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Published 2024
Aplicación de la norma técnica del crecimiento y desarrollo en el menor de 10 años en el componente de detección temprana de las alteraciones visuales y oculares
“…According to the Colombian concept, early childhood is understood as the first stage of life. included from birth to 6 years of age, this developmental process being human, the critical period between the acquisition of new skills and abilities allowing a normal, consecutive and successful evolution that grants the infant quality of life without limitations (1)…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado201 -
Published 2021
Necesidades de atención en enfermería a la gestante con diagnóstico de mortinato
“…Perinatal loss in any week of gestation is a frustrating and devastating experience for any human being, for which a timely and quality nursing intervention is required, from this derives an adequate communication with the family that goes through this process and about all an experience where memorable moments can be rescued to properly conclude an acceptance process.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)202 -
Published 2024
Creación e implementación de videos instructivos para el uso correcto de los equipos biomédicos presentes en la Clínica Veterinaria, sede Circunvalar de la UAN
“…In Colombia, veterinary clinics lack specific regulations for the maintenance and use of biomedical equipment, unlike the mandatory regulations established for human health services. This deficiency can lead to damage to the equipment used in veterinary clinics, resulting in issues with patient safety, a lack of timeliness in service delivery, and high costs for the repair of biomedical equipment…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)203 -
Published 2021
Revisión de los procesos para la producción de combustibles provenientes de residuos plásticos.
“…Currently the generation of solid waste is one of the greatest environmental problems that directly refers to the environment and humanity. Due to the composition of the plastic, it is an element that makes it resistant to any type of treatment to be degraded. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)204 -
Published 2022
Interface humano-máquina para la restauración del sentido de lateralidad en niños con parálisis cerebral espástica
“…Reports in the literature show that serious video games support rehabilitation in learning fields, confirming that a human-machine interface is an innovative tool in this process.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)205 -
Published 2022
La Ética Como Garante De Confianza Y Fe Pública En Los Profesionales De Contaduría.
“…Ethics is a guarantor for the accountant due to his comprehensive training where each act as a human being reflects the importance and capacity of his values when determining the good and evil of an act, the own standards reflect the condition when strengthening trust or signing with public faith.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)206 -
Published 2023
Valoración y cumplimiento de las normas existentes con relación a la contaminación atmosférica en la ciudad de Neiva
“…Air pollution is one of these problems that affects to a greater or lesser extent proportion to all large cities, and refers to the presence in the atmosphere of substances that cause serious inconvenience, risk or damage to human beings and property of any kind. nature, that is, animals, plants and artificial material objects; its damage level is associated with the quality and quantity of the substances that are emitted into the atmosphere by, mainly, human sources classified as fixed or mobile; hence the Law of environment contains different instruments aimed at controlling the quality and quantity of these substances in the air, such as standards for air emission and immission levels.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)207 -
Published 2013
Segmentación de labio mediante tecnicas de vision de maquina y analisis de histograma
“…This paper describes the development of an algorithm of artificial vision, which uses the color space conversion RGB of the image of the human face, to the color space YCbCr. Through analysis of histogram of Cr component, is achieved the calculation of an apropiated treshold for the tresholding and segmentation of the lip region. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article208 -
Published 2021
Segmentación de labio mediante tecnicas de vision de maquina y analisis de histograma
“…This paper describes the development of an algorithm of artificial vision, which uses the color space conversion RGB of the image of the human face, to the color space YCbCr. Through analysis of histogram of Cr component, is achieved the calculation of an apropiated treshold for the tresholding and segmentation of the lip region. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion209 -
Published 2021
Implementación de un prototipo de granja vertical para el control y monitoreo del crecimiento de las plantas, haciendo análisis de imágenes, forma, tamaño y color utilizando intern...
“…The increase in population in the world affects different areas such as food security, occupation of territory, and food security, therefore it makes it mandatory to modify the dynamics of behavior in human beings, the problem can be observed from two points of view, the first corresponds to the union of food security and reduced urban spaces and the second from the implementation and technological integration.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)210 -
Published 2022
Estimación de sexo a través de las estructuras dentales: Scoping Review
“…Sex estimation is important to determine the biological profile of human skeletal remains, contributing to the identification, it is essential to determine other traits such as age, ancestry or stature. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)211 -
Published 2023
Análisis de oportunidad de la empresa colombiana Kamati Ltda para internacionalizarse en Miami Florida.
“…It is from these new technologies that industrial automation is seen as a key to industrial development, maximizing product quality, improving productivity, and gradually reducing human intervention…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)212 -
Published 2024
Pasantías En El Ministerio De Hacienda Y Crédito Público
“…This degree work exposes the competencies acquired in the sub directorate of Human Talent Management of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)213 -
Published 2013
Segmentación de labio mediante tecnicas de vision de maquina y analisis de histograma
“…This paper describes the development of an algorithm of artificial vision, which uses the color space conversion RGB of the image of the human face, to the color space YCbCr. Through analysis of histogram of Cr component, is achieved the calculation of an apropiated treshold for the tresholding and segmentation of the lip region. …”
Digital214 -
Published 2021
Risk map for the water quality of municipal supply systems. A Colombian case
“…Meeting the requirements of water quality for human consumption is one of the main challenges faced by companies supplying aqueducts; due to the degradation of the supply sources, the deterioration of the watershed and climate changes threaten the system components. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion215 -
Published 2021
Proporción del diámetro mesio-distal de los dientes antero-superiores, como factor dimórfico sexual en un grupo de individuos mestizos colombianos. Estudio exploratorio
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)216 -
Published 2021
Odor representations of the city. Olfactory experiences in literature: a sociological reading
“…The intention is to make visible other voices with a heuristic performance for the sociological investigation of odors, gender, and their relationship with human and non-human entities in large cities.…”
Artículo revisado por pares217 -
Published 2022
Percepción De Los Estudiantes De Odontología De La Uan, Sede Armenia, Frente A Pacientes Con Vih/Sida
“…The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has generated a pandemic that has coexisted with us for approximately four decades. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)218 -
Published 2023
Diseño de una interfaz usando Python para la identificación de asimetrías temporales en la marcha de personas con prótesis de miembro inferior
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)219 -
Published 2023
Desarrollo de la capacidad autorreguladora en ambientes hipermediales durante la consulta de información y su relación con el logro del aprendizaje.
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)220