Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- inglés 4
- english 3
- aprendizaje 2
- aprendizaje de idiomas 2
- innovación 2
- innovation 2
- lengua inglesa 2
- motivación 2
- motivation 2
- Acquisition Lexical competence 1
- Autonomous learning 1
- Bilingual 1
- Bilingüismo 1
- CLIL 1
- Challenges of Post-pandemic education 1
- Competências sociais 1
- Digital resource 1
- ELT (English Language Teaching) 1
- Educação para a cidadania global 1
- English Language 1
- Enseñanza de estrategias 1
- Estrategias de aprendizaje 1
- Gamificação 1
- ICT 1
- ICTs 1
- Jogos de papéis 1
- Learning 1
- Learning strategies 1
- Língua inglesa 1
Published 2024
Music And Culture In Elt
“…This research project presents a study where fourteen ninth graders were the participants of a proposal focused on determining the role of music in English language learning and intercultural awareness; for this research the methodology applied was Action Research.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)21 -
Published 2021
Reinforcement of the speaking skill in students of 9th grade by using a blog to provide audiovisual input
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)22 -
Published 2021
Estrategia didáctica para mejorar las habilidades de escucha en estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en la escuela de idiomas y dialectos del ejército (ESIDE)
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)23 -
Published 2023
“…This review describes the implementation of Virtual Learning Units (VLU) in the teaching of English language, based on the analysis of ten articles. …”
Digital24 -
Published 2023
“…This review describes the implementation of Virtual Learning Units (VLU) in the teaching of English language, based on the analysis of ten articles. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article25 -
Published 2024
Learning English Through Role- Musical Based On Intercultural Awareness
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)26 -
Published 2024
Guide For Teaching Phonetics Through Music
“…During the pedagogical practice of the degree program in Spanish and English Teaching, implemented at the Mercedes Nariño Women's High School, it could be perceived that two of the most complex skills to develop in teenagers are the speaking and listening skills in the English language. Considering the previous statement, English teachers confront a big challenge when teaching both abilities in the classroom, due to the fact that teachers are not clear about what to teach, when and how to implement the skills mentioned above in their activities. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)27 -
Published 2024
Development Of Intercultural Competence To Improve Communicative Processes Through Content-Based Instruction Activities
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)28 -
Published 2021
Effective strategies to help students with ADHD and Dyslexia enhance their English learning Skills
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)29 -
Published 2023
Relación del Níquel con la Hiperplasia Gingival no Inducida por Placa Bacteriana en Pacientes que Presentan Aparatología Ortodóntica. Scoping Review
“…Methodology: A bibliographic review of the literature was carried out, of articles in English language and two in Spanish that were published between 2015 and 2022, which included as populations patients with gingival hyperplasia with orthodontic apparatus with Nickel alloy, articles with patients who consumed medicines were excluded, an instrument was developed for the extraction of data using the file technique; according to Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Ministry of Social Protection of Colombia, it is determined that this study is considered risk-free, during data collection ethical principles are respected…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)30 -
Published 2024
Elaboración de material de enseñanza impreso para fortalecer procesos de lectura con sentido y significado
“…In the pedagogical practices of language carried out within the framework of the proposal of the Degree program in Spanish and English Language of the Antonio Nariño University, the privilege of decoding processes in the teaching and learning of unknown reading was demonstrated.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)31 -
Published 2023
Unidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje (UVA) y su contribución para el fortalecimiento del idioma extranjero inglés. Revisión bibliográfica.
“…This literature review shows the implementation of ICT, UVA, OVA and M - learning as digital resources in different learning environments in the subject of English, in order to demonstrate the strengthening of English language learning processes from various contents addressed with digital resources. …”
Digital32 -
Published 2023
Unidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje (UVA) y su contribución para el fortalecimiento del idioma extranjero inglés. Revisión bibliográfica.
“…This literature review shows the implementation of ICT, UVA, OVA and M - learning as digital resources in different learning environments in the subject of English, in order to demonstrate the strengthening of English language learning processes from various contents addressed with digital resources. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article33 -
Published 2023
El uso de las TIC´S en la enseñanza del inglés
“…The objective of this study is to show the main factors or aspects related to the use of ICT in English language teaching. The methodology used in the present research was based on a systematic review of different articles and scientific journals, another aspect that was taken into account at the time of carrying out the selection of such, articles were their years of publication, which had to govern between 2018 and 2023, in this way we could ensure relevant results on how ICTs are used in the process of teaching a second language "English" and evidenced the positive and negative aspects to be considered as: the advantages of using technology in the classroom, how ICT motivated students to actively participate during the class and the complications that could arise from the recurrent use of ICT in the classroom.…”
Digital34 -
Published 2023
El uso de las TIC´S en la enseñanza del inglés
“…The objective of this study is to show the main factors or aspects related to the use of ICT in English language teaching. The methodology used in the present research was based on a systematic review of different articles and scientific journals, another aspect that was taken into account at the time of carrying out the selection of such, articles were their years of publication, which had to govern between 2018 and 2023, in this way we could ensure relevant results on how ICTs are used in the process of teaching a second language "English" and evidenced the positive and negative aspects to be considered as: the advantages of using technology in the classroom, how ICT motivated students to actively participate during the class and the complications that could arise from the recurrent use of ICT in the classroom.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article35 -
Published 2024
¡Los niños también argumentan! Material de enseñanza para la escritura argumentativa en estudiantes de grado cuarto de Primaria
“…During the pedagogical practice of the Bachelor Program in Spanish and English Language, held at the Nuevo Colombianito Liceo Infantil Development School, there was a problem with the fourth grade students at the time of arguing from simple things to more complex topics, consequently the students generate abandonment in their writings easily because they do not have enough practice to finish the argumentative writing…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)36 -
Published 2024
Material de enseñanza virtual para escritura creativa de cuentos de terror
“…While the pedagogical practice of the Spanish and English Language program carried out at the Guillermo León School, a serious problem was evidenced when carrying out a writing exercise, since the classic methods for the construction of stories have been working, among them the neutral structure that does not allow seeing beyond the contextual reality. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)37 -
Published 2024
Teaching Listening Comprehension skills in Second Graders through Songs and TPR
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)38 -
Published 2023
Enhancing chemistry through clil didactic unit: The periodic table of the elements
“…The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the CLIL approach in enhancing students' comprehension of both chemistry concepts and English language skills. The research is motivated by improving students’ needs in English as a foreign language. …”
Digital39 -
Published 2021
Improving Reading and Writing skills using an e-learning platform for eighth graders
“…The goal is to support students’ weakness and difficulties in reading and writing skills to improve their English language level. A need analysis based on reading and writing was carried out in class and some instruments were applied to determine students failed causes. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)40