostenibles, impactos ambientales
“…Sustainable Development Goal 11 seeks to ensure that cities and other human settlements are safe, inclusive, resilient and sustainable, sustainability should be an intrinsic feature of urbanism. …”
Digital426 -
Published 2011
De un pensar racional a un pensar phronético: una idea de educación desde Paul Ricœur
“…Before this landscape this paper tries to present the Ricœurian concept of Phronesis as one horizon which can guide current education and formed students in freedom and critical thinking in favor of self-realization in community. Phronesis as human capacity and virtue or excellence in acting with and for others, could be the horizon of school labor, one which have as end students guidance under the notion of selfformation and not of being formatted. …”
Digital427 -
Published 2011
Los animales en el arte y la hibridación como fundamento para la exploración creativa
“…Given its research/ creation approach, it examines the relation between human beings and one of the oldest parasites (the Ctenocephalides canis flea), and from that standpoint it suggests phobias and hybridization as foundation for graphic and creative explorations. …”
Digital428 -
Published 2011
Artes de acción: re-significación del cuerpo y el espacio urbano
“…The author extends, among others, on the cultural, social, psychic, urban, andpolitical importance and reach of playfulness as an essential component of action arts: non-object-related works that provide the human body with different meanings and serve like individual and collective self recognition devices. …”
Digital429 -
Published 2011
Arte y ciencia: dos senderos que convergen en una misma realidad
“…As a conclusion, the authors state that art is solidly melted into reality, which, as a totalizing phenomena linked to the social and human milieu represents society and culture in all their various manifestations.…”
Digital430 -
Published 2012
París y Bogotá vistas por sus pintores en el cambio de siglo (XIX - XX)
“…The article analyzes some city paintings about Paris and Bogota done by local artists around the turn of the century, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, taking into account two kinds of urban pictorial representations: i) urban scenes paintings, in which the city is the place for life and so human figures are relevant to the composition; and ii) urban landscape paintings, in which the main character is the city itself and, therefore, portrays of its inhabitants are quite uncommon. …”
Digital431 -
Published 2009
Los DBA y las tic en educación especial del instituto pedagógico nacional
“…The project uses tic as a component for improving and strengthening the basic learning devices (bld), which are the fundamental basis for knowledge acquisition and learning of every human being. Within the search for information there are not theorical references to develop the unified bld, for that reason the research group developed tools for data collection and evaluation.…”
Digital432 -
Published 2021
Impacto de la combustión del transporte terrestre en la calidad del aire y la salud pública en áreas urbanas. Una revisión
“…Land transportation is a necessity today, whose operation is generated mainly by the use of fossil fuels, which through incomplete combustion in motor vehicles generate the energy necessary for their movement, as well as the emission of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and volatile organic compounds, which in contact with humans are considered the main causes of respiratory, carcinogenic and blood diseases. …”
Digital433 -
Published 2013
Grafías, trazas y rúbricas en la inimagen de la ciudad contemporánea
“…That is how water currents, winds, movements in plant life, seismic activity, heat waves, animal migrations and social human anatomy’s rhizomatous movements function. It is possible to square matter with energy in motion, the same as we can speak of quantum urban environments. …”
Digital434 -
Published 2021
Evaluación in silico de péptidos derivados de la secuencia peptídica 8b-13 hacia el complejo FGF8b/FGFR
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)435 -
Published 2022
Análisis De Hallazgos Histopatológicos En Paloma Domestica (Columbia Livia) Provenientes De La Plaza De Bolívar, Bogotá D.C
“…Pigeons (Columba livia) are a cultural part of the historic centers of the great cities of the world, among them the Plaza de Bolivar in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, without However, they are an invasive species that can become a threat to human health. of visitors (Redondo, Vega & Forero, 2018). …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)436 -
Published 2023
Determinación de la actividad antiviral in vitro de derivados de miricetina de Marcetia taxifolia contra los virus del chikungunya, zika y dengue.
“…Marcetia taxifolia is a shrub of the Melastomataceae family, for which secondary metabolites have been described with in vitro antiviral activity against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Preclinical evaluations of potential antivirals require reliable and reproducible methods. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)437 -
Published 2021
Patrones culturales percibidos en el trabajo infantil rural que amenazan el derecho a la educación
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)438 -
Published 2021
Estudio comparativo de métodos para el reconocimiento de potenciales relacionados a eventos P300 para una interfaz cerebro-computador
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)439 -
Published 2021
Estudio de restos dentales (odontometría, morfología dental, paleopatología dental y descripción de fitolitos) de una muestra de una población prehispánica del departamento de Nari...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)440