Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Colombia 19
- educación 13
- education 10
- educación superior 6
- TIC 5
- Desarrollo sostenible 4
- ICT 4
- desigualdad 4
- higher education 4
- inequality 4
- Architecture 3
- Arquitectura 3
- Latin America 3
- Paz 3
- Sustainable development 3
- aprendizaje 3
- docente 3
- formación docente 3
- literatura 3
- literature 3
- matemáticas 3
- pedagogía 3
- práctica pedagógica 3
- renovación curricular 3
- Basic education 2
- Cultural landscape 2
- Democracia 2
- Identidad 2
- Income 2
- Investigación-creación 2
Published 2024
Análisis Del Problema Del Contrabando De Gasolina De Colombia A Venezuela
“…Colombia shares a border of approximately 2,219 kilometers with the Republic of Venezuela, which has allowed a commercial, economic and cultural exchange that throughout history has brought benefits to both nations. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado241 -
Published 2024
Producto turístico cultural para la recepción de viajeros franceses a Colombia
“…In this sense, the objective of this monograph is to design a cultural tourism product that includes tourist attractions in the Orinoco, Amazon, Andean and Pacific regions as a contribution to international inbound tourism in Colombia, taking as a reference the French target public. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado242 -
Published 2021
Los determinantes de la inversión extranjera directa en Colombia 2000-2019
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)243 -
Published 2021
Mitos Y Realidades En La Historia Del E-Learning En Colombia
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion244 -
Published 2021
Capacitación a los contadores para cargos ejecutivos y gerenciales en Colombia
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)245 -
Published 2021
Más allá del ruido: Una historia del Hip Hop en Colombia
“…The concern revolves around establishing the origins of hip hop as a movement youth identity to rebuild its history, to trace the major influences that feed sound and its first appearance in North America, thus determining the conditions under which appears in Colombia and in determining a horizon in which one can understand the hip hop from a genealogical perspective, ie as a category of analysis for the social sciences today…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion246 -
Published 2021
Calidad y evaluación en las instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas en Colombia
“…This research presents the state of the art synthesis systems evaluation in technical and technological institutions in Colombia, from things like the current regulations on National Higher Education, institutional documents and statistical data from the National Information System SNIES Higher Education, the National Accreditation Council and the Ministry of Education. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion247 -
Published 2021
El Youth Unemployment and University Dropout at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Campus
“…The present research was carried out by making a study among college students of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Campus, in order to figure out and understand the relationship between these two phenomena.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion248 -
Published 2021
Contrast of Youth Labor Supply and Demand in the Periods before and after the Economic Opening in Colombia
“…This paper seeks to stablish the main changes between the periods before and after the economic opening of Colombia, with respect to youth demand and youth supply, through an exploratory-descriptive analysis with a longitudinal cut of three periods oftime. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion249 -
Published 2021
Municipal environment and conservation standards in Colombia: ¿protected areas, ecological networks or green infrastructures?
Artículo revisado por pares250 -
Published 2021
The environmental dimension of territorial ordering from the paradigm of sustainable development in Latin America and Colombia
Artículo revisado por pares251 -
Published 2024
Impacto de la tecnología Blockchain en la auditoría financiera en Colombia
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)252 -
Published 2017
La política pública ambiental en Colombia: más allá del paradigma desarrollista
“…The environmental public policy in Colombia: beyond the developmentalist paradigm…”
Digital253 -
Published 2024
Acceso al conocimiento biotecnológico: Un pilar para el crecimiento de Colombia
“…Access to biotechnological knowledge: A pillar for Colombia's growth…”
Digital254 -
Published 2010
Más allá del ruido: Una historia del Hip Hop en Colombia
“…The concern revolves around establishing the origins of hip hop as a movement youth identity to rebuild its history, to trace the major influences that feed sound and its first appearance in North America, thus determining the conditions under which appears in Colombia and in determining a horizon in which one can understand the hip hop from a genealogical perspective, ie as a category of analysis for the social sciences today…”
Digital256 -
Published 2011
Calidad y evaluación en las instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas en Colombia
“…This research presents the state of the art synthesis systems evaluation in technical and technological institutions in Colombia, from things like the current regulations on National Higher Education, institutional documents and statistical data from the National Information System SNIES Higher Education, the National Accreditation Council and the Ministry of Education. …”
Digital257 -
Published 2017
Valor agregado en la educación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
“…Added Value in Education by the National University of Colombia…”
Digital258 -
Published 2018
Educación en Colombia: el enfoque por competencias y la ʻ'glocalizaciónʼ
“…Education in Colombia: an Approach for Competences and “Glocation”…”
Digital259 -
Published 2024
Bibliometría De Psicología Política En Colombia Entre Los Años 2005 Al 2017
“…The main objective of this study is to identify the written production on political psychology in Colombia from 2005 to 2017, a collection of articles on political psychology is carried out in Colombia through the review of electronic journals of Colombian universities, resulting in 21 magazines in which 10 were found, the magazines with publications are: Psychologica Deeds El Caribe, Universitas Psychologica, Diversities Perspectives End Psychologica, Testis Psychologica, Revisit Cues Psychologica, Psychologica Advances De La Discipline, Psychologica Advances De La Discipline, Revisit Dialog De Sabers, Revisit Faulted Nacional De Salad Publican.…”
Estudio descriptivo260