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Suggested Topics within your search.
- educación 7
- education 6
- educación superior 4
- inclusion 3
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- Architecture 2
- Arquitectura 2
- Art 2
- Arte 2
- Bogotá 2
- Teaching method innovations 2
- Theatre 2
- architecture 2
- arquitectura 2
- aves urbanas 2
- city 2
- ciudad 2
- competencias 2
- escritura 2
- ethno-education 2
- etnoeducación 2
- inclusión 2
- innovación pedagógica 2
- jóvenes 2
- lectura 2
- matemáticas 2
- mathematics 2
- memoria 2
- metacognition 2
- pueblo nasa 2
Published 2021
Aproximación a la historia de los parques de Bogotá
“…This article presents an approach to the historical evolution of Bogota’s parks, based on the analysis of the urban development of the city from the time of its foundation up to the 21st century. …”
Artículo revisado por pares81 -
Published 2022
Rehabilitación urbano arquitectónica del Instituto Materno Infantil de Bogotá
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)82 -
Published 2022
Propuesta de pausas activas en una IPS de Bogotá
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)83 -
Published 2006
Aproximación a la historia de los parques de Bogotá
“…This article presents an approach to the historical evolution of Bogota’s parks, based on the analysis of the urban development of the city from the time of its foundation up to the 21st century. …”
Digital84 -
Published 2021
Una mirada al arbolado en la ciudad de Bogotá
“…Actualmente la planificación se extiende al arbolado urbano, con metas puntuales presentadas por la actual administración distrital en su Plan de Desarrollo “Bogotá positiva, para vivir mejor”, que fomenta la arborización de la ciudad mediante la formulación del primer Plan Distrital de Arborización Urbana con una meta de plantación cercana a los 100.000 árboles en espacios públicos y 35.000 m2 de zonas urbanas con jardín.…”
Digital85 -
Published 2012
Turn of the century Paris and Bogota as seen by their painters (19th to 20th century)
Subjects: “…Escuela de la Sabana (Bogota)…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article86 -
Published 2024
Modelo de Medición de la Fragmentación Urbana: Comparación en el centro histórico tradicional de Bogotá - El Caso de Estudio de Las Cruces y Santa Bárbara
Subjects:Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado87 -
Published 2021
Turn of the century Paris and Bogota as seen by their painters (19th to 20th century)
Subjects: “…Escuela de la Sabana (Bogota)…”
Artículo revisado por pares88 -
Published 2012
París y Bogotá vistas por sus pintores en el cambio de siglo (XIX - XX)
Subjects: “…Escuela de la Sabana (Bogota)…”
Digital89 -
Published 2013
Public And Private Service Vehicle Classification In Bogotá using SVM and AdaBoost
“…This paper presents the implementation and comparison of algorithms for support vector machines “SVM” and AdaBoost in the classification of public and private vehicles using segmented images of video sequences taken in Bogotá city. Using as tools the OpenCV libraries implemented in C. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article90 -
Published 2012
Social diversity and people’s relocation, another challenge in the Bogota River restoration process
“…The article approaches the Bogota River environmental and hydraulic restoration process from a social perspective. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article91 -
Published 2013
Graffiti as an art form and the construction of politics: multiple realms and perceptions. An overview of Bogota
“…Accordingly, it thinks about art as a scenario where all standpoints, perspectives and worldviews can converge, and graffiti can come into sight as an expression of politics, mainly, as a point of view repossessing local cultural knowledge out of artworks staged on Bogota’s public space. Finally, it argues if art forms such as graffiti have a chance at socializing and constructing memory as well.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article92 -
Published 2018
Youth Unemployment and University Dropout at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Campus
“…The present research was carried out by making a study among college students of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Campus, in order to figure out and understand the relationship between these two phenomena.…”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article93 -
Published 2021
Public And Private Service Vehicle Classification In Bogotá using SVM and AdaBoost
“…This paper presents the implementation and comparison of algorithms for support vector machines “SVM” and AdaBoost in the classification of public and private vehicles using segmented images of video sequences taken in Bogotá city. Using as tools the OpenCV libraries implemented in C. …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion94 -
Published 2021
Social diversity and people’s relocation, another challenge in the Bogota River restoration process
“…The article approaches the Bogota River environmental and hydraulic restoration process from a social perspective. …”
Artículo revisado por pares95 -
Published 2022
Evaluación de alternativas de curado para el concreto en Bogotá
“…The way in which this thesis will be carried out is by compiling information from different investigations carried out worldwide, regarding the curing of concrete, identifying its importance for the development of the chemical reactions of cement, the affectation in the mechanical properties, in addition, an investigation will be carried out to determine the difference in resistance between a concrete sample cured in the laboratory and another outdoors (in the climate of the city of Bogotá). In the development of this thesis it was possible to conclude that the curing of concrete is vital for the development of the mechanical properties and durability of the concrete, in addition, a difference in resistance could be evidenced in the concrete cured in the laboratory and the other in the open. up to 21%, which is quite considerable.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)96 -
Published 2024
El Significado de la Marihuana para Cinco jovenes de Bogotá
“…The main objective of this research is to reveal the main meanings attributed to marijuana consumption by five young university consumers from the city of Bogotá. Marijuana consumption in recent years has been taken as a public health problem, since it is among the most consumed non-legal psychoactive substances around the world, a problem that involves society from different perspectives. contexts (family, social, cultural) hence the importance of the present study, in order to establish the different meanings that young people can contribute as marijuana consumers.…”
Estudio descriptivo97 -
Published 2013
Public And Private Service Vehicle Classification In Bogotá using SVM and AdaBoost
“…This paper presents the implementation and comparison of algorithms for support vector machines “SVM” and AdaBoost in the classification of public and private vehicles using segmented images of video sequences taken in Bogotá city. Using as tools the OpenCV libraries implemented in C. …”
Digital98 -
Published 2014
Forgotten Spaces, distinct places: Social transformation of urban space in Bogotá (1850-1880)
“…The purpose of this article is linked to some forms of recovery of social and urban spaces fallen into oblivion that are evident in the social transformation of urban space in Bogotá between 1850 and 1880.The following paper presents the preliminary results of the research entitled practices and social uses of water in Bogotá (1850-1888). …”
info:eu-repo/semantics/article99 -
Published 2015
Alvaro Antonio Bernal. Percepciones e imágenes de Bogotá: Expresiones literarias urbanas
“…Lo urbano es uno de los adjetivos infaltables del ser moderno. Y una ciudad como Bogotá, ronda hoy los 10 millones de seres atascados entre sus calles, no es ajena a esta expectativa de la soledad entre multitudes de las megaurbes del mundo contemporáneo. …”