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- Colombia 19
- educación 13
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- educación superior 6
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- inequality 4
- Architecture 3
- Arquitectura 3
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- Sustainable development 3
- aprendizaje 3
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- pedagogía 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- renovación curricular 3
- Basic education 2
- Cultural landscape 2
- Democracia 2
- Identidad 2
- Income 2
- Investigación-creación 2
Published 2022
Herramienta para identificar las inconsistencias entre los Sistemas Financiero y Académico utilizados en la Universidad la Gran Colombia
“…With this degree work, it was possible to build a tool that manages to identify the inconsistencies presented between the Academic and Financial Systems of the Universidad la Gran Colombia, in relation to the payment of registration receipts for applicants who wish to enter the institution. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)521 -
Published 2022
Una aproximación a la protección de la familia de los miembros activos en la policía nacional de Colombia
“…In Colombia, the family description, is has evolved; the historical concept is still in use of this social institution, accompanied by the concept that of de same has raised the Colombian civil law and de political constitution of 1991 [§ 42] that adopted that global consensus, and it has been understood how the core society fundamental. …”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)522 -
Published 2023
Análisis de la dinámica de deforestación en el departamento del Guaviare (Colombia) entre los años 2014 y 2018
“…The present analysis of forest cover change present in the geographical area of the department of Guaviare, Colombia, through a multitemporal analysis of deforestation two years before and two years after the signing of the final peace agreement signed in the year 2016 between the guerrilla of the FARC EP and the Colombian State, 2014 - 2018, which identifies the hectares and areas in deforested polygons in the department. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)523 -
Published 2023
Análisis de la incidencia productiva del azúcar en la balanza comercial de Colombia entre los años 2010 - 2020
“…The main objective of this research work is to determine the participation of the Colombian sugar sector and its impact on the productive dynamics of Colombia during the 2010 period - 2020, while it is expected to determine the performance of the trade balance of this agroindustrial sector. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)524 -
Published 2023
Impacto De Las Billeteras Electrónicas En El Fortalecimiento De La Inclusión Financiera En Colombia Entre 2014 Y 2021
“…This research is a compilation of several compounds that aim to publicize the impact of electronic wallets in strengthening financial inclusion in Colombia from 2014 to 2021. Digital platforms have been an easily accessible electronic system for people in a way that has contributed with its economic factor, this monograph reviews the evolution of means of payment in world history and in Colombia.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)525 -
Published 2023
El Turismo Regenerativo como estrategia de educación y conservación ambiental en el corregimiento de Minca, Santa Marta, Colombia
“…The corregimiento of Minca in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, has experienced a growing tourist interest in recent years due to its natural beauty, its rich biodiversity and cultural history. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)526 -
Published 2023
Propuesta de un sistema de control interno, al área de inventarios en la empresa Concali Colombia S.A.S.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)527 -
Published 2023
Café verde almendra. Análisis de competitividad de la empresa café nativo Colombia en Danville, New Hampshire, Estados Unidos.
“…The development of this research monograph provides a market analysis of potential customers interested in consuming almond green coffee in Danville, New Hampshire, this study is very important to examine the level of competitiveness of Café Nativo Colombia. The overall objective is to identify market opportunities for the Colombian company Café Nativo Colombia based in Danville, New Hampshire, through competitive analysis, such as PESTEL and DOFA. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)528 -
Published 2023
Aportes del diseño industrial con el fin de potenciar el turismo en Colombia : caso de estudio: Makuruma-Palomino
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)529 -
Published 2024
Análisis De La Problemática Que Enfrentan Los Exportadores Al Momento De Realizar Un Proceso De Exportación En Colombia
“…The export processes in Colombia currently face difficulties in their operations due to documentation, transportation, and regulations that are not taken into account according to the exporter's needs when carrying out their exports. …”
Estudio descriptivo530 -
Published 2014
¿Pago por rendimiento? Una discusión de las políticas de incentivación de la productividad académica en Colombia y Alemania
“…A Discussion of Policies to Encourage Academic Productivity in Colombia and Germany…”
Digital531 -
Published 2021
La dimensión ambiental del ordenamiento territorial desde el paradigma del desarrollo sostenible en América Latina y en Colombia
“…The environmental dimension of territorial ordering from the paradigm of sustainable development in Latin America and Colombia…”
Digital532 -
Published 2021
El concepto jurídico de la familia en Colombia entre 1887 y 2019: matrimonio, la unión marital de hecho y derechos maritales de las parejas del mismo sexo.
Subjects: “…Evolución y concepto de la familia en Colombia desde 1887 a 1991 y actualmente.…”
Tesis y disertaciones (Maestría y/o Doctorado)534 -
Published 2023
Enseñanza de la lengua extranjera en Colombia: Un análisis y reflexión de las políticas, decretos y documentos de interés.
“…The teaching of a foreign language in Colombia was regulated by the General Education Law of 1994, since then the government has implemented different strategies, decrees, public policies, and documents that aim to serve as regulations and guidelines for teaching and learning processes focused on the development of communicative competence in English as a foreign language. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article536 -
Published 2024
Proyecto De Negocio Internacional Para La Exportación De Huevos Tipo Aa Desde Colombia Hasta La Ciudad De Berlín, Alemania
“…This project arises due to the installed capacity in a company from Meta department of Colombia and the oportunity to expand into new markets since eggs are widely consumed worldwide due to their varieties and easy preparation plus of course the nutritional value, vitamines and protein that it brings to the human body.…”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado537 -
Published 2024
Narrativas Dominantes en Torno A La Adaptación Familiar en Un Grupo de Mujeres Excombatientes del Conflicto Armado en Colombia
“…This research describes narratives of ex-combatants women of the illegal armed group in Colombia, where the familiar experiences are identified, before, during and after, that were present in his environment. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado538 -
Published 2021
Perspectiva de género y empoderamiento de la mujer durante la Primera Infancia en Colombia en los últimos diez años
“…Colombia is one of the countries in Latin America with a patriarchal culture that affects women and girls because of the expressions of gender violence and the inequalities that occur without discrimination of age or social stratum. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)539 -
Published 2021
Propuesta de distribución del área de almacenamiento para la empresa Sonoma Colombia S.A.S en la base de Villavicencio.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)540