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- innovación pedagógica 2
- jóvenes 2
- lectura 2
- matemáticas 2
- mathematics 2
- memoria 2
- metacognition 2
- pueblo nasa 2
Published 2021
Dorado: arte y belleza en la periferia urbana
“…This article presents some of the theoretical and methodological elements that were part of the Dorado research-creation, carried out within the Faculty of Arts of the Antonio Nariño University, whose fundamental purpose was the discovery and reassessment of these other aesthetics that can be seen in the Ciudad Bolívar (Bogota, Colombia) locality to break with the negative stereotype that is had of it and that is still present in the collective imagination of a large part of the Bogota population. …”
Digital961 -
Published 2021
Diseño de sistema producto servicio para la comercialización y distribución de alimentos acuapónicos en el sector de cerros de la alameda en Chiquinquirá, Boyacá.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)962 -
Published 2024
Pabellón Multifuncional como símbolo de transformación ambiental en los espacios urbanos del municipio de Neiva
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado963 -
Published 2021
Estudio de prefactibilidad para la exportación de helado desde Neiva – Huila con destino a Lima Perú
“…Currently, the company in question has exclusively a line dedicated to the production and marketing of ice cream, called "Super Cone" which also has around thirty years of presence in the local, regional and national market, managing to establish seven large points of sale in six different cities, these being: Neiva, La Plata, Garzón, Florencia, Bogotá and Girardot respectively; Although the company sells different products at retail, its strength is wholesale marketing; being among its three star product lines: hard ice cream, prepackaged and soft ice cream, for which it has developed significant safety, quality and health standards with in the sanitation regulations.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)964 -
Published 2021
Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción y comercialización de vajillas biodegradables
“…The purpose of this degree work is to develop a pre-feasibility study for the manufacture and commercialization of biodegradable tableware, based on avocado seed in the city of Bogotá D.C. The work was carried out using a descriptive quantitative methodology, in which virtual surveys were carried out due to the health problems that the country presents. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)965 -
Published 2023
Evaluación como antiparasitarios internos de las soluciones homeopaticas cina ch4 y tanacetum ch6 en ovinos
“…A research work was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of the homeopathic solutions Cina CH4 and Tanacetum CH6 in comparison with a conventional control treatment with albendazole for the control of helminths and Gastrointestinal protozoa in sheep, using a completely randomized design. which was carried out in the facilities of the Antonio Nariño University (UAN) located in the town Usme , Bogotá - Colombia , the laboratory phase in the Antonio Nariño University, ring road, Bogotá-Colombia. bliss was realized research with 12 sheep in an age range of 1 to 2 years which were divided in 3 groups of 4, group 1 being the conventional control treatment with albendazole, group 2 Cina CH4, Group 3 Tanacetum CH4, obtaining as a result 100% positive in helminths with the use of Cina and 95.7% with Tanacetum and for protozoa a percentage of 100% was obtained with Cina and 100% for Tanacetum. concluding that homeopathic treatments have a very good effectiveness in helminth gastrointestinal parasites, but due to the On the contrary, in the protozoa the solution had a better and greater effectiveness. homeopathic Cina CH4.…”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)966 -
Published 2023
Diseño De Prototipo De Vivienda Modular En Barrio Berlin – Localidad De Suba
“…The present degree work is focused on the development of a sustainable modular housing architectural system for the Berlin neighborhood of the city of Bogotá. This system seeks to incorporate the concepts of progressive housing and sustainable construction. …”
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)967 -
Published 2021
Sistema objetual para la reducción del comportamiento destructivo de perros en el hogar.
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)970 -
Published 2021
Auditoría en seguridad vial ruta nacional # 25, tramo 2507. pacífico tres unidad funcional 1, abscisas km 21+000 al km 29+999, sector la Virginia – Asia
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)971 -
Published 2024
El Rap Colombiano como Mecanismo para Incentivar el Desarrollo de Conciencia Social a través del Diseño de una Página Web
Estudio descriptivo972 -
Published 2024
Concepciones y Comportamientos de Cuidadores Frente a las Manifestaciones Afectivo-Sexuales de Adolescentes con Discapacidad Intelectual
“…This study took place in the city of Bogotá after the participation of 4 (four) professional caregivers from the areas of health and social sciences, who explain in depth the interview to the expression of the personal, behavioral and environmental factors that arise in the moment in which the sexual manifestation of those who care for and respond in this way to the beliefs, socio cultural influence, behaviors, and social norms that are related. …”
Estudio descriptivo973 -
Published 2024
Pautas Comunicacionales Existentes Entre Madre Privada de La Libertad con Detención Domiciliaria y Sus Hijos (As) En Edades Comprendidas Entre 7 y 9 Años.
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado974 -
Published 2025
Restauración, automatización y puesta a punto de máquina extrusora para moldeo de plástico por soplado para la empresa Cantiplast S.A.S.
“…This project was carried out in the company Cantiplast S.A.S, located in Bogota. This company is dedicated to the manufacture of plastic products using recycled material. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado975 -
Published 2025
LIRO Herramienta para la conservación de mariposas y experiencias de aprendizaje en entornos educativos
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado976 -
Published 2025
MALJUT Mobiliario para micro apartamentos
“…Degree project focused on furniture design multifunctional to optimize monospaces in micro apartments in Bogotá, improving the housing experience of users in these spaces. …”
Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado977 -
Published 2021
Diseño del procedimiento metodológico para identificación de peligros y valoración de riesgos y diligenciamiento de la matriz de riesgos según la GTC-45 para la empresa obras proye...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)978 -
Published 2021
Sistematización de la experiencia de práctica pedagógica realizada en los semestres I, II y III de 2019-2020 con niños y niñas entre los 9 y 11 años del grado tercero del Colegio I...
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)979 -
Published 2021
Revitalización del entorno urbano a partir del desarrollo arquitectónico de la plaza de mercado del municipio de La Plata, Huila
Trabajo de grado (Pregrado y/o Especialización)980